Missed work and feeling guilty...........

  • Missed work and feeling guilty

    I missed work today as I was feeling quite depressed and anxious. Feel very guilty as I lied and told my employer I fell. In the last year this is only the third day I have missed but they were all due to the same thing. The other two times I told them I had a stomach bug so I couldn't use that excuse again.

    In a perfect world,employers would understand that mental/emotional struggles are as debilitating as physical ones, but we don't live in a perfect world.

    Has anyone felt this way before?
  • Yeah. I've done the same thing. I generally just say I'm sick, and don't go into detail. My boss does know about my issues (I was starting to have problems at work before I got on medication, so it came up), but I still don't feel comfortable saying that's the reason.
  • You took a mental health day. It is the same as calling in with a fever, flu bug or some physical illness. Good for you for realizing you needed a small break!
  • Don't feel guilty. Your reason is just as valid as if you did have a stomach bug. Sometimes we just need to take a personal day.
  • White harmless lie. We've all done it, don't fret! Ditto on the mental health day, we all deserve one!
  • Thanks everyone!! Appreciate the encouragement!