Wintery Weekend Beach Chat 1/10-1/11

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  • Does the winter have everyone sleeping in....
  • The only reason why I am up is because DS is going with his dad this morning. So much for sleeping in. Maybe if I get everything done I can take a nap later.
    I realized I forget marinara sauce, but will I improvise. I really don't like going to the store on Saturday.

    Nothing too thrilling today. Just staying home and getting ready for my upcoming work week. Hope everyone has a great day!
  • It had me sleeping in! And I enjoyed every minute of it. Right now I'm enjoying a quiet cup of coffee before the grandkids stir.
  • Jekel - Good morning! I hate going shopping on a Saturday too. If I have to, I tend to go late afternoon when it's not as bad.

    My coffee is brewing, and I am ready for it! DD was nauseous in the middle of the night, but gratefully she never got sick. I was awake anyway, so it gave me something to do (lol).

    Pearl, you asked how my recovery is going - not very well, to be honest. I did great the first two weeks, backslid at 2.5, and still have not improved since (and have gotten a tad worse). It is very frustrating. If I continue to decline I'll call next week, but my recheck is on the 20th. I was not guaranteed to get better, but they expected me to.

    Today - my colleague is coming to visit me with her 3 mo old baby this morning, she says she misses my face . She said she'll have to hit the trader joe's while she's up here, mmmmmm.

    Other than that - nothing! I'm trying really hard to be lazy. I am really hoping the kids vacuum the throw rugs, since they're nasty, and I'm absolutely not allowed to do that (oh darned!!). Maybe DH will get the kids out again so they don't get the antsies and drive us crazy!

    Hope every has a great warm weekend!
  • Good morning Cottage! Enjoy the quiet time while you can! (hey, I thought they were only staying a few months....)
  • Good morning No sleeping in here, we were up at 5:30 because it's DH's weekend on. I'm just too much of a zombie to type this morning. Yesterday was my first day back at work, just a daylong staff mtg up north. It was exhausting and stress inducing. It's past time for me to find new work. It's more an issue of insurance than money so I need to broaden my search. Ideally I want something much less sedentary too. All this sitting with this job is really causing me problems.

    Jennifer - Good luck with the nap

    Cottage - Happy quiet morning

    Twynn - Sorry to hear things are going slow right now. It's a good time to catch-up on all that reading you have waiting for you. Maybe some garden planning? hope the week ahead brings improvement

    Wow, I have now made it through 8 days of the elimination diet with 2 road trips including an overnight in Boston, and a staff meeting. Just one more week before we start reintroducing foods. It's been a good exercise in really looking at what we are eating. Hope we get some long-term benefits. DH is definitely feeling an improvement in energy level, clarity, and tummy.

    I suppose I should get on with the weekend chore list.
  • Quote: Good morning Cottage! Enjoy the quiet time while you can! (hey, I thought they were only staying a few months....)
    HA! Yes, that "few months" has turned into nearly 3 years. But my DIL finally landed a full-time job with benefits, so they should be moving out by summer.
    I sure hope you start seeing some positive results and start feeling better soon!

    Have a great day, Jennifer. If I have to go to the store on Saturdays, I like to go first thing in the morning when it's not too bad yet. Good luck on your improvising!
  • Hi there! I actually slept until 8 this morning - I wonder if having about 6 litres of wine at Book Club was the reason. Karen and Joanne actually walked me into the house. The problem was that I skipped dinner (long story) and sure should not "sip" wine on an empty tummy. Pretty sad to be that dumb at nearly 76! I feel OK this morning though. (Confession over.)

    Looks like a beautiful morning with tolerable temperatures. I may venture into town later to check out the ugly walking shoe situation. On the other hand, maybe I'll make this a jammy day and snuggle in with sewing. (Hmm - just checked the temp and it's only 8ºF so jammy day won!)

    Almost all the Christmas decor is stashed away except for the side door stuff. The lit garland got coated with ice and is going to stay frozen to the rail until Spring! The side door wreath is still up too but not frozen to the door. I need a de-decor fairy!

    Time for another coffee now that I've decided NOT to go to town. The Doggage are still in "jammy mode" and zzzing by the stove.

    Hope your Saturday is enjoyable, whatever it brings.
  • Good morning

    Jen. You can always make your own simple sauce. Just twirl a can of tomatoes with some spices and voilà.

    Linda. I can relate to a quiet moment. Experience that when grandsons are here.

    Tammy why not see the doctor sooner than later.

    Cyndi. Hope you get some relaxation time today.

    Ruth. All I can say is WOW. 6 litres.

    I think I am experiencing sympathy pains with everyone around me. Hip pain that is teavelling to my toes. Not much on today. Dh takes his heart monitor of this afternoon.
    off to make some black bean pumpkin soup.
    take care
  • Good morning!

    I've been up and travel today so I'm trying to get things in order. Mom's drains backed up yesterday before she left so I've made a trip to Lowe's to see if Drano would help. Sitting out with the dogs waiting for a few minutes and I'll go see. Have a good day everyone!
  • Now, Sophie, I was exaggerating, of course. It feels like 6 litres this morning but things are improving.
  • I should have known you were exaggerating. What there's about 5 glasses in a litre. Dh and I drank about 3 litres a day when we were in France. Its cheaper than water but of course not the grand cru. Dh says with 6 litres you wouldn't be walking, you would be floating.
    Take care
  • Good morning,

    I actually slept in til 8:30 a.m. this morning but have something to do with taking Nyquil but needed for my coughing fits. We went to the movies last night to watch Annie and I had to leave for a few minutes as no to disturb everyone else. It is that dry tickle that turns into a chocking event. Almost all of the family has it now in varying stages.

    Jekel I have to venture out to the grocery store today as I need to restock a couple of things, salad, fruits, beans and eggs.

    Tywnn sorry to hear that recovery is not going well, I hope that things will turn drastically in improvements.

    Cottage I enjoy quiet time first thing in the morning before the gang gets up, sets me up for a better day that way

    Cyndi I hope you are able to find a position that meets all of your needs

    Ruth oh my hope your jammy assist with recovery day. Ugly shoes have gotten better so hopefully you find some to your liking when you go look at them

    Sophie I think winter breaks out the creaks and aches more in our bodies.

    Debbie I hope that drano did the trick for the drains.

    It is supposed to be kinda of nice day in early 30s so I am going to take advantage of before the ice storm that is supposed to hit tomorrow.
  • I must admit my house smells quite yummy. Creamy Mrxican Casserole, Spaghetti squash mock baked ziti with ground chicken breast, venison chili and venison meat loaf are done! I just ate a piece of the meatloaf for lunch as I really wanted to taste my creation. Quite tasty. If DS says there is no food in this house I'll send him to his dad's lol. I love it when I cook like this and have healthy on hand choices for at least a month. Ok one more slice (it is a small loaf) then I will finish vacuuming and go on my bike. Ruth looks like by the time I get out of my jammies I will go right back into them....crud I still have to iron my uniforms.
  • Good afternoon... the morning slipped away with more trip prep. I can't believe how much work is going into this vacation! And, get this... the "tested" snorkel was in a bag on the counter next to an identical "untested" snorkel - but I have no idea which was which! So I have now tested both

    Tammy - Sorry to hear that. Please keep us posted.

    Cyndi - I'm interested to hear what you learn.

    Jennifer - YUMMMMM

    I'm off to get groceries now. Need some veggies to roast for my afternoon snack. First I'll count my stash of ("travel" protein/fiber) bars to see if I need more for the trip.

    I'm rather stressed today! I might need a vacation from my vacation planning!