
  • Voracious is how I see my appetite --for everything! Eating is a big one. It's evolved over the years but has always existed. School pictures from 1st grade can verify this. In high school it morphed slightly. Eating became the lesser appetite to cigarettes, then pot, then sex. Some call it addictive personality.

    Now eating is my only remaining vice. (Although I do still exercise and hit the occasional doobie). I plan it, read about it, look forward to it. I make stupid recipes I find. Some take all day and I know I'll be the only one in the house to eat it. I think about what I can eat next, right after I eat. I never have to worry about spoiling my appetite.

    To those that look at it outside of their own addictions I say phewy. The fog of appetite exists for everyone in one way or another. My appetite isn't really for the substances of my addiction, or my abuse, or my over use. Nor is yours.
  • I also have a big appetite. The trick is to eat a lot of healthy foods. Not cr@p. That way you still fulfill the addiction but without the weight gain.

    So I also plan it, read about it, look forward to it. I make stupid recipes I find. Some take all day and I know I'll be the only one in the house to eat it. I think about what I can eat next, right after I eat. I never have to worry about spoiling my appetite. But it's all healthy good-for-me stuff. And that has been the sea change. At least in my weight and wellbeing.
  • I hate how people seem to think that weight has one simple solution without considering all of the variables that go into it. It's more than just a physical problem. It's a psychological problem as well. I hate how people judge someone as being unintelligent because of their weight. There are geniuses that are addicts, so it has nothing to do with how intelligent someone is. My source: for a long period, cocaine was considered a medicine, and people in high places, pun intended, became addicted to it. It didn't make them stupid because they trusted a "medical authority". I hate that people judge obese and overweight people just because our vice is more visible than theirs. I don't judge addicts in other areas, unless they really hurt other people with their behavior, because I understand that our walks of life are different, and people cope in different ways.
  • Yep, obese and fat people are discriminated against. I have noticed massive differences in my personal and professional life after weight loss.

    It's not fair. But there ain't much you can do about it. Except lose the weight.

    And then you must treat and consider fat people equally.
  • Looking forward to food is my biggest, biggest issue. Some days (most work days, for example) I feel like food is the only thing I have to look forward to. I'm still working on finding a replacement.
  • Quote:
    Looking forward to food is my biggest, biggest issue.
    I love looking forward to eating! It's such an important part of life. I do not think there is anything wrong with that. Just look forward to food that is healthy and good for you and that you enjoy. That is the trick you need to find.

    Food is medicine if you choose the right foods.

    I used to look forward to burgers, fries, chips and cake.

    I now look forward to fish, salad, dried fruit, dark chocolate etc. etc.

    I love meal times. And, like you, some days they are all I have to look forward to. No problemo in my book because I have learned to make my food choices work for me!
  • Lovin' all the sharing!! I have comments for all of you.

    @IanG -- you clearly have hit the sweet spot for yourself! Losing more than 100 lbs is amazing. I'd just like to say that I do and have been eating healthy foods. It is possible to overdo them just as easily as the "bad" stuff.

    @tootsieroll81 -- Fat people are the most discriminated against at this point. It'll become fashionable to be compassionate to us eventually -- like gays perhaps. It is definitely a mental health issue I believe too. I'm really trying to have love and compassion for myself and my struggle. We want that from others (and no judgment) but seems like we first have to give it to ourselves.

    @vegtraveler -- I so know what you mean. Food as friend and partner. Ugh. Yet we need it so I try not to see it as the enemy. Still I have trouble focusing on something different and I wonder what will I do, what will I work on, when I lose all the weight? Probably keeping it off, right? haha Be good to find something new to worry about.

    thanks you all. I can so relate to you all.

    IanG -- are you used to your new self yet? does it feel like you or do you feel like you are missing something?? 100lbs WOW!
  • Florida....your post really reflects how I feel about my weight issue. For me, overeating is a form of self harm...and I do not say that to belittle the self harm of people who cut themselves etc.
    I eat and eat on a binge because I WANT to feel sick and bloated and in pain with arthritic knees. But then sometimes I eat because it comforts me in a way that not much else can.
    Our relationship with food is very complicated and varies so much from person to person.
    We have a general election looming over here and "The National Obesity Crisis" is a topic of discussion. What these people don't realise is that just shouting at people that they are overweight and should eat less is really not going to help!!
    I am grateful that at the moment I am having the most amazing therapy to help me address my relationship with food (amongst alot of other things!)
    Take care all my cyber friends....and be nice to yourselves!
  • I just logged into to here (after almost a year of not posting and regain what I've lost) to post that I'm struggling with this very same thing. Sometimes, I will be looking so forward to eating something, and then it won't even taste great to me, but yet I still eat all of it! It's so frustrating!