Scales: which do you use/like?

  • So I've had this Healthometer scaled since November. I bought it because it was lightweight, measured in .2 increments and the display a lit blue with black writing. Now I can't stand it, I have to reposition it 5+ times otherwise it will keep flashing E (error) and the display lasts 3 seconds before turning to E (it's not the batteries and I've even tried placing a wood board beneath it.

    My son gave me a g.c. to Bed, Bath and Beyond and I want to go buy a new scale. Any recommendations?
  • I use an EatSmart scale I got off Amazon. At the time I bought it I needed one that 400 lbs wouldn't break, since the hubby was getting close to that number. It usually matches my Dr.'s fancy one pretty close, give or take a lb or two due to clothes. It also does .2 increments and is step on. I got the ultra wide one.

    I've had it for 5 years and the only time I have issues is when the batteries get low or when my dog/cat has a moment of vanity and decides to lay on it. Then I just re calibrate it and it's back to working great.

    The cat however needs to drop some vanity lbs. The dog's been making fun of him.
  • Thanks for the review. I think I'm going to have to order from amazon, pretty much every scale I can find in stores (walmart, target, bed-bath and beyond) have bad reviews.
  • I have a HealthoMeter Scale as well and I just bought a new battery for it. I wonder how accurate it is...

    Maybe I'll buy a new scale too! Dee
  • Well, my Healthometer Scale is not accurate and unreliable even with the new battery. I tried putting it in different places and I weighed myself 3 or 4 times and I get all different readings. Time for that scale to go in the garbage.

    I'll probably order from Amazon as well. Oh well... At least I'm sticking to the diet so maybe I'll be in for a BIG surprise when my new scale gets here.
