
  • I'm not talking about everyday hunger but a couple of days ago I was ravenously hungry. I am not skipping meals or changing what foods I eat (except for cutting out junk food), just eating less.

    Funny thing was, in general I don't feel all that hungry until I actually start eating. The other day I had lunch and the food tasted soooo good. When I was done I wanted more, it was so hard to resist eating more. I stayed strong this time, did something distracting and the hunger eventually subsided, but in the future I may not be so disciplined.

    Is it a bad sign when I am so hungry once I start eating? If so, what can I do to curb the ravenous hunger?
  • we all have hunger episodes or cravings. Slow down your eating take around 20 minutes to eat, it will give a chance to your brain to register that your are not hungry anymore.
  • I agree, slow down. Drink water as you eat as well. It will help. Sometimes, I will add extra spices (like oregano or basil depending on what it is) I noticed the more flavor of the item I'm eating, the less I feel like I'm hungry. If something is bland, I feel less full after I'm done no matter how much of it I ate and how slowly. So maybe sprinkle a little extra seasoning, avoiding too much salt of course.
  • Maybe drink some tea after you are done? As a sign that you are done plus tea can also help satisfy you.
  • Eat more lean protein. Like eggs and fish.