Long Weekend Chat - Sept. 5th & 6th & 7th

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  • It's here - Labor Day Weekend when we bid farewell to summer. I guess the weather gods didn't get the memo because we are going to be very hot and humid.

    Today will be the usual Saturday flurry with bread for sale and the grind happening down at the Mill. Allisa leaves for University tomorrow morning and Anna and I will really miss her. I'll be selling bread this morning and will dash home at noon to change into period costume to help with the bagging of flour as Chris does The Grind. I'm really not looking forward to the next three days since I will probably be on duty from 10 to 5 since we will have no staff at all.

    I sound grumpy but I think I'm just tired and "over-volunteered". That will change when I take that lovely drive to pick up the bread. There's no fog for a change this morning and it's still relatively cool at 58ºF - a pleasant morning.

    Enjoy the weekend.
  • Mmmmm, Ruth - how do you have fresh bread in your car, and not eat it all?! (and then wear that period costume and not pass out in this heat...)

    We're driving up to Erie today (3.5 hours) to see my college roommate that is still a good friend. Should be fun! Her son is a....wooooo....energetic little bundle! Maybe my kids can wear him out?

    Time to make the coffee....
  • Good morning! Did you gals leave any coffee for me?

    Ruth, I would have to save a loaf of bread for myself, especially all warm and fragrant from the oven! I hope it doesn't get too hot for you.

    Tammy, have a nice drive and fun visit with your friend today! At least your two should sleep on the drive back home, LOL!

    This afternoon is our Red Hat picnic and planning for our vacation to Ocean City, MD next week. I'm making a fruit salad as my contribution, and was happy to find berries on sale at the Giant, yesterday. I won't get home until this evening, and hope I have enough energy left to make potato salad and deviled eggs for our family cookout at my brother's for tomorrow. I already have the veggies chopped and the eggs cooked, so it'll be easy to throw together. Monday is going to be a day of loafing around the house. Then next week I only have to work T,W, & TH, and then I leave for a week at the shore!

    What're everyone's weekend plans?
  • Linda I want to be you! Sounds like you have a lot of excitement to look forward to.

    Tammy after 20 plus years my college BFF is still my BFF

    Ruth I hope I have your energy when I retire. Sounds like a long, tiring day!

    Sophie happy the hear things are well with you.

    Nothing new hear. My work photo is awful! Even my mom agreed. It doesn't even look like me or worse maybe it does. Have a great day.
  • Happy Holiday weekend to everyone!
    We are going to have hot summer weather right through next week. I will be glad for the AC here at the house since our school is not. Today will be chore day: laundry, salsa production and then I am hoping to shampoo the living room rug. It smells like summer funk.

    Ruth, have a great day, even though it is so busy.
    Tammy and Linda, enjoy your festivities! Gathering with friends is such fun.
    Jennifer, are you working this weekend? I can't remember; with your new position are you Monday-Friday?

    Off to find breakfast and ice cubes for my coffee.
  • Good morning.

    Bread is my kryptonite. LOVE it.

    I'm worn out after two long, late shifts at work. I'm headed back today, but finally will be home before dinner. I tossed and turned last night trying to figure out how to tell my manager that I really don't want to work nights. I thought it was a job requirement (based on my last store and the online job description) but am finding many of my coworkers will just work days.

    I'm really feeling my allergies today. My eyes are so itchy and puffy!

    Have a great weekend.
  • L
    Hello Everyone and Happy Long Weekend!!!
    Started my day pretty well but after my workout I started having what I call SBD Sickeness' from the sugar and grain withdrawal. Last time it didn't start until day 8 or 9 I think. This is way earlier. So my plan is to take it easy and drinks lots of water today. I managed to do 4 workouts with 1 double workout day. Not my goal but pretty darn close.
    RuthBeing near that bread would kill me right now...your good
    Tammy and Linda really enjoy yourselves today and drink LOTS!
    Jennifer if you are taking it down a notch today, please try not to fill your day with too many chores. It might feel like work otherwise.
    SophieHave a good one!
    Cheers, FR
  • Good morning!

    I'm enjoying coffee out on the porch. Kirk came with me and we drove over super early yesterday. I had time to unload the car and enjoy some coffee and smoothie before I headed off to work. So Kirk's shoulder is not rotator cuff and it's not any kind of joint replacement. They can't do an MRI because of metal in his body so she sending him to six weeks of PT and then reevaluate. His daughter drove in from San Francisco should have arrived in Denver super early this morning. I have no idea what will be on our agenda for the next few days other than my work.

    For now I'll just enjoy coffee and not think about it. LOL. Have a great day everyone!
  • Happy Day to us all. The sun is peeking through the trees at the edge of the dogyard but it hasn't turned up the heat. That'll be later.

    I was at the Mill all day yesterday and am hoping for a shorter shift today. We had over 200 people visit and the Mill Bread sold out quickly. People were also buying lots of flour to take home to the city - schools re-open Tuesday and folks were closing their cottages and leaving tomorrow morning. Too bad as it looks like September is going to be summery.

    Today should be a quiet day but we never know. I am going to take one of my overdue quilts to work on if it's very quiet. Hand-sewing a quilt in the Office seems appropriate to an 1810 Mill. Tomorrow will be more of the same. I may try to work in a "weekend" later in the week.

    Enjoy this last Holiday Weekend, Chickies.
  • Good morning everyone.

    Ruth hope you get some quilt time in at the Mill. Sounds like it was crazy busy yesterday!

    Beth my days off are Sunday and Monday. I miss my three day work weeks lol

    Debbie hope Kirk gets some relief with PT. My step dad can't have MRIs either, defibrillator and pacemaker no magnetometers at airports either. Hope you had a nice visit with his DD.

    Karen hope your boss changes your schedule.

    Nothing on my schedule, just chores and errands. I am trying to skip grocery shopping this week. DS will need milk, but otherwise we still see to have enough food for the week. Unfortunately I do need to make a Walmart run. It is beautiful here and will go for a ride before the temps climb too high.
    Enjoy the long holiday weekend
  • Whew! Don't have to go to the Mill until noon - Sundays are normally very quiet. Monday is a maybe. Just realized the store will be closed for Labour Day tomorrow so will stock up on coffee and cookies for my Tuesday morning Executive meeting which will be here. Oh joy!
  • Good morning

    what an exciting morning. I was fixing dh breakfast and notice a little green and orange bird looking thru my kitchen window. Next thing we knew it was sitting on his mug. We were able to capture it and brought it to spca. It was a Fischer lovebird. So cute but against my principles to cage a bird.
    yesterday was spent on the trent canal near brighton. I really dont like being on a boat but friends invited us and dh loves it.
    welcome to another canadian, foxyroxy. You are doing great.
    have a nice holiday weekend everyone.
    take care
    family for dinner tonight
  • Sophie that is so cool. Do you think the bird is someone's pet? I had a parakeet when I was a child. His name was Charlie after "Charlie's Angels." lol Maybe I knew what I wanted to be way back then. We used to let him fly around the house and he could say his name and "pretty bird." My grandma wouldn't allow dogs or cats, but she always liked birds. She had a minor bird named Buddy before I was born.
  • Hello All,
    Just wanted to give a heads up to my chocolate cake recipe post. If you're interested, it really isn't what you'd expect. It's in desserts phase 1. I've been doing a lot of cooking so I'd thought I'd share. Still feeling a little ill on and off but good to go. I hope everyone is enjoying themselves. Drink lots if your in the heat. Have a good one!
    Cheers, FR
  • I realize I never did check in this morning! I was busy running to the store and making potato salad and deviled eggs before spending the rest of the day at my brother's, and most of the time I was in their hot tub. This was the first time in forever that we didn't have the cookout here, and it was so nice to be able to come home and not have a mess to clean up.
    Tomorrow I plan to do not much of anything, just have a quiet, relaxing, day and maybe throw something on the grill for supper later.

    Debbie, it sounds like Kirk's shoulder problem is a lot like Jake's. They really can't do much for him, either, but he's learned to just deal with it. I hope you all have a nice visit with his DD.

    Ruth, that's nice that you didn't have to spend the day at the Mill. I hope you get caught up on your quilt!

    Jennifer, I hope you got your bike ride in. It did get pretty darned hot & humid today.

    Sophie, your morning sounded so exciting, and I'm glad you were able to take the bird to the SPCA. We used to have parakeets, and would leave the door of their cage open so they could fly in and out during the day. They would sit on our shoulders and liked to turn the pages in the kid's books while they were doing homework. Ours also said "pretty boy", and would go nuts whenever the Honeynut Cheerio commercial came on with the honey bee that whistled, LOL. All we had to do when we wanted them back in their cages was hold out our finger, and they would land on it and we'd put them in their cage and close the door. I sure do miss them. I had a canary when I was growing up, and I loved to hear it sing.

    Foxyroxy, welcome! I was checking out your chocolate cake recipe and I may try it one day. It sounds good, and thanks for sharing it!