Monday Monday...SBD Chat, Nov 2

  • Good Morning!

    Paying bills and drinking coffee! Thought I'd get us started, anyway, since I'm sitting at the computer! Work today...that's it. I'm amazed at the weather. When I went over to p/u Bing at my moms yesterday her back flower bed is still in bloom. Makes me worried of what's to come for us this Winter.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Monday Cluckings - November 2
    Good morning. We've had the Harvest Moon, a killing frost and the time change so now it's time for "Indian Summer". The forecast is sunshine and higher temperatures for the next few days so there's hope for getting those last outdoor tasks done. I'm hoping Ed does my leaves soon or I'll be raking them up with snow!

    Quilting Biddies meet today and I have decided not to do any more quilt bindings for a while. I need to get my own stuff done! I hate having unfinished projects hanging around and need to get my quilting room tidied up. It still has stuff to go to a yard sale hanging around and yard sale season is over until spring at least! I'm going to leave the quilting group at noon, pick up a rental carpet cleaner for the town Hall and try to get one of the rooms cleaned up. (It has a concrete floor and the carpet is glued down! Oy!) We are going to attempt to clean it and, if that doesn't work, we will sponge paint it. It can't look worse - I think.

    So here we go with another Monday, Coffee first, of course.
  • Morning, Debbie. Everything green had been hit by frost here - except the Swiss Chard! Enjoy the flowers while you can.
  • Good morning I don't mind the early light part of the time change. I'm even getting some laundry done before work.

    We've had several freezes already, so only the hardy stuff left. That includes kale, collards, carrots, and kohlrabi in the veggie garden and a few perennials. I did cut the butterfly bush back yesterday. it broke my heart losing all that lovely green, but an ice storm would really hurt the plant if I left it. Last year I experimented, cut half and left half. It regrew both from the ground and on the old branches, but the old branch regrowth wasn't attractive or hardy.

    We had a great time with the little guy Saturday, then yesterday was a busy, busy chore day. I roasted pumpkins and made pumpkin pudding and pumpkin swirl bars. Time for something different

    I guess I should start getting ready for work. Monday waits for no one.

  • Good morning, Ruth! Good for you not taking on the new quilting projects for awhile. I'm like you...need to catch up on my own stuff. I hope the carpet cleans ok. I have to take my carpet machine up to the project but not until everything else gets finished up.

    Hmmm....think I need more coffee!
  • Morning chicks.Cyndi, I am also enjoying the light this morning, but I didn't like how early it was dark yesterday!

    We are also looking at above average temps the next few days. I will have to get out and pick the Brussels sprouts in the garden.

    Got to get ready to go. Have a great day, chicks!
  • Good morning!

    Debbie, I wrote out bills yesterday, so all I have to do is drop them in the mailbox this morning.

    Ruth, I hope the shampooer works well on that carpet! Jake will be working on our leaves again today, too. We have to rake nearly every day to keep up with them, and the trees are still pretty full.

    I'm off to a dr. appointment before work this morning. Then I expect it will be a busy day at the farm, especially after the weekend!

    Good morning, Cyndi and Beth! I'm also enjoying the daylight this morning, but last night I was already complaining when it was dark at 5:30, and it's only going to get worse!
  • Oh. Bills. Why did you have to remind me? Those mortgage people do get a bit upset when you don't pay them! (We almost missed a payment the month of my surgery, since I walked out of work on the third. They actually called to see what was up!?!)

    Cyndi - what a beautiful picture! He looks older than one, but then again, I can't believe he's one already!

    You guys are so awesome on your garden. I'm hoping I'll be able to have one next year. You should see the mess it is right now! I won't ask DH to clean it up though. I guess all that decaying weeds will be good nutrients, right?!

    I have PT today - I'm *almost* recovered from Thursday, LOL. I have some errands to do, not sure which ones. I need a new recliner (I spend A LOT of time in this one - and it's meant for someone taller than me), and some stuff from Wegman's. We'll see how the day goes!

    For now, need to kick DS's butt in gear - he's got a lot to do in 20 minutes before the bus is here!
  • Good morning.

    Yes, I stayed up to watch the whole baseball game last night! This morning I realize how much my life has changed in the 30 years since I saw the Royals win in person, having just moved from the Boston area to KC.

    DH will be home most of the week. Woo hoo! We've got some plans to get out of the house and "do something." So far today our joint activity is very unexciting: we are going to follow recommendations to turn our mattress when we change the clocks so have stripped everything off the bed and are washing, washing, washing. Guess we need to do the batteries in the smoke detectors too.

    Off to the gym soon. Have a great day.
  • Good morning,

    Quick fly by for me, I am busy at work this morning even though I am wfh. I have a couple of meetings to attend and then I start my class this afternoon.

    Sounds like everyone had a great weekend and we all seem to have moderate temps for this week.

    Have a wonderful day everyone
  • Evening chicks. Arrived in Texas after a rough first flight. Poor woman in my row became "ill" from the turbulence. The second flight from Dallas felt like it took longer to get to the runway than the time in flight. The area here is bustling, yet people are courtesous. Got in 5 miles of walking. Planned on going to the gym, but I've been up since 3:30 and the hour time change is starting to kick in. They do have a great grocery store called HEB. Tammy it reminds me of Wegmann's. Stocked up on healthy snacks. Went to a great salad place for dinner. Similar to Chopped, but not intimidating. Very pleased with my food choices and walking today. We get bused to Texas A&M each morning at 7:30 and training ends at 5:15 each day. As long as it is still light I plan on enjoying it.

    Pearlrose what type of class are you taking?

    Ruth good job not taking on anymore quilting jobs.

    Karen congratulations. Lots of happy fans on my plane this morning.

    Cyndi your grandson is absolutely precious? Is that DH? Beautiful picture. Happiness shows!!!

    Linda hope your dr appt went well.

    Debbie and Beth hope work flew by.

    Time for a little more reading then off to bed.

    Have a good night y'all (I even sound southern) lol