90 days on WW

  • Hi everyone, this is my first post! I started Weight Watchers on 08/11/15 (90 or so days ago) but I'm not really seeing the results I'd like. I stopped going to weekly meetings about 6 weeks in due to financial issues, BUT I have been sticking to my points and barely ever dipping into my "weeklies" AKA my extra 49. The problem is I've only lost 13lbs! Now I know, any weight loss is better than no weight loss or weight gain...but at 317lbs I don't think I should be losing so slowly or even plateauing for more than one week at a time! Did anyone else have this problem when they first started? Am I doing something wrong and not knowing it? BTW I'm 17 and up until recently had been biking 2miles 3 times a week.
  • I can't speak for the new Smart Points program as I don't have my meeting until tomorrow, but from the date I'm assuming you are using the Points Plus system.

    Are you getting your Good Health Guidelines in? 2-dairy; 2-healthy oil; 5-veggies/fruits? Build your menus around those guidelines; also make sure you are drinking your water-it's very important. Don't go into fruit overload - it is way too easy to do since you don't have to count the points for it. If you are eating too many fruit, replace some of it with vegetables. Plan your meals ahead of time, not as you go.

    Why are you not biking? If you're still able, get back to it! The program does work and you are only to lose 1/2 to 2 pounds per week.

    Congrats on the 13 lb loss!!
  • 13 pounds in approximately 12 weeks is a completely healthy and good rate of weight loss! Definitely nothing to be sad over. WW isn't designed to be a "get it off fast" program. You're doing it right!
  • Eat your weeklies - they're part of the program, they're not there to trick or tempt you. They're built into your points. Aside from that, maybe take a week where you double check/weigh/measure absolutely everything to make sure that you're really eating the amount you think you are. Some serving sizes (like pasta) are so sad and tiny that it's easy to overeat them.

    Believe me, I know how much it sucks that the weight isn't coming off at a higher rate. But your losses are there, and they're good! As it was pointed out to me, what are your options? Give up, or keep going, and trust that it will all come together. You can do it!
  • By now, you are probably on SmartPoints. How is that going for you?

    I think your weight loss sounds fine to me. But, do make sure you aren't overdoing 0 point fruit servings. That sometimes is a problem since 0 points doesn't mean 0 calories.