6 lbs in one day?

  • I have weighed 282 for 4 days in a row. I weigh myself at the same time (first thing in the morning after peeing.) I was getting a little frustrated because I felt I was not gorging myself and I've been walking 3 miles a day but no progress could be measured. I am weighing on a digital scale, which I have recently learned to calibrate, and verified on an analog scale.

    Then this morning I weighed myself at 276, I was shocked, I verified several times on both scales and I can see the difference in the mirror and in my belt buckle. I've been weighing daily and I've never seen such a big surge in a single day.

    Anyone else had a big surge like this, and was any of it "real" weight loss or did your numbers go right back up in the coming days?
  • Congrats if so! That's awesome - but definitely confusing
  • Awesome and congrats!
  • Awesome!!!!

    Sounds like you were probably holding onto water weight, especially since you can see the difference. Too much sodium lately? Maybe not drinking enough water? This has definitely happened to me before.
  • Sort of sounds like you finally let go of some water retention.
  • This is what is commonly referred to as a "Woosh"

    Fat loss is an equation of energy. For the most part it is linear but we have no easy and accurate way to measure fat so we measure our weight.

    Our weight has a huge amount to do with water and water flucuates.

    This is why measuring one's progress daily via the scale is going to be frustrating unless one can deal with the fact that weight loss is not linear in most people because of water retention.
  • What John said.

    Also, I know it's easier said than done, but try not to let the scale turn you into a scientist. The scale measures the force of mass placed on it. We are made up of all kinds of matter and the relative compositions of that will vary from day to day. Trying to determine fat loss with all of those variables can make you crazy. We have control over our actions, not the outcomes. If you are eating and exercising, the scale will move in time.

    Just to counter everything I just said - yeah, you can lose 6lbs of mass in one day. But you probably lost the fat more gradually and then the water weight finally went whoosh revealing your fat loss on the scale. I have a theory that for every lb of fat I lose, my body holds onto an equal amount of water for an unspecified period of time and then lets it all go in these whooshes.
  • I weigh myself daily and keep a little chart of it. It's always a Whoosh down (3lbs was the max so far) and then small increments up, the a whoosh down again... The graph goes down an average of 1.2lbs a week so far, but the weight is up up up DOWN up up up DOWN, I'm assuming water retention, sodium, (waste... as I totally one time weighed myself then went to make coffee then had to poo and then re-weighed and lost .4lbs in the span of 10 minutes... yup...).

    Anyway, take it from me, if you decide to weigh yourself daily, don't get discouraged at the little ups you WILL SEE, due to mass factors. I would graph it, to see the total downs.
  • A "woosh" huh? I googled it... very interesting, never heard of such a thing, but it makes a lot of sense.

    Today the weight is still off so it must have been real. This is very encouraging, telling me what I'm doing is actually working!
  • my weight comes off like that too. Nothing for weeks, then whoosh. Then nothing, then whoosh. I weigh myself daily and have just learned to go with the flow.
  • http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat...uishy-fat.html
  • wow! congratulations! that is so motivating and great to see such a big loss in one day;-) you probably at last got rid of all the extra water you had in your body. keep going and do not stop! wish you all the best;-)
  • I like the woosh! I'd rather see a loss of a few pounds once a week than unsatisfying tenths of pounds daily.
  • yeah right? as you can see in my thread I dont "trust" my loss either.

    But I am convinced to just "take it and run"
