Alternachick chat August 11+

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  • Morning everyone!

    Well it looks like we are going to have another cloudy/slash sunny/maybe thunderstorms day again today Do I bring my sunglasses or my umbrella to work today or both? Sandals or rubber boots?

    Lidian- to answer your question from the happy and grateful thread....I had a little meltdown yesterday...a combination of stress from work, not liking the way my boss acts (also something he said last week that was completely inappropriate), frustration and trying to find a new job and not having much success, money worries, worrying about DH at his job, DH's upcoming arm surgery in November, my mom has been sick for 2 weeks, feeling put upon by other people (when will I learn to say "No! I'm busy!" ? ) and feeling tired and depressed.

    I just have to give myself a shake and get my act together- I have been through worse and I'll get through this too.

    Ellis-hope you had fun in Montreal with your family!

    Hope you all had a good weekend!
  • Mauvais- I can relate completely. It seems like the "bad stuff" always comes in streaks and feels overwhelming. Then things ease up for a while. When you have a bad job on top of it all it makes things just about intolerable. BEEN THERE!! I really hope that things ease up for you SOON. You know I battle with depression myself, and sometimes it really DOES feel like the universe is out to get you, but THIS TOO SHALL PASS!!

    I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed myself this morning. But also feel a bit like we just dodged disaster when DH got that full time position. JUST WISH THE PROBLEMS HAD WAITED FOR THE PAYCHECKS!! Today someone is coming to fix the air. Our dryer has been out for weeks and now the fridge is on the fritz which means throwing out food. GGRR!! The question is: HOW LONG CAN WE WAIT TO DEAL WITH ALL OF IT? But then I think, "This could have been happening with a part time salary and it would have been even worse." We made plans to go to Tobermory for a few nights, and I now feel like we shoud cancel to save money. BUT I'M NOT GOING TO!!! We deserve a break, and with DS16 going in to 11th grade there may not be many vacation opportunities left with him!!!
  • Hi everyone...

    Mauvais, it does really seem like things happen all at once, and stress can really pile up. Like Den, I've been there too and am wishing you all the best (whatever that means! but you know what I mean) and I try to tell myself that as the Buddha said, "it changes" and things will ease up...

    Den, you totally deserve a nice vacation and no way should you cancel! I am very glad you are going!

    Went to our family doc today and got a list of therapists (individual and couples related) to start phoning after our vacation which starts Friday - which will really BE a vacation unlike the in law visit, hahaha!

    How's everyone else doing?

  • I hope things get better Mauvais!
  • Mauvais, you're entitled to feel the way you do. Better to feel it and talk about it than not and go postal some day at work! Hope things get better for you.

    Den, go on that vacation! If we waited until we really could afford those things, we'd never go.

    Lidian, good luck with the therapists! I hope you find one that works well with you.

    Hiya Squeak!
  • Hi ladies!

    I had a wonderful weekend. A big fat weekend of nothing! I spent the day at beach yesterday. It was crowded but we swam out past the boogie boarders and just rode the swells for about an hour. Very nice. Of course, I'm crispy around the edges but that happens.

    I needed the rest. Oh god, did I need the rest.

    My incompetant boss comes back tomorrow from her vacation. She's already called to get the update. Since our entire database went corrupt while she was gone, I was glad she did so that I wouldn't have to put up with her ranting and raving in person. It's hard to control my rolling eyes.
  • Yeah, they had to take my scissors away at work today

    Lidian and Wildfire-Thanks you sweeties!!!

    HI SQUEAK!!!!!

    HI JESSICA!!!!!
  • Den- The letter openener is in the bottom drawer of my desk hidden under my supply of herbal tea
  • So.....they better hope that you DON'T run out of that nice calming tea!!!!
  • HI Den! to you too, but you are very right - it may be a bunch of stuff at once, but it is a full time salary And go on vacation. You and the rest of the family deserve it.

    Hi Wildfire! HI Jessica! Hi Lidian!! HI Mauvais!

    Things here are ok, I guess. But oh my did I get a huge kick in the butt, motivator, etc. for losing weight. Try seeing a few back-end, side shots of you in shorts & a tank top, about 15 feet tall on a projector screen in a department wide (a few hundred people) meeting. It was pictures from our recent picnic. Did I ever look f huge!
  • Well Squeak- that must have been awful for you- my sympathies <hug> but you are right - what a motivator! Sometimes it takes something like that to make you get your butt in gear- you go girl!
  • Oh Squeak...yes, that is like the dreaded video cam for me! I hate when people are filming and then you have to see it afterwards - **** for me would be watching myself on a big screen shot from some awful angle, with 6 chins, eating. (I speak from experience!) I don't even like bank/dept store cameras, I inevitably look like I never comb my hair, generally dishevelled and enormous (& no neck, I might add!).

    Don't like photos either, but at least there's a time gap between the taking of them and the dreaded seeing of them.

  • Oh, sympathies.
  • Thanks, Mauvais... we had a wonderful time in Montreal. It's such a fun, beautiful city.
    You're having a crappy time! I'm so sorry, sweetie! Is your Mom okay? I hope it's nothing serious. And DH is having surgery? Is HE okay? And you... we've just GOT to get you a new job. And you need to start practicing small with the "NO's!!" It does get easier. You'll actually feel rather selfish initially, but get over it. It beats having everyone dump on you and having a nervous breakdown. Anyhow, you KNOW you're not going to say NO to the people who count. It's all those other dweebs...
    Hugs, hon...

    Den, you're having "The Breakdown Blues". I'm so sorry, hon. You need to write a poem about it... you're SO good at that!! All of this crap will pass. Hey, you didn't expect to get TOO far ahead with that new salary, did you? sigh. THAT'S when things go wrong... when you think you've got a little extra. But all that really matters is that you and your sweet DH and DS1 and 2 are well and safe.

    Lidian, I'm so glad to hear that you'll soon be shopping around for a therapist. Don't put it off when you get back, okay? Better to do it when you're feeling relatively good than to leave it until you're on the verge of ripping off limbs.

    Jessica, so glad to hear that you had a good weekend. I hope the computers are back in order at work...

    Squeak, so sorry about the screen shots. I feel for you... I accidentally saw my bum in the bathroom mirror at the hotel this weekend, and I almost passed out.

    Wildfire, what's YOUR problem!? Everyone else here is in some sort of pain, poor darlings. How about you?

    I hope everyone is recovering... love and hugs to all...