Hump Day Beach Chat, Wednesday May 20

  • Good Morning

    Just another rainy day in paradise! LOL

    Yesterday was even crazier at work! Whew! I guess the restaurant down the street has been closed this week. The owner is the Mayor of our town and has another income. lol. It's certainly been boosting my income and I'm hoping for another one and prepared by going to bed early last night. I was supposed to go to Glenwood today and was rethinking last night. I decided this morning that I would get the car completely packed and that I could make it if I picked up the pups and hit the road immediately. I've achieved that goal and am removing the clutter around the house so I can come back early Saturday and get right to gardening. Sounds like a plan! I've found some time to love my rescue family this morning, too. The kitty has forgiven me for bath/tummy shave and Bing and Kirby are right by my side. That makes for a nice morning. Well I think I'll go locate some more coffee.

    What's everyone up to today? Stop and say hi!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Good morning Debbie and chicks to come. Seems like you gave everything in order for today. I may venture out for some annuals later today. Joe is working in Westchester. I am meeting him before he starts to pick up my pressure washer. Hopefully next week I can attack the house and deck. I plan on paining ing the deck next week. Otherwise same old same old here.
  • Mornin' chicks - quick fly by - I'm working today, then driving to a CE/resort until Fri AM, which then I drive back to work. I'm looking forward to it, it's a fabulous resort (look up Nemacolin woodlands resort) and bringing a friend so she can relax.

    Same ole, same ole. Visiting you every day, just lurking more!
  • Boy! Do I ever need a pressure washer, Donna and Ted borrowed my old one and then Ted lent it to Dennis who returned it broken! I'm still PO'd about it and both guys have been dead for a year or more. Guess I should get over it, eh?

    We got a splash or rain overnight and it's a tad cool at 44º but supposed to get up to 61º later. So much for the lovely summer weather we've had lately. I did buy some herbs yesterday for my deck planter and intend to plant them today. Since I'm still coughing, I cancelled out on pet therapy and plan an "at home" day for a change.

    Time for a second coffee and then I'll crank up the day. Happy Hump Day!
  • Anyone ready for another cup?

    I'm ready to get on the road in a few minutes to make it to my chiro appt. before work, and I'll be leaving shortly after lunch for another appt. across town, and then we have Amber's concert tonight.

    Debbie, they showed pictures of your snow on our news channel, and the grandkids were amazed, lol!

    Tammy, have a safe drive to the resort, and have a wonderful time!

    Jennifer, I may have to go back and re-read the weekend posts, but how was your bike trip? I hope you managed to miss all the storms!
  • Good morning, Ruth! Have a pleasant day planting your herbs!
  • Rainy morning here. Will go out to eat with DS but haven't decided yet if lunch or dinner. Probably dinner since he's likely to sleep until afternoon! Didn't end up riding bikes yesterday because my neighbor invited me to walk and we hadn't done that or catched up in ages. Spent hours already on the new photo-software that I am testing and will be back at it today. It is taking me a very long time to do things with images but there is some pretty cool stuff to be done.

    Have a great day.
  • Good morning Heading off to see the doc this morning. I'm guessing tendonitis and I'm hoping cortisone. It's the middle finger on my right hand, add your own joke. After that we are doing yard and garden work. Today or tomorrow I'm going to help DH get the trusses on the potting shed roof. That should be interesting, he used to do that alone and I've never done it. hope that goes without incident.

    Debbie - What a nice start to your day

    Jennifer - We still need to paint the back of the house, after the wasps are taken care of.

    Tammy - enjoy the relaxation

    Ruth - That cough needs to leave you alone. Hope today's relaxing day does the trick.

    Cottage - happy adjusting

    Karen - Could you send a little of that rain here?

    I better get moving if I'm going to make it to my appointment on time. Happy Hump Day Chicks
  • Good morning

    just dropping in to say hello. Busy gardening and getting house in order. We leave on sunday for a week for a visit with dd and family. Our sons are going to water garden if need be. Of course that means stocking up fridge here too.
    have a great on plan day
    take care
  • Just dropping in to say Hello before hitting the bed. Another long day at conference. Tomorrow is just the morning and then check out and drive back home. It is DH birthday tomorrow as well.