Wacky Weekend on the Beach 8/30-31

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  • Good morning chicks!

    I had to get up early this AM to make confetti salad, I didn't think it would be as good sitting overnight. I'll make that and get ready for work, and leave in about an hour for my shift. I have some time between work and the baby shower (probably work, lol ), and then get home tonight to RELAX!

    Anyone with exciting weekend plans?
  • End of August Beach Chat - 08/30 & 08/31
    Ladies, am I imagining things? Is it REALLY the end of August already? It's so funny, I could SWEAR that I just left for Massachusetts a month ago and, in 3 weeks, it will be a full year I've been living here. And that same day will be mine and Jaime's six month anniversary. Time flies!

    I have been fighting cravings something fierce the past 2 days. All I want is a gigantic Reese cup. So much so that I was going to stop yesterday morning on my way home from work and get a peanut butter cup doughnut from a local shop. Anybody who says God doesn't have a sense of humor is wrong...traffic was so bad that it took me almost 2 hours to get home (normally a 50 - 55 minute drive) and I was so frustrated that I scrapped the doughnut plans. So last night I was driving in to work and the craving came up again, so I stopped at the convenience store with plans to get a Reese cup ice cream bar (for the record, it's TOM...I never fight cravings during TOM, LOL). I walk in and find the ice cream cooler with an "Out of Order" sign on it. Got it...no cheat days for me...you made your point, big guy.

    Jekel - I'm sorry you're stuck waiting for further on your results. I've always felt like waiting is the worst part b/c you (or at least I) tend to build it up more and more in your head as time passes. Thinking of you, girl!

    Today is my 2 nieces's (my bestfriend's girls) birthday party back home. My bestfriend is going to FaceTime me so I can be there for some of the party. I'm excited! Sophie is turning 2 and Sydnie is turning 1.

    Anybody else as excited as I am that college football starts today!?!?!? My dawgs are on at 5:30 this afternoon. I'm a little worried, as we lost our quarterback to the pros. We shall see!

    Alright ladies, what's the plans for this weekend? I'm working tonight and then I've got Sunday and Monday off. Whoever said it is right...my days off seem to fly by!
  • Well crap...I was typing at the same time and you were just too fast for me! I'm sure someone can merge for us.

    Good morning, Twynn...have a good day!!!
  • Natasha - I didn't type much because I was too tired and hadn't had coffee yet! That's pretty funny about your reesie cup!
  • Ladies, you've just been merged. I hope it felt good for both of you!

    I was up before five this morning - back to t hat again! - but it felt good since I skipped Book Club last night and went to bed at 10. I love Book Club but was just too darned tired after a day of being on my feet. (We did end up having people for the Ploughman's Lunch - some from the bus and some drop-ins - and had exactly the right amount of food prepped. Today we get to do it again as it's Breadfest - demonstrations of mlling, breadmaking, displays, vendors, musicians, etc.)

    Katherine is great to work with but way too energetic - maybe a bit hyper? She's also 15 years younger so I do find it a bit hard physically to keep up with her. Today I am going to try to find some sitting down time. Six hours on my feet is a bit hard on the knees and my poor toes.

    Not a darned thing on the schedule for the next two days although I'm sure I'll find something to "fill in the time"! (Maybe cleaning and tidying this crack house?)

    After today, one more day left in August! Where did the summer go?
  • Any of you girls need another coffee?

    Natasha, a year already??? My goodness that went fast! Isn't it great that technology allows you to be a part of your nieces's party?! I guess you weren't meant to have that Reesies, huh?

    Tammy, I hope your work day flies by so you can relax and enjoy the baby shower!

    Ruth, thank goodness you didn't make all those lunches for nothing! Too bad you had to miss your Book Club, but I bet your knees and toes are thanking you. Try to find time to put your feet up today!

    Jennifer, I'm sorry to hear about your stressful day yesterday! That's too funny about your ex's hand truck, though!

    I picked peppers last night and made a big batch of quinoa & cheese stuffed peppers, and this morning I have to divvy them up and get them wrapped and in the freezer for some easy meals. Then I need to pick the rest of the butternut and spaghetti squash and find a suitable place to store them.

    This afternoon I'm driving up to northern NJ to go to a good friend's birthday party and am spending the night. I'm really looking forward to it, and just hope I don't run into a lot of traffic. I think I'll take her a couple of squash, and perhaps wrap a ribbon around them.
  • Good morning!
    Natasha, your story was too funny! No Reese's for you, eh?

    Jennifer, hope you get a chance to do something for yourself today. It will be a transition to have DS gone.

    Ruth, glad your food and visitor ratio was correct! Being on your feet all day is tough- take a few sit down breaks today!

    Cottage, enjoy your trip and hope the traffic isn't too bad. Next year I would like to try growing spaghetti squash.

    Tammy, is this your last day alone? Sounds like you really enjoyed yourself.

    No specific plans here for the day but it is supposed to be beautiful so I am going to urge DH to do something outside with me.

    Happy Saturday, chicks!!
  • Good morning

    Tammy enjoy the baby shower today

    Natasha your PB cup story was funny. Enjoy face time

    Ruth just sit down when you need to. Don't over due it. Oh wait you always over due it

    Linda stuffed peppers sound yummy. I hope to get to the farm stand tomorrow for spaghetti squash and peppers. Enjoy the birthday party

    My son called last night. His roomate went out with friends he knows. DS decided to stay back and relax. He said he met some of the guys in his dorm. But he doesn't remember any of their names lol. When he said good night, I told him sweet dreams (we did this at night when he was young) He told me the same then made a kiss noise and told me he loved me....hung up and I bawled. Darn hormones I am all misty eyed again

    Today is project day...you know finally change the lightbulb over the garage, put stuff away from yesterday, clean/disinfect my sons room and maybe weeding really exciting My legs are quite sore from yesterday lol I wonder why
  • Hi Beth you snuck in on me
  • Good morning.

    Yesterday turned out to be a very stressful day for me and it was interesting that I could really identify the way that made me want to eat. Which I didn't. But maybe I can only attribute that self-control to knowing I have a cholesterol test coming soon!

    Anyhow, I WILL be eating today. It's our 27th wedding anniversary so we'll have at least one meal out at our favorite vegan and GF friendly restaurant. I decided to celebrate by defying my hip doctor and trying out a short hike. We are also going to shop for a shower gift for our nephew and his fiancee; we are invited to our first couples shower for them.

    Jennifer - I love that he called you.

    Have a great weekend, all.
  • Good morning

    yesterday must have been a day for stress. Had to go downtown early yesterday and we decided to take train. Coming down the stairs dh did something to his knee, it just kept buckling under him all day and was swollen but no pain. Says its better today, he is having trouble on stairs so trip to paris should be interesting. Then in the afternoon a friend called that a very dear friend of mine is gravely ill with bacterial mengistis. I talk to her almost weekly and see her for coffee often. Needless to say it was a restless night

    jen sorry for all you had to go thru yesterday. As far as ds goes, remember they come back when you least expect them
    have a nice weekend everyone
    take care
  • Hello!
    I didn't feel really great yesterday and made the decision not to go anywhere today. Traffic is crazy here as everyone headed up to the mountains. I worked on my project all day, except for going over to help sis with her project....a nap then Starbucks. I won't get here tomorrow-I work early and can only anticipate how busy it's going to be....Monday,too.

    Take care everyone!

    Sophie, I hope Dh's knee is better!
  • Ruth - It was good for me...was it good for you?

    Cottage - Isn't it crazy how quickly time flies??? I can't believe it myself!

    Well, my dawgs won the season opener, so today was a good day. Unfortunately, I'm being held over on a mando in the morning, so boooooooooo for that. ESPECIALLY since it's my last day. Cutting into my sleep is one thing, but cutting into my days off??? Ugh! I never complain, seriously, but this one is really just bumming me out considering how often I volunteer to take OT. Oh well...part of the job.

    Got to watch the girls smoosh their birthday cakes and got to sing Happy Birthday to them along with everybody that was there. Sophie, who just turned 2, cried when we sang to her and didn't want to smoosh her cake. Sydnie, who just turned 1, was happy as a clam and enjoyed her cake LOTS. Once I thought about it, though, I reckon Sophie is at that age where she knows you don't smoosh your food with your hands...maybe that's why she was apprehensive.

    Why am I analyzing why a 2 year old didn't willingly smoosh her cake? Geez, it's time to shut up. Have a great Sunday, ladies...I'll be here at work for, oh, another 11 1/2 hours.
  • Smooshing cake? And it's encouraged? Yick! IMHO that's like the wedding cake smooshing which always disgusts me - waste of cake. I guess I'm an old broad now but I just don't get it. I'm with Sophie!

    Another successful day feeding the multitudes. I had three people helping me which was great and was able to spend some time chatting up people. However, 9 to 4 is still a really long day and I get to do it Fri/Sat for the next three weeks. Then two weekends of weddings before our Thanksgiving Festival. THEN I will take a wee "vacation". Any suggestions? Maybe stay at home and turn off the email and phone? "Go Away!" signs on the doors?

    Was so sorry to say goodbye to the last two summer staff yesterday. They are just great "kids" and formed close friendships over the summer. They even planned things to do when they had days off. They were just a tad geeky because one event was visiting another Mill and the one at Upper Canada Village. The conclusion? Ours is better and so is our flour!

    Since we have no staff anymore and the Mill is open today and Monday. we will be operating with volunteers. I may go in after ten this morning to be sure all is well. Volunteers need to be "voluntold" sometimes. It seems that I have become the Mill Manager rather than the just Treasurer. Oh well - it does keep me off the street and out of the pool hall!

    The Doggage have gone back to bed. I have been closing them in the back of the house in the morning since I can't stand the barking from Millie when she spots the cat across the road. Darn thing sits down and stares at the house as soon as she hears barking.

    Another coffee for me and then I'll crank up the laundry. I did get my desk cleaned off yesterday morning - might even dust it today! Swiffer is my friend!

    Enjoy Sunday of this long weekend and the final day of August.
  • Okay, I'm a *little* annoyed, I wrote everyone a little response, and my freakin' computer does an automatic shutdown without asking first. Grrrrr.....

    So, to sum it up, HEY CHICKS! Hope your weekends are going well.

    The baby shower was the best baby shower ever...since I met my coworkers husbands, and they were stinkin' hilarious!! I didn't get home until 7 pm last night though, good thing that the family is still gone.

    Today I was annoyed with myself, that I woke up at 5:30. Darned it! I should get a good nap in though. I need to make the menu for the week and get some grocery/school shopping done. My kids start Tuesday.

    My colleague made a roasted sweet potato salad yesterday that was fantastic! It was over spinach with oranges and some other delicious stuff. She texted me a pic of the recipe (reading glasses anyone?), when she gives me a normal one, I'll have to share it...delish!

    Have a great sunday!