My Mom Thinks I Have An Eating Disorder

  • The reason why my mom thinks I have an eating disorder is because I think about food 24/7. I start thinking about lunch when I'm not even done eating breakfast and Lunch and dinner is the same way so she wants me to ask my doctor if I have an eating disorder when I go see her on the 22nd. I know none of you are doctors but if your like me do you think I could have an eating disorder?

    Thanks for anyone who replies
  • I really don't know. That's a hard question for someone else to answer. But in my opinion, a lot of dieting people do this. The food becomes something to focus on. I wouldn't worry about it too much, but it couldn't hurt just to talk to the doctor about it. But I really feel it's just kind of natural at this point.
  • When I was on my diet, and to some extent now, I did focus a lot on food. I would spend a lot of time enjoying planning my next meals and buying food. When I would run, I would think about food. The issue is whether it is having an adverse effect on your life?

    If it does not cause you any displeasure and it helps you make healthy choices then I do not see a problem with it. But if you start hoarding food or undertaking other behaviors that might not be healthy either psychologically or physically then I would recommend seeing a therapist, not necessarily a doctor.
  • LesGetFit & Ian ~ But I think about food 24/7 even when I'm not dieting so could that be a problem?
  • Yes, it could be especially if you think it is. It might be worth seeing a psychologist.
  • I am not a doctor and I don't know the clinical definition of what constitutes an "eating disorder". But I am sure that I have one. I let myself get to over 300 pounds. If that is not some kind of eating disorder I am not sure what is. I think about food a good deal of time. While I am consciously dieting I am always at least mentally planning the next meal or two. I try to think what I WANT to eat that is on my diet plan. I get three meals a day and that's it, so whatever I eat I better enjoy and find it enjoyable.

    IMHO I think anybody that has reached the point of being obese has some degree of an eating disorder. For those of us who have gotten to this point food has been our source of comfort, or security, or joy, or whatever emotion you want to insert here.. I believe the only way you can lose weight and keep it off is to change the way you look at and feel about food.

    I have a very good friend who is a recovered alcoholic. One day we were talking about his addiction and recovery. He made the comment there was so much emotional stuff that went with it. I said I understood. He said you really can't until you have lived it. I looked him square in the eye and said, "If you think everytime I put food in my mouth is because I am actually hungry you are crazy! I know that everytime you took a drink it wasn't because you were thirsty! The good thing about your addiction is you can live without ever drinking another drop of alcohol. I have to not only face food, but eat it, everyday for the rest of my life." He looked at me and said, "You do understand."

    So yes, I guess your mom is at least partially right. A family practice doctor may not classify it as an "eating disorder" a psyciatric doctor probably would. I think it would be beneficial to find someone to talk to and address why you eat.
  • Thanks Ian and Kate, I do have a psychiatric doctor so I will ask her instead
  • I think about food all of the time, and I do have an issue w/food (namely binge eating disorder), but that is most of us I think. When you're trying to lose weight it can exacerbate the obsession because you have to be conscientious of what you're eating to be successful. Long story short, I think you're normal. For me one of my weird things is I think about breakfast the next day, I plan my meals on MFP before I go to bed, and I plot out cheat days sometimes weeks ahead. There's this funny quote that sums up my journey -

    "Sleep is like a time machine to my next meal..."
  • Candidcamster ~ Thanks for replying to my thread
  • Terra please let me know what your doctor thinks of this. Your post hit really close to home for me. I wasn't even finished cooking my breakfast this morning before trying to decide when I should eat again and what I should have. I do think it's impacting me in a negative way. I don't want to obsess about food. I just want to eat as I am hungry and make good choices.
  • I sure will let you know what she says, I forgot when I see her again so I'll have to call and find out tomorrow. I hope I havent missed my appt. with her. I only see her every 3 months. Yeah I didnt think I could have an eating disorder cause of only heard of the physical eating disorders, I didnt know there were mental eating disorders. I hope that makes sense.