Emotional support please? :(

  • I always said I would never weigh 140+ again. My scale read 150 this morning.

    I've started the 30 Day Shred, am eating more veggies, threw out my junk food, and have been drinking water. But I'm scared and very anxious and so ashamed of my body that I am uncomfortable in public. I am near tears. My wedding dress needs fitted in January, I'm running out of time. Any support would be appreciated.
  • I've got ya, girl! IT'S GONNA BE OKAY!!!!!!

    I too, recently got back into the 160's (was in the 140's) am trying on wedding dresses in December and am freaking too.

    BUT freaking won't burn calories! Take a deep breath. The worst thing we do to ourselves with weight is fail to forgive ourselves for gains. I used to hate the 210 lb version of myself. I was so mad I let that happen but one day, someone said "Let 210 Sarah go." I encourage you to let go of the self-loathing. How? Remember that only by looking FORWARD will this get any better.

    January is still 2.5 months away. So, just drink your water, go back to whatever helped you lose before and remember that you KNOW you can do it, because you've already done it before!!!!!!!!!

    I know weddings can add stress. I am the poster child for being nervous about that damn white piece of cloth. BUT I recently refound my strength in the past two weeks and I know you can find yours again. I am here for you, as are many others.

    You've got this, girl. You're a freakin' powerhouse, so act like it
  • Thank you so much for the kind words! I have my dress sitting in a box and it needs fitted so I have until January to reach my goal because by then, it needs to go in to actually be sized right. So I already know what I look like in it at about 145 and it's kind of devastating for me.
  • Heyy Doomkitty,
    i feel almost exactly the same about my body as you do and i know its one of the worst feeling for me. i dont feel comfortable to even go out with my boyfriend anywhere as i think i just dont look attractive at all. I want to lose 15 kg as soon as possible and i dont really know how to do it as everyone around me eats everything they want and sometimes i just lack motivation and i stop my diet nd they i kill myself with thinking that it was a bigg mistake. I was looking for someone who will like to keep each other motivated so I am here for you! if yoou want to email me or anything to let me know how youre getting on with everything i will be more than happy to hear about it! i think having a buddy to talk to on your weight loss journey is very important
    Wish you all the best
  • Aww.. take some deep breaths, it'll be okay. Weddings are a stressful time and you're likely being a lot harder on yourself than you need to be. One rule I try and strive for is to treat myself as I would treat others. If I see someone on here say they gained , I would absolutely not rip into them about how horrible or bad they were, or shame them, or insult them. I'd tell them to let it go, shake it off, and get right back to it tomorrow. Your weight is not a reflection of your worth, nor do you need to condemn yourself to shame/unhappiness because you weigh more than you want. Take one day at a time.. Being able to do that with yourself isn't easy, but you can do it
  • Quote: Aww.. take some deep breaths, it'll be okay. Weddings are a stressful time and you're likely being a lot harder on yourself than you need to be. One rule I try and strive for is to treat myself as I would treat others. If I see someone on here say they gained , I would absolutely not rip into them about how horrible or bad they were, or shame them, or insult them. I'd tell them to let it go, shake it off, and get right back to it tomorrow. Your weight is not a reflection of your worth, nor do you need to condemn yourself to shame/unhappiness because you weigh more than you want. Take one day at a time.. Being able to do that with yourself isn't easy, but you can do it
    That's a really good point. When I see heavier people trying to lose weight or someone sad because they gained, I don't feel anything negative towards them. I say you can do it, just keep moving forward. But to myself I say all sorts of horrible things. During day two of the 30 Day Shred, I felt like crying and I'm not sure why. I could just feel tears bubbling up at random. I need to work on being better to myself.

    Quote: Heyy Doomkitty,
    i feel almost exactly the same about my body as you do and i know its one of the worst feeling for me. i dont feel comfortable to even go out with my boyfriend anywhere as i think i just dont look attractive at all. I want to lose 15 kg as soon as possible and i dont really know how to do it as everyone around me eats everything they want and sometimes i just lack motivation and i stop my diet nd they i kill myself with thinking that it was a bigg mistake. I was looking for someone who will like to keep each other motivated so I am here for you! if yoou want to email me or anything to let me know how youre getting on with everything i will be more than happy to hear about it! i think having a buddy to talk to on your weight loss journey is very important
    Wish you all the best
    That would be great, if you ever need someone to talk to just shoot me a message and I'll talk you down off the ledge.
  • You know what?

    You're beautiful. Inside and out.
    Beauty is much more about confidence (okay, and makeup ) than fitting into a dress. Smile for the camera and mean it. It's a special day and you know what? When you fit into your dress even better in a few months, you can shove your husband back into his suit and take more pictures.

    Your fiance loves you
    You love your fiance
    Your wedding will be beautiful.

    This I am positive about:

    Your weight and the way your dress fits won't matter compared to other things at your wedding. It's a special day because you're sharing a commitment with someone you love, and who loves you very much.

    Best wishes for your weight loss, but don't let it be the be-all end-all. Be the best you can be at your current weight, and keep working slowly and safely towards your goal. You're worth it!