Newbie Here

  • Hi Everyone,

    Newbie here from the UK - I have been reading everyone's posts today and everyone is an inspiration in their own right. So many of you have done so well with weight loss and so many are determined to do well - (I am one of them! ) I just wanted to ask a few questions regarding the surgery types, i know there are different types and i am considering either the Bypass or the Sleeve - is there any significant difference in weight loss between the two?
    Also, how long after the surgery did you start to lose weight?

    I understand that this isn't a miracle pill and that there is a lot of hard work afterwards as well - but i am so excited to start the change!
  • Hi Birdie! welcome aboard!

    in general, the bypass is faster, but after about a year or two, the amount of weight lost is about the same. The definitiion of 'success' is to lose 50% of your excess weight. So, if you have 150 pounds to lose, the American Society for Bariatric Surgery considers you to be a success if you lose 75 pounds.

    Now, you, I, and everyone else around here would consider 100 pounds lost to be a success. Or even 200 pounds.

    Having said that, there are risks of vitamin deficiencies with the bypass that aren't as commonly seen with the sleeve. When do you talk witht eh surgeon?

    oh. as for how quickly after the surgery do we lose weight - pretty much immediately. HOWEVER, there are a few folks who GAIN weight while they're in the hospital - from water weight, from anesthesia, whatever. don't worry. it comes off within a week or two.
  • Hi Jiffypop,

    Thanks for your post!

    I hear what you're saying about weightloss, I need to lose 120 pounds once that's gone I'll say I was successful.

    I'm going to see the Bariatric physician on August 5th. I'm not sure what to expect really! I'm also worried that since this is happening for me through the NHS (uk health system) that the dr might decide that I'm not a good candidate for the surgery.. Although my dietician can't see why he would! I also think surgery waiting times could be up to 6 months... Anyway...

    I'm super excited to get going, I really hate waiting!!
  • No expert here, but I have to admit that the bypass always freaked me out. The surgeon I am going to only does the sleeve so that's good. Of course I haven't actually gone to my first appointment yet. So we shall see. Birdie01, I'm in the same boat. Although I am pretty sure I'll be happy if I lose 100 pounds. I wouldn't mind 120 but that would make me skinnier than I have been since 8th grade.
  • Hey Seana, :-)

    Exactly! If and when I lose this weight I'll be the thinnest I've been since about the 8th grade too!

    Sometimes when I'm not looking in the mirror I often think to myself, maybe I'm not actually as big as I think I am, (I think this while I'm not doing any kind of physical activity) like today for example, standing on the train on my way home.. It's peak hour and there I am standing as there are no seats, one hand holding the pole to steady myself and the other arm hangs by my side, but for some reason I can't get the free arm comfy, I lift my arm and put it down several times and it feels like something is stuck under it, I have a quick look and realise, oh wait its a fat roll!! I am as big as I think I am - if not bigger. I will beg and plead for this to happen..

    Does anyone know the recovery time between bypass and sleeve? The more I think about it the more I'm inclined to go for the sleeve.. I'll have to speak to the physician about it all I guess. When is your surgeon appt?
  • usually, the qualifications for surgery are having a BMI of 40 [which translates to being about 100 pounds overweight] or a BMI of 38 with comorbidities. In some cases, like in people with diabetes, surgeries are being performed at BMIs of 35 or so.

    As for the 6 month waiting on the NHS, we have something similar here. But it's called something different: it's the 6 months of supervised weight management. same result, different names.

    don't worry, the time passes quickly, and it's a great time to deal with your food issues and to prepare yourself [psychologically] for the surgery. and, believe it or not, start sliding into an exercise plan that works FOR YOU.
  • Yeah Jiffypop, we have 1 year weight management program here too which you have to do, I've already done that and my final appt for that is in sept but they start the ball rolling now I guess to get you on the waiting list for surgery.

    Next I see the physician and he refers me on to the hospital where the surgery is done, that's where the waiting list is. I've managed to establish quite a lot about myself in this last year.. Eating healthily doesn't now come naturally but everyday I make the effort to consciously choose the right choice, I check the calorie count and fat content before I eat. If I fancy a treat I make a point if having only half of what I think I want (not like a whole cake or half a biscuit) I'm talking a scone I'll give half to my husband or daughter or just leave it (some days are not so good with that!!) but I do try and although I've only lost 10lbs since I started I think it's ok, I'm in an established exercise routine that fits into my day that I do 5 days a week, it's a lifestyle change so everything I do I want to be realistic about.. I'll never attend a gym 5 times a week, I don't have the energy, money or time for that, so I told my dietician and exercise specialist this and have incorporated other things into my days instead.

    I just hope it's enough. I'm confident that once I've had surgery I won't fail, I hope at least, I also hope that losing the weight and opening all those suitcases in the garage with old non fitting clothes in, is like a new shopping experience again and that getting into the clothes I used to love will inspire me to not look back. Plus my daughter is the biggest inspiration for me at the moment. She's nearly 2 and I refuse to let her pay for my mistakes when she gets to school. Kids are nasty and as soon as they see her moms a giant sized person she will be teased and I can't standby and let that happen. It's now or never, I'll never surrender!
  • ooo!!!! determined girl with motivation!!! perfect! it sounds like you're making really good progress. it's not really about losing weight right now [no matter what THEY say - but you certainly cannot gain more weight]. It's more about making small changes, getting control of your life, using food as fuel instead of a way to cope with every emotion under the sun.

    and it sounds like you're doing a great job with this. In my house, that half biscuit or scone ends up as bird food outside the door. The birds show up, the cat is entertained, and i'm not eating it!