these matchdotcom guys are nutty nuts!

  • OMG!!!

    I'm single for the first time in 25 years, since I was 19. So, really single as an adult for the first time ever. And it turns out that I have no idea how to be single.

    Last weekend I was supposed to have a date (would have been my first) with this way too good to be true guy who I met IRL and had spent three awesome nights dancing with over the previous month. And then just at the time he was supposed to pick me up (after several texts about our plans) he texted and said he was sorry but he had decided to take his girlfriend out for dinner instead! Ummm, wow!

    So, I felt super crappy about it for like an hour and then I decided to go out and have a good time anyway because, well, screw him, I'm not one to sit on the couch feeling sorry for myself, must get out and move on...

    And then the next day, I joined thinking that my IRL dating skills were getting me nowhere. lol

    Well, first of all I gotta tell you that so many of those profiles are a HUGE turn off. Anyone who describes themselves as "athletic and toned" turns out to be shallow and selfish, as per the written profile. So, I pretty quickly started looking for the not toned guys. I ended up talking to two of them, one that got in touch with me and one that winked and then I initiated contact.

    The nutty nut part... is that both of them seem/ed head over heels from the get go. Both of them were/are putting a ton of pressure on me to meet NOW. The thing is meeting NOW is all well and good for me, but I'm busy this weekend. lol So, I agreed to go out for a drink w one of them last night. He had been so pushy and acting like he was just crazy about me, and then w/in the first 30 seconds after laying eyes on each other it was obvious he was over it. lol That was just as well bc he didn't have a shot. About two minutes into our date he described a "fat" woman as "disgusting" and then he told me that he used to teach PE to grade schoolers and he once got into trouble for telling a third grader that he was fat and that the father was also "fat and disgusting". Good grief! That was totally not winning to say the least.

    The other one asked if I wanted to come over to his house and rent a movie. Omg, we haven't met yet! NO!!! lol And then he acted like I was being prissy or hard to get or something bc I told him that I was busy all weekend and couldn't meet him till tuesday.

    I'm wondering, since they both seem to have this strange attitude, almost acting like we're already in a relationship. Is this a common thing? I find it kinda shocking.

    ETA: One more Q for those who've used matchdotcom: the site is all weird for me, like I can't get rid of the notifications, keeps telling me I have a wink or an email that I've already clicked on. And then today it gave me my ten matches, I looked at the first one, I winked at him, and then all of the other matches just disappeared and when I clicked on my matches it showed me yesterdays matches. I feel cheated over my last matches, tho I know they were probably all idiots. lol But still!
  • In my experience a lot of the Match guys were shallow, pushy, and only looking for one thing. I'm not saying people can't find a nice guy on there but my advice is eHarmony. Better quality of men in general on there.
  • Quote: In my experience a lot of the Match guys were shallow, pushy, and only looking for one thing. I'm not saying people can't find a nice guy on there but my advice is eHarmony. Better quality of men in general on there.
    I've heard this from a lot of people, many people who are in it for the hook up are on
  • Interesting. Hmmmm.... I will take a look at eHarmony.
  • Online dating is good if you are shy or feel uncomfortable around the opposite sex. Otherwise IRL dating is a lot better. Try socialising more IRL and making friends with not just women but men too and it won't take long for you to find someone.