I Miss You!

  • Just came to say "I'm alive" and sorry I haven't been around much, but my computer at home crashed and grrrrr it's supposed to be fixed this week but GRR! And I was at my sisters' house for a few days and.....wow. I just miss you all so much and I can't wait until my computer is fixed, I'm going to post on like EVERY SINGLE thread that I've missed, I promise, promise. LOL. I miss you all soooo much. I'm going to come back to the library this weekend I think and spend my whole 30 minutes here, posting. :-) Have a GREAT week everyone!
  • Glad to hear that you're okay and doing well. So sorry to hear about your computer!! I've been there myself and I know how hard that is. I spent every afternoon at the library when my computer was down!!

    Take care!
  • I was wondering where you had gone! Looking forward to reading your posts once your computer is up and running! Take care.

  • Happy to see you Apryl.

    Be happy and beautiful,
    Miss Chris
  • We missed you too girl!
  • I was wondering!!! Can't wait until your back!