On plan -as much as it can be- week of Nov 24

  • P1 D7

    B: protein shake
    S: cashews, cheese stick
    L: veggies, veggies, veggies
    S: TBD
    D: hamburgers, veggies

    Be well!
  • It's time for a new week of talking On-Plan! This is the place for South Beach meal plan and food support, encouragement and questions.

    Anyone, from any phase (1, 1.5, 2, 3, etc.) can post, and those who are new to 3FC are especially encouraged to do so!

    This thread is for questions, sharing advice and strategies, and encouraging each other to stay on plan. It is not for chatting about daily life unrelated to this topic. Members have indicated that they would like to have chatting remain in the Daily Thread, so any posts that are off topic or chatty will be moved by the mods to the Daily.

    People in different phases of South Beach post here so it will help everyone if you indicate what phase you're in when you post. Thanks!

    While you may certainly find, from time to time, the need to ask for help after going off plan, remember that this thread is about staying on plan. When you share details of off plan foods you've eaten, it can upset, tempt, and otherwise frustrate other members, so please keep these details to a minimum.

    So, share with us: How are you staying on plan this week?

    How's it going for you?

    Of course feel free to share your daily on plan menu.
  • Thanks, Bea,for getting this started for us!

    This is the week that can be tough for us US beach chicks. I've found, with a bit of practice, that my planning ahead is my best strategy.fortunately, the rest of my family enjoys eating pretty healthy, too. In the old days we would have multiple desserts and multiple side dishes. Now, we have one pie which I will have a piece of and we've minimized the sides and made them all healthy.my best strategy is to not over eat at our meals and remember that I can enjoy the leftovers later in moderation.

    Best wishes everyone! I'm remembering that Thanksgiving is just a day not a season.
  • P1 D8

    B: protein shake (can't wait for these vacation days to make eggs again!!)
    S: cheese stick, cashews
    L: salad, salad, salad (pot luck - having some of each kind I guess!)
    S: cucumbers, peppers
    D: chicken cacciatore (sadly, no noodles . . .)
    D: sf jello

    Be well!
  • P1 D12 (skipped over days 9, 10, and 11, but they were not too terrible for this time of year)

    B: V8, greek yogurt, splenda
    L: hummus, veggies, leftover sirloin
    S: peanuts
    D: leftover cacciatore, extra veggies
    S: hmmmmm