Need Some Encouragement

  • Where do I start? Long story short, I'm 27 and have been overweight my entire life. Up until last fall, my highest weight ever was 185 pounds (at 5'5") which I reached twice in my life, and my lowest weight was about 148/149 in early 2011. I reached 185 again the following January (2012), coming down to 151 by early 2013. Since then, I slowly gained weight here and there, and eventually got up to 202 pounds last October. I lost about 10 pounds before the holidays, and gained back another 8.

    I recommitted (for the last time) on January 5 at 200 pounds. I changed my entire outlook on this process; I do not need it to happen fast, I just need it to happen. I've been staying within 1200-1400 calories a day, and I've also been doing T25. I finished the Alpha phase this past Sunday, resulting in 5.2 pounds, 9.25", & 3% body fat lost. Though I would have liked to see a higher number on the scale, I'm happy with the other numbers and felt very accomplished in finishing up the first phase of the program.

    So now. Why am I writing this post?

    Today was my weigh-in day. On Sunday when I weighed-in to track my Alpha progress, I was at 194.8. Today, I'm back up to 195.2. Not a major gain, but a gain none-the-less. In a month and a half of busting my butt in these workouts and staying within my calories, I've only lost 4.8 pounds.

    I've accepted taking this process slow this time around, but not THIS slow. THIS is a little ridiculous, if you ask me.

    Before anyone asks ...
    1) My usual day is a Special K breakfast sandwich and banana for breakfast, a Lean Cuisine for lunch, a Yoplait Greek 100 yogurt as an OPTIONAL afternoon snack, and grilled chicken, brown rice, and steamed veggies for dinner, with an OPTIONAL Skinny Cow ice cream for dinner.
    2) I do not typically drink during the week; I have not had any alcohol in over three weeks, at least.
    3) I walk to and from work (about a mile each way), in addition to my T25 workouts.
    4) I have a Polar FT7 that tracks my burn during my workouts, and I typically burn around 300 calories per workout (6 workouts a week).

    The only thing I can think of to account for this is water intake. I'm not the best at it. As of today my goal is to drink 24oz at work minimum, and another 24 at night during my workout/dinner, and build up from there. But I find it hard to believe that lack of water is doing this to me, at least this extreme.

    I'm even more on edge because at the beginning of January I signed up for two DietBets - one for 30 days and one for 6 months. The 30-day bet is up next Tuesday, and as of today I have to lose 1.9 pounds in 6 days, or I lose $30. It's just not going to happen, not with the way things have been going.

    I'm so frustrated and am starting to feel so defeated. I feel like this time around I'm doing all the right things (before I wasn't working out, only dieting, and crash dieting at that) and I'm not getting anything back. I don't expect to lose 2 pounds every week, but 4.8 pounds in 6? I mean, that's just crazy low. I know my measurements and body fat reading were good, but I'm sorry, I need to see a LITTLE BIT of something on the scale.

    Sorry for the rant; I'm just feeling so low right now and I need a pick-me-up.
  • I don't have any advice because I'm totally at a weight loss stall right now as well. I just wanted to let you know you aren't alone. So frustrating. Ive lost weight much quicker than this in the past doing the exact same things I'm doing now.
    Hugs to you.
  • I'm not an expert, I just started but some things I'd recommend is to definitely get in more fluids and water!!! I gained like .8 KGS today, but I don't think I actually have. I can feel bloated fingers... Its water retention from lack of fluids. I also had really salty foods yesterday which doesn't help!!!

    Your diet also sounds good... Almost too good. There is such a thing as not eating enough. I'd try bumping it to 1500 every day and see what happens. It can't hurt you too much, with your height and weight as well as with working out it will still put you in a deficit, but it might convince your body you aren't starving.

    Also, with all the working out... Are you sure you haven't gained muscle??? Try taking measurments too and not just numbers. Muscle weighs more and you could have lost inches but still weigh close to the same from muscle. And believe me when I say missing inches is hard to notice.... You may feel like you haven't lost inches around your belly or anywhere else but you aren't as apt to notice because you see your body and live in your body every moment.

    I totally understand the frustration... I feel like in the beginning I lost way more than right now and I did it faster. But my body has cycles, and the beginning was a lot of water weight.
  • I would definitely second what SenseAndSensibility has said; the lack of water, plus the possibility that you're actually eating too little and your body is retaining food as a result, are both viable reasons why you haven't been losing as fast. You can also visit the doctor to check for common problems (thyroid, Vitamin D deficiency, etc.) that could be impeding weight loss.

    Don't worry about the bets. That $30 is nothing compared to the positive health changes you're making... even if you don't see results on the scale, I have a feeling that your body is rewarding you in other ways you'll be thankful for later, in terms of your health. Also, if bets are adding to your frustration, but you still want a tangible goal... maybe you should try making posts in challenge threads around here instead, so that you won't have money on the line, but you still have that accountability piece.

    It's tough, but the numbers aren't everything. Embrace the victories you're making off the scale (better measurements, less body fat, greater capacity to exercise), and try to focus on those rather than the numbers. You ARE doing good for your body, and it shows!
  • For now, I'd drink water like it was my job and hold back on those Lean Cuisines. Win your $30 back and then reevaluate.

    Those almost 2 pounds can surely be lost in 6 days at least this week (flushing out sodium with all that water will work).
  • I'm a fairly successful loser so far (touch wood), and I've plateaued more times than I care to count. They do, however, always correct themselves. In the long run $30 is mere chump change compared to all the health gains you'll be making. Please just shrug it off and stay the course, don't lose heart besides you might surprise yourself and lose those 2 lbs. in 6 days, dieting can be weird and wonderful that way.
  • Hi samerz816,

    Nice to meet you here! You feel what I feel about myself 4 months ago!
    You don't need to feel down. At least you are still ALIVE! You have many times ahead to lose weight. It's February now.

    Well, you maybe hear this slogan: "LOSING WEIGHT IS A JOURNEY TO CHANGE YOUR LIFESTYLE".

    The point is we need to change our habit. We do not do something like committing to a a diet program for some months and then when we get the weight we want, we are back to the previous habit!

    So, cheer out and tell me:
    - Do you feel hungry all day long even when you just finish your meal 30 minutes before? What kind of food after you enjoy you feel happy, satisfied? Do you remember in all your life is there some food after you eat them, you feel stronger and feel that you can focus on your work better.
    For example: At lunch when I eat beefsteak then I can focus on my work better. But when I just have a cake and some fruit I feel tired just 20 minutes after finishing them and can not focus on my work. I have to find something else to eat more.
    - Do you feel bored with your current work-outs?
    - Do you often in stress situation at work or love sick?

    I have some information for you about water:
    - Actually, water can speed up losing weight because it can speed up the metabolism. I myself is a proof. When I drink more after each snack and weigh in next morning, my weight lose faster.
    - Drink enough water. I think when your body is lack of water your mouth will be too dry. That's time to drink. Besides, you can try this formula:
    water needed(liters) = your weight (kg) x 0.03

    I love this and it is so true. I don't just want to lose weight, I want to focus on eating really well for my body (lots of veggies), drinking lots of water and exercising daily. Just really phenominal self care and self love. And also reminding myself on a daily basis that what I look like on the outside is a small piece of who I am. I am much more than my physical appearance. I have to tell myself that because so often in my life I have fixated on what I looked like and that has not helped me at all.