Weather where you are?

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  • Super hot and sunny here in Toronto area...

    What is the weather like where you are?
  • Finally gorgeous here in Minnesota after a couple really hot and muggy days. It was like Satan's Sauna around here over the weekend. Now it's sunny, dry heat, with a magically cool breeze.
  • cool breeze sounds wonderful.... I'm don't want to rush summer away, but I really prefer the fall.
  • Quote: Finally gorgeous here in Minnesota after a couple really hot and muggy days. It was like Satan's Sauna around here over the weekend. Now it's sunny, dry heat, with a magically cool breeze.
    Same in North Dakota. I hate the heat but hot without that ghastly humidity is a relief.
  • It's horrible here in Phildelphia! Hazy, hot, and humid! By the end of the week the temp is supposed to be in the low 80's and I can't wait!
  • Quote: It's horrible here in Phildelphia! Hazy, hot, and humid! By the end of the week the temp is supposed to be in the low 80's and I can't wait!
    Oh, I was there 2 weeks ago for a conference and it was beastly. I stayed in a hotel attached to the convention center and only went outside about 4 times in 5 days and only to cross the street. I made the hotel give me another room because the AC wasn't working right in the first one.
  • Typical Tennessee summer here. That means low to mid 90s almost every day and humid. At least in is good pool weather!
  • Wish I were near a pool!

    Hot, Humid, but blue skies with fluffy white clouds look cheerful. We have way too many cloudy days so even tho it is about 90, I celebrate seeing some blue sky!!

    Agree that Fall time is the absolutely best season of the year.
  • Hot a humid here in Alabama!
    Though the last two days have been fantastic. There's been a constant breeze.
  • it's been either really rainy here, with rain pouring down for days straight, or very warm for this part of the country, with temps in the 80s and even up to 90 one day, which is very unusual for an Alaskan rainforest....we had the wettest July on record, following the driest June....interesting

    also lots of bees and wasps around this year, more so than normal...and the fireweed and lupine bloomed early, which means an early winter is coming
  • Hot with a 100% chance of motorcycles!

    I live in the Black Hills of SD near Sturgis. It's the 75th annual bike rally. Other than work, we're hibernating. :-) Seriously, it's fun for 2 minutes and then you realize you can't fill your car up with gas because there are 7-10 bikes gathered around every pump. You also need to add at least an hour of drive time to wherever you are going out of town. We're talking record-breaking attendance this year. It is always hot during the rally, and usually some hail too. Some areas got a pretty wicked storm last night, but it just missed me.
  • bike rally sounds like fun!

    Cool here today, felt like September this morning.
  • I wish it were that warm here! Typical English weather in London right now, cold, rain and thunderstorms! It's about 16C (62F)

    I miss the sunshine!!
  • I think I would take 16C over the 32C forcasted for the next 3 days here.

    I hate the heat, I shrivel up like a flower.
  • normal weather not so cold and not so hot