120 days to go. Need some kicks in my tooshie.

  • Hi

    My name is Alyssa and today I started a video journal. Something I have never ever done. But, I was on you tube getting motivation to really get going on this weight loss and I was moved by all the before and after videos of people who have fought so hard to lose weight and they have video of it. Not just still pictures but raw emotion and voices, feelings etc.

    Anyway, It helped me and so I have 120 days until my wedding, (Actual 125 days) and I need to lose weight not only to fit and look nice in a dress but for so many other reasons, too long to list right now here.

    I am posting this so I can be accountable. Everyday I want to come and post, post a picture, a quote.. anything.

    I am here asking for help. I need friends that know how it is. That know the struggle and still keep fighting. So... hi, I'm Alyssa.
  • Hello Alyssa!! You have already found one friend who knows how it is!;-) Welcome to the forum!! you will love it;-)) You seem to be very motivated! that is great! The main things for us ar to be strong and motivated! We need strength and motivation to keep going no matter what! Let's make friends and help each other! you can always ask me for support;-) Good luck to you with your journey to new happy and healthy life!
  • Oh goodness, I know exactly how that is! Congrats on your upcoming wedding.

    Try not to set a goal weight for the wedding though, because that will just add stress on top of the stress of the wedding prep. I made that mistake and was a bit of a basket case for the whole 2 months prior to getting married. (Wedding photo is on my profile, I was 270 pounds at the time). Do what you can, be proud of what you accomplish, and then enjoy your wedding day for the joyful event it's meant to be.

    Good luck on your weight loss, and you vlog!
  • Hi Alyssa, welcome and I think that is a fabulous idea! At my heaviest I've been 350 lbs. at 5'5 and I had to lose some weight due to health issues (PCOS). Now I am going from 315.8 down to 281 lbs. w/an ultimate goal of 150 lbs. . I admire you chronicling your weight loss, I wanted to do the same thing but keep making excuses :P. I'd love to subscribe to your channel, what program are following for your weight loss? Also what are your favorite/most motivational Youtubers?

    My favorites are -
    Divaslimsdown (she nearly lost 200 lbs! She is one of my biggest inspirations period, I love this girl!)
    Weightwatchergirl1 (lost nearly 160 lbs. through Weight Watchers, she gives awesome recipes, food ideas & reviews and very inspirational)
    BeautifulBrwnBabyDol (love this girl, lost 100 lbs. very inspirational)
    Fashionistalatinamua (she lost about 161 lbs. just do a search on her weight videos)
    Makeup Geek (she lost at least 125 lbs. just search for her weight loss videos)
  • Welcome. I still get inspired by some before and after videos on youtube (they are still pictures). Notably the one titled 500 Before and After Weight Loss Pictures! Amazing!

    Best wishes on your WOE.
  • Thanks everyone! I did not expect to have any replies! But I am sure glad I do!

    I watched a lot of those You tubers and the one that got me going WAS in fact Divaslimsdown! I can't remember the others as I was pretty frantic trying to get motivated yesterday, but I will try and sub to the ones I really liked.

    I am not doing any plan at all. I am giving myself 120 days to get healthy. Period! I did not set a weight goal for the time frame either. I need to get my priorities in order first and foremost!

    I have an issue with drinking. I just don't want to! But when I did, I was always drinking Soda or Koolaid etc. So the first thing I have done is ONLY drink water. And I have done great. Yesterday I drank 48 oz of water. Which is super for me!

    Today I will track all my calories that I eat and do my walk away the pounds video. 1 mile. I can't do more just yet. But I know I will!

    I am not going to put a stop to anything I currently eat, but I will make changes to the portion size and how often certain things get put in my mouth.

    There was one quote I read that really was motivational for me and helps me. It's going on my inspiration board I keep right next to my desk so I can be reminded all the time of what I need to do.

    "What you want NOW, or what you want most?" It's a really simple question, but it really hits deep for me. Is that cupcake really worth the set back or disappointment I will feel when I weigh in? Is it worth my entire workout that I just did?

    So, anyway! I have not posted my videos on Youtube yet. I feel too embarrassed. I guess that is an issue I have to work on... I was just about to type "I will post it once I've lost some weight"... Wait a minute. Think about that. If I can't believe in myself for this journey, how can I succeed at all?

    I will post my videos at the first weigh in. Good or bad. I have to take some accountablitly. If my videos are there for all to see... people will be watching, and waiting to see how I do. Maybe THAT is what I need.

    Hmmm... What do you think?
  • Sounds great! I was so uncomfortable on my wedding day.. I weighed almost the same as I do now (and I just had a baby a month ago, 12 months ago and 2 years ago). it was awful. There was no excuse. I wouldnt wish it on anyone. Do this. Follow through. Don't have any regrets. I actually am working on losing weight to renew my vows - as a sort of "do over" - for my 5th anniversary, which is in 13 months and 2 weeks. It will be wonderful to be comfortable and healthier on my new wedding day... but I wish I had gotten it together the first time around. You can do this, and I hope to be able to support you through it.
  • Thank you Icantbelieveit!

    Last night was rough. I had a gall badder attack (I think). And got my SECOND flow in one month... WTF?!?! Ugh... I will still push through today. No matter what!!!!!! Day three here I come. 117 days to go.
  • This was a double post! Ignore
  • Today I weighed myself again just to be sure I was seeing the right #. I keep thinking maybe that Its wrong, or I was seeing things. I was sure it said 344 when I last weighed. How would I get that wrong?

    Anyway... I will weigh myself on day 7, which is in two days and THAT will be my official week one weigh in.

    When I weighed in at 344 it was about two weeks ago, give or take a day. It wasn't that long ago.

    Today I am at 331. Lets see if I can move it to 329 by day 7!
  • Oh my! Congratulations on the wedding! You can do it! Before you know it, you'll be walking down the asle in a beautiful dress! It's so exciting!!

    We are pretty close in weight... I'm on day 15! How much are you trying to lose?
  • Hey Blue,

    I am on day 7 now. I don't have a weight goal, I just want to lose weight! I found when I put a certain number goal, Its too much for me and I quit. So my goal is to exercise everyday, and drink only water. So far thats enough for my body to lose... So yay!

    But I do think I read the scale wrong. I think it was 334, not 344. That makes more sense to me.

    So, my week one weigh in is : 331.0

    So at least that IS a loss. Thought I could be in the 320's by now.
  • Congrats on your progress so far. one lb and day at a time.
  • It's very possible that you weighed 344 at first. When we change our habits, sometimes we lost a LOT of water weight in the first couple of weeks, so the scale will show much more progress than it will in the weeks after that. Be careful not to expect too much, and definitely don't quit if the scale isn't showing much progress. Take pictures often, so you can look back and see how far you've come as you get stronger and healthier. I know I've changed my diet and exercises and didn't see the scale move at ALL. Everyone told me how good I looked, but since the scale didn't show it, I gave up. That's the silliest thing I could have done!!!

    Try to remember that those who lose slowly retain more muscle and lose more actual fat. If you've ever seen someone who lost a lot of weight, quickly, and they now look flabby (for lack of a better word) instead of looking fit and healthy, you know what I mean. You'll do great - 2 pounds a week is a fantastic, healthy amount. You're gonna look soooo good at your wedding!!! Keep it up!!!