Hi there!

  • Hi all!

    While I figured out what kind of plan I was going to go on, I counted calories. I read through the success stories and the great majority of stories were written by people who lost weight counting calories. So I had an epiphany...ha ha ha! I should just go with counting calories. Yes, I am that dull sometimes!

    I've been counting for 3 weeks and I've lost 17 pounds. I'm focused on lower carb whole foods. It has SLOWED down, so now I have to start working out. Eww.

    I'm dedicated to getting fit. If anyone wants a diet/workout buddy - let me know! I'm going to be around for a LONG time...

    1: (-9) 2: (-6) 3: (-2) 4: (-1)
  • Hi Justfortoday! Welcome & I hope you enjoy your stay, I credit this awesome community w/helping me lose over 60 lbs. & keeping me motivated & on track for the past 13 or so months I've been a member. Congratulations on your weight loss, if it is ok to add my 2 cents... if you're into working out, go with it, but don't beat yourself or feel pressured if you're not. I began at over 300 lbs., and while my weight loss has been slow by many people's standards (about 16 months to lose 75 or so lbs.) most of it was lost without exercising, calorie counting really does work. When I did finally start exercising which helped break me out of a plateau-like slump (of weighing in the 240's from late November/2014 to late March/2015) I did Leslie Sansone Walk At Home, she is too mild for some people but for me as a girl who hates exercise (except the occasional home alone dancing) it made me break a sweat and knocked some pounds off my body. BTW that was with a mere 9 to 18 minutes dedication a few times a week (I began with doing half a mile and worked up to a whole mile). I wish you the absolute best on your journey, keep going, you're doing wonderful!
  • Hi Justfortoday! I'm recommitting to calorie counting, also with a focus on low carb whole foods. And I'm also in Florida (northeast). I would love to be your diet buddy!
  • Hi! Just wanted to welcome you and wish you well on your journey!
  • Justfortoday.. congrats on the 17lbs lost so far. Good luck on the rest of your journey. I have started counting calories again myself. I have had the best luck by counting calories.
  • So I have been fighting insomnia for the last few weeks. I quit drinking in order to lose weight - I was drinking too much anyway...so weight loss is a good excuse. One of the side effects of quitting alcohol is insomnia. OMG! It's terrible! I have occasional 3 second thoughts about getting hammered, but it really hasn't been so bad other than not sleeping.

    I HATE to work out, but it has to be done... I have an elliptical, a treadclimber, and a ton of Taebo dvd's. I can do 30 minutes on the elliptical, about 2 on the treadclimber (AKA the death machine), and about 10 minutes of Taebo. I'm completely out of shape!!

    So what's your challenge? What's holding you back? What are your favorite go to foods?
  • I've been on vacation for the last week, so I'm essentially starting fresh today. Up at 6am for strength training (what would be considered "light" by anyone other than me, for whom it was "strenuous") followed by a short walk. 1939 steps on my Fitbit and some weight lifting all before 7am makes me feel like I've made a great start! Now let's see if I can eat well - that's my number one challenge.
  • I could very well be alone in this, but I think it's okay to cheat on your birthday, Christmas, and vacation!! Where did you go?

    Props to your workout this morning!! That's where I falter. I HATE to work out! I tend to push it back until it's too late - that's what I did yesterday. So now I have to do the elliptical AND upper body weight training. My plan was to be addicted to working out (all the skinny girls love to work out right???) before school starts. Then I was going to get up at 5 and just do it. As I type, my heart is falling into my belly. ha ha ha!

    My hubs just had WL surgery, so I get to cook for myself. It has been SO EASY! I don't have to worry about whether he likes this or that. I generally have steak, pork chops, or chicken and edammame (sp?) or a yummy combo of peppers, mushrooms, and onions fried up in a tablespoon of olive oil. So good! I only eat fresh, whole foods I like.