The Weekend - January 24th and 25th

  • Good morning, Earlybirds. I know who's online and am passing out coffee this morning.

    Another early wake-up - sort of a vicious circle. I fall asleep watching TV and doze a couple of hours then when I really should save it for the end of the night. Maybe I should stop watching TV but I'm always too tired at night. An early bedtime is not an option when you have doggage.

    The menagerie is doing well with no major problems. Of course the older dogs want to eat the puppy's food and vice versa so a bit of refereeing is needed at mealtimes. Aside from getting the mail, I was home all day with them yesterday and all was well. Angus decided to prune and re-pot a spider plant in the studio but ...

    Another quiet day is planned with a doggie playdate later on. I am feeling very relaxed now that the Mill planning session is over and, at the moment, have a peaceful few days ahead. No doubt something will change that.

    How does your weekend look? I hope it has a nice balance of fun and other stuff.
  • Good morning!

    Thanks for getting us started, Ruth! I hope you have a great day with the pups. Relaxed sounds good. Yes, we know that always changes but enjoy it while it's there.

    Ex-wife has an appointment with the lawyer this morning so she'll be heading down to Denver early. I'm going to enjoy a little bit of time to myself. Don't know what's on the agenda yet.

    For now, I'm just going to enjoy some coffee and some quiet time before everybody gets up. Have a great day everyone!
  • Good morning! I'm enjoying my coffee while admiring our lovely snowscape. We only got 3-4" but it's clinging to the trees and looking very pretty for now. It won't last long since temps will be climbing throughout the day. It looks like our "Sea Sisters" luncheon will still be on!

    My cell phone died on me yesterday, and I had to get a new one. I wasn't due for an upgrade until April, but they went ahead and gave it to me now and worked out a great deal and a new plan that costs me less than I'm paying now, so I'm a happy camper, AND I got the phone I've been wanting! I do have to run down to Verizon this morning, though, because I printed out the new contract and found a mistake on it that has to be fixed, but that shouldn't be a problem.

    How much snow did you guys get, Tammy?
  • Good morning Thanks for the coffee Ruth
    It's a snowy morning here. We aren't expecting too much, just a few inches. Wish there wasn't so much cold on the other side. We still haven't had the snowshoes out this year. We have had snow on the ground since the day before Thanksgiving but it's covered with ice so not good for snowshoes.

    It's DH's work weekend so I have a long list of chores and other stuff to get done. Work is in this weird phase right now, not a lot to do but moving forward. I hope to get myself in the best possible condition for possible layoffs. Hey getting laid off in time for spring planting is certainly not the worst thing in the world We are hard at work planning gardens and the new greenhouse Tim is building. I can't wait for another season in the garden.

    Ruth - Enjoy those peaceful days while you can.

    Debbie - Glad you are getting some time for yourself.

    Cottage - We are flying without a contract for now. Happy lunching

    Tammy - How are you doing today?

    Okay, time to feed the critters (well the cats, Cricket will sleep until noon if I let her) and get busy on that list.
  • Good morning, chicks! No new snow here; we've been cold with a lot of sun. I love the fact that as we get closer to February the days get noticeably longer.

    Ruth, enjoy your day; hopefully it won't be too crazy.
    Debbie, savor your moment of quiet. You need it during stressful times.
    Cottage, the snow sounds lovely and I hope you get to go to your lunch.

    This weekend will fly by for sure; we went out to eat last night and are even planning to go to the movies sometime. I also need to get groceries and do a bit of grading since the marking period ends at school this week. I will mostly skip cleaning since I was very thorough on Monday.

    See how exciting my life is?

    Anyway, time for more coffee. Ruth, did your Keurig cooperate this morning?

  • Good morning Ruth and thanks for starting us off! I peeked in at 5 or so, but no one was here yet . I was too lazy that early... It must be fun having all the pups around! (and a wee bit exhausting!)

    Debbie - that's awesome of you to have a good relationship with the ex-wife. Take care of yourself with this emotional stuff going on!

    Linda - I think we got 4 or 5", funny how it actually moved west this time. My DH laughed watching the radar...the first hour of snow went completely around us. We're in such a little bubble. BTW - my phone wouldn't start for 8 hours yesterday, so I need a new phone too. I was going to stick with the pay-as-you-go, but realized DS turns 12 in April, and it's about time for him to get one - which means the plans can be cheaper. Oh dear, I'm thinking of a phone for my kid!

    Cyndi - Lay off? You work too hard for them! Your DH sounds like a gem .

    Beth - which movie do you want to see?

    I found shoes yesterday! They honestly weren't the ones I wanted - those had too high of heel and threw me off balance. These a just flat plain clarks. The walking at the mall about wore me out, so I didn't do much else.

    Today - I might try the therapy pool with the kids. I still tire easily, but need to do some exercise. I plan on doing management stuff next week, but my boss just told me (after my doc appt) that I'm not doing anything til they have a doc release in hand. Not that I blame them, but if they told me ahead of my appt, it would've been a lot easier!

    Now I get to sip coffee while watching DH shovel the snow.....
  • Good morning,

    I finally got out of bed was woken up several times this morning, first by cat wanting me to get up and then a very loud train on the other side of town. I ended up getting up at 7:30 nice to stay in bed.

    Ruth enjoy your day hope it does turn out relaxing for you

    Debbie hope you have a stress free day

    Cottage my contract ends in March and I am happy with my phone so I will not be upgrading until it dies

    Cyndi hopefully no lay off for you and you just are able to find a position that works better for you

    Beth we ate out as well last night, enjoy your day today

    Twynn you guys got a lot of snow, the therapy pool sounds good

    I have cleaning to do and need to go grocery shopping and DS just asked if we want to go watch his GF bowling tournament...

    Have a wonderful Saturday
  • Good morning!! Our sunrise this morning was glorious! Just wish it wasn’t so cold out there. Anyone else have the whole body pain thing as soon as they are cold?

    Ruth - I forget how having a menagerie can force you into a routine you don’t necessarily like. I only have one pup now and he’s pretty good about conforming to our routine. He does have about once a week where he decides that he just has to go out or get a drink at 2:30am. I grumble but he’s so darn cute I forgive quickly!

    Debbie - Enjoy your coffee and quiet time!

    Linda - Glad you didn’t get too much snow and good job on getting that upgrade early. It seems like the cell phone companies are all scrambling for business so they tend to bend over backwards in some areas. We just changed to T-Mobile because they really made the deal better than we could pass up. So far we are happy with them.

    Cyndi - That’s a great attitude to have on any possible layoff. I recently lost a large sewing customer (a restaurant that decided they would rather clothe their staff in cheap Chinese made oxford shirts than the adorable farm themed dresses they’ve been wearing for 30 years - ugh) and I grieved for a few weeks but now I realize that it does leave me more free time to do things I really love. Good for you having that attitude going into it! Yea for Spring planting!!!!

    Beth - Going to the movies sounds awesome! I think you should definitely do that!!

    Tammy - Sure glad you didn’t get dumped with snow. I haven’t heard from my dad yet (Bradford County) but I’m sure if he gets a lot, I’ll get a nice email with pics of the “light frost” in NE PA. Glad you found some shoes - I’m planning to wear my new Clarkes around the house this week to make sure they are going to work for me.

    Pearlrose - I’ve never been to a bowling tournament. I remember they used to show them on TV and I’d get sucked in watching them. Have fun today!

    DH and I are doing a virtual 5k today - it’s a really neat concept. A blogger I like to read (Runs With Cookies) is having a birthday and her tradition for the last few years has been to sponsor a virtual 5k. She created bibs and even has a graphic you can use if you want to make a t-shirt!! You pledge to walk/run/whatever the 5k this weekend and state your goal. Our goal is to finish!! Then you pick a route wherever you like and you do it. Once you’ve finished you come back to her site and verify if you reached your goal. That puts you in a random drawing for prizes she is giving away. She’s giving away some nice things - a Garmin GPS thingy you wear on your wrist that tells you how far you’ve gone and your pace, a FitBit (one of the newer ones that has a readout on it - that would be awesome since I have the older model and it’s pain to get my phone and sync just to see if I’m getting close to 10,000 steps), and a float belt for water running. DH and I have not gone out for a good walk since winter set in and I’m missing it. Although he tends to end up dragging me on what I call death marches - he has a good 7” on me in height so his stride is much larger than mine. I can sometimes feel like I’m constantly playing catch up to keep up! But…it does challenge me and that’s (usually) a good thing.

    Well…I’ve got some thank you cards to finish up for our cruise and a little bit of personal sewing to finish so I need to get off this electronic time sucker and get to checking off things on that to do list. Anyone else get a weird warm feeling when they put check marks on their lists? Everyone have an awesome weekend!
  • For all wondering where the nor'easter went, I can tell neck of the woods....funny they downgraded our totals to 3-5" WRONG we got dumped with nearly a foot. My neighbor Jim and I were taking care of it for over two hours. Did I work up a sweat even with the snowblower. We are supposed to get freezing rain later today as temps warm up. Hope that misses us. My little Camry woukd not have made it to work today, but fortunately I am off. Jim's wife, Nancy, is so sweet. She came over with a hearty, manly breakfast; French toast, bacon and ham! I only ate one slice of FT and 2 pieces of bacon....I don't remember the last time I ate FT.

    Now I am finally sipping coffee and relaxing.

    Ruth your Angus re potting story made me giggle.

    Debbie you are truly amazing. I don't know too many people who would welcome their spouse's ex into their home.

    Linda enjoy your new phone

    Tammy did you get a present for DH?

    Beth a movie sounds perfect. I want to see Cake with Jennifer Aniston

    Cyndi I can't wait for spring too. Maybe we will have time to get our garden back in shape.

    Pearlrose I've never been to a bowling tournament. I do remember watching Earl Anthony as a kid on the Pro Bowlers Tour. Do they even show that anymore?

    Mcsgabby when do you leave For your cruise? The virtual 5k sounds like fun, good luck. My Joe is not much taller than I, but we both walk fast lol. At work this week one of the sergeants couldn't keep up with me. I walk like a gazelle but run like a Clydesdale lol

    Ok more coffee then food prep, veggies don't cut themselves up and later the bike...I know why the scale isn't budging despite my efforts. My so called "friend" TOM has decided to make a second appearance again this month. At least I kniw I am not to blame lol.... I should see a drop next month. The GI scheduled my colonoscopy for Feb 5. Whoo hoo now that is exciting news lol!
  • Awake very early again and discovered all three dogs were under the couch. Angus has been sleeping there and I guess they thought it was a good idea. For a minute there I was worried that I'd let them out and not in last night.

    Took a big suitcase of clothing to the local thrift shop yesterday and was a tad embarrassed. Some of the stuff had never been worn and still had the tags on - Coldwater Creek things and a cashmere sweater! I guess I was going through a clothing junkie phase. Usually I just drop things off in a box but this time it was in a suitcase that I wanted back and I was there when it was unpacked.

    The doggage are behaving well. Yesterday Angus helped me by shredding a whole roll of toilet paper in the front room. Looked like a snowstorm. We'll see how he helps me today. He and Millie play fight most of the day while Jazz just looks on bored. Joanne brought Joey over yesterday and it was pretty rowdy around here for a while. So glad I have that dog yard.

    Not sure what today will bring. It's supposed to be sunny and just above zero - not a help after the freezing rain surprise we got yesterday. So glad my car is in the barn.

    Time for a second coffee. Hope your Sunday is sunny in all ways!
  • The sun is struggling mightily to make it's way through the clouds here, and we're supposed to have snow through Tuesday. Right now the sky towards the East is glowing red.

    Except for a grocery run this morning, today will be a stay-at-home day, especially since I was gone most of Friday and yesterday. I should probably plan some make ahead meals for Jake just in case I end up spending the week at the farm. According to the latest weather forecasts, we could get walloped.
  • Good morning. Just waiting on my coffee ; DH is the barista around here and he slept in a bit.

    Yesterday was very productive: I did laundry, made 2 batches of muffins to freeze, got some school paperwork done and even worked in a walk. This morning I must make a grocery run as well and then we'll see.

    I was looking at the weather last night: what a storm you may get! We are on the northern edge and should only get 1-3 inches.

    sounds like you are keeping your sense of humor about you. An indoor snowstorm indeed!

    To all the chicks to come- have a great day!
  • Good morning!

    I'm at work already. Been crazy at the house this morning but I did manage to get my fill of coffee and my smoothie. Babies were here last night as well as ask. They're such great kids it's just a houseful, for sure. Kirk is going to Glenwood today. I think that's a great idea for him to have a couple of days since my sister comes in for treatments on Wednesday. Food has been good. Thank goodness for that.

    Happy Sunday everyone!
  • Good morning I'm actually done with my coffee and have moved on to tea. Today is another chore day at home. I do want to figure out a space to do yoga too. Our TV/exercise room isn't wide enough and I don't think it will be good for my next to keep my head turned 90 degrees.

    I've got a pile of apples waiting to be made into applesauce so time to get moving
  • Good morning,

    I have been up for awhile just enjoying the quiet at home. Yesterday we stayed for 2 1/2 hours at the bowling tournament is very packed at the college level. Then in the afternoon we went to the lake and walked the dam for an hour it was nice outside, got to see a huge flock of birds take off from the ice on the lake and move locations very interesting.

    Not much on the agenda today, finish up cleaning, will need to vacuum yet again this weekend.

    Have a great Sunday