closing out 1st month on Medifast

  • Today I am down 19lbs. I am happy and encouraged. I feel I am stronger during the work week than the weekends. I am starting to loath the weekends as the temptations have not completely gone away. I am continuing to work hard and lord willing I will see 200lbs.
  • Congrats Richy37! I am happy for you! Keep up the good work! Stay determined and know on the weekends that you have fought hard to be where you are today. Don't turn around and go back to where you never wanted to be :~)
  • WOW!! That's awesome! I am curious to know how you are doing now?

    I can't wait until I can say I am 19 lbs down
  • It has taken me awhile but I finally made it to 20# down! Plus, I'm in Onederland! This is my year! Congrats to all of you with your weight losses. I know about those weekend temptations, too. Stay strong. You're doing great! Get those temptations away from you! You can do it!
  • thank you. MysticBliss, this past weekend was probably a little more easier. I finally broke the 250 mark as I weighed in at 249.5 this morning. I am getting use to the 5 and 1 and it is becoming easier every day.