Ideal Protein & Soda Stream (not to beat a dead horse...)

  • Hello there,

    I know I know....I've been googling looking for an answer to my question (and it brought me here) but still haven't found the answer. So I'm going to ask it and apologize in advance if it's been answered and I missed it.

    First off, hello my name is Michael and I'm a Diet Pepso FIEND!!

    I understand all of the bad stuff about diet soda, and I'm cutting it out. I'm also starting Ideal Protein on the 5th.

    So knowing you can't have diet soda on Ideal Protein because of the acid or ph in the blood or;s my question.

    Can I mix up my Crystal Light like I always do (powder add water) and then just add the carbonation from the soda stream? I understand you can have seltzer water (seltzer is plain, unflavored water that has been artificially carbonated.)

    So would this be okay.....I like the bubbles I can't lie. But from my interpretation of the materials this would be completely acceptable...But wondered if anyone else has done this.

    I will ask in my orientation meeting, but wondered if anyone here already knows.

    Thanks for any help or guidance you can provide.

  • I don't think crystal light is actually allowed on IP - doesn't it have aspartame? You are allowed a TINY squirt of Mio in your water but even that can affect some people's weight loss. Try tossing cucumber & fresh mint leaves in your water to flavour it - then strain & do the soda stream thing. I also like a squeeze of lime juice & fresh mint - mock mojito lol. What you will be missing is the hit of sweet! No way to really replace that... but it will pass after a little while - you won't be craving so much. If you really liked the bubbles - seltzer water would be just fine .

  • Quote: Hello there,

    I know I know....I've been googling looking for an answer to my question (and it brought me here) but still haven't found the answer. So I'm going to ask it and apologize in advance if it's been answered and I missed it.

    First off, hello my name is Michael and I'm a Diet Pepso FIEND!!

    I understand all of the bad stuff about diet soda, and I'm cutting it out. I'm also starting Ideal Protein on the 5th.

    So knowing you can't have diet soda on Ideal Protein because of the acid or ph in the blood or;s my question.

    Can I mix up my Crystal Light like I always do (powder add water) and then just add the carbonation from the soda stream? I understand you can have seltzer water (seltzer is plain, unflavored water that has been artificially carbonated.)

    So would this be okay.....I like the bubbles I can't lie. But from my interpretation of the materials this would be completely acceptable...But wondered if anyone else has done this.

    I will ask in my orientation meeting, but wondered if anyone here already knows.

    Thanks for any help or guidance you can provide.

    I can understand your concerns. I had a special friendship with Diet Coke for over 20 years.

    Since starting IP, I have switched completely to Lacroix flavored sparkling waters. They come in many flavors, and give me the bubble hit that I love. They have only water and natural flavors, no sweeteners. My coach has said that I can have as many as I want while on plan, since they are 0/0/0 and do not contain aspartame.

    Crystal Light has aspartame and is not allowed on plan, although I've heard that some people use it anyway. Some artificial sweeteners will slow your weight loss, so I don't know why a person would risk it. Each additional day on IP costs upwards of $15 (cost of packets) so it makes sense not to slow your loss if you can avoid it.
  • My mom loves the bubbles too, we have found Sparkling Ice drinks to help curb that craving. She has one per day and they come in many flavors and are sweetened with splenda, hope this helps
  • Oooo....Booo!

    I was reading the following from an Ideal Protein site:

    "Why is diet soda discouraged during the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method?

    All diet drinks (i.e. sugar-free, carb-free) are NOT contraindicated on the Ideal Protein Diet. The problem that can arise is imbalances in acid / base regulation. Our protocol is very alkaline and this is why we do not see complications common to other “protein type diets”, namely kidney stones, gout, bone spurs, etc.

    Some diet drinks (Crystal Light for example) are mixed with water and these are acceptable."

    So I will need to be sure to get more info from them. Hopefully I will find something with some sort of flavor that I can drink, and like. The funny part is, the food part doesn't bother me as much as not having something tasty to drink

    Thanks for the feedback! I will need to look into other options for drinks it looks like.

  • OOOO Sparkling ICE....I've had those and actually LIKE them!

    I was hoping for something that I could mix myself (trying to save a bit of money, as mentioned the diet is already a big investment)

    But I'm a drinker and regular water has always put me off....look like I might need to suck it up and put my big boy pants much as it pains me to say that!

  • If you want something to mix into water, I like to use the 4C Totally Light packets found near the tea/coffee, they have a variety pack with fruity flavors and a variety pack with different tea flavors as well. They are also sweetened with splenda and you could use your soda stream
  • Quote: Oooo....Booo!

    I was reading the following from an Ideal Protein site:

    "Why is diet soda discouraged during the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method?

    All diet drinks (i.e. sugar-free, carb-free) are NOT contraindicated on the Ideal Protein Diet. The problem that can arise is imbalances in acid / base regulation. Our protocol is very alkaline and this is why we do not see complications common to other “protein type diets”, namely kidney stones, gout, bone spurs, etc.

    Some diet drinks (Crystal Light for example) are mixed with water and these are acceptable."

    So I will need to be sure to get more info from them. Hopefully I will find something with some sort of flavor that I can drink, and like. The funny part is, the food part doesn't bother me as much as not having something tasty to drink

    Thanks for the feedback! I will need to look into other options for drinks it looks like.

    Don't know what site you were on or how old it is, but my Feb21/2013 tip sheet from the clinic said "on Phase 1 & 2 NO SODA" in those words exactly, no qualifiers ie diet, 0/0/0, etc. allowed.

    for what it's worth...

  • Thanks again for the feedback!!

    I'm sure they are going to be sick of me by the end of the orientation, I have a page of questions.....course for the cost of the diet I don't really feel THAT bad about it!

  • Quote: Thanks again for the feedback!!

    I'm sure they are going to be sick of me by the end of the orientation, I have a page of questions.....course for the cost of the diet I don't really feel THAT bad about it!

    Hahahaha, get your money's worth Michael. I even had a coach who gave me her cell # and told me to text whenever I had a question or needed help or support (kinda like an AA sponsor, lol). I didn't have to use it very often, but sometimes I had questions she would have to contact Ideal Protein Scientific Dept for and that could take a few days, so this way no time was wasted at the weigh in & info came quicker - she'd text me back.
  • Quote: Oooo....Booo!

    I was reading the following from an Ideal Protein site:

    "Why is diet soda discouraged during the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method?

    All diet drinks (i.e. sugar-free, carb-free) are NOT contraindicated on the Ideal Protein Diet. The problem that can arise is imbalances in acid / base regulation. Our protocol is very alkaline and this is why we do not see complications common to other “protein type diets”, namely kidney stones, gout, bone spurs, etc.

    Some diet drinks (Crystal Light for example) are mixed with water and these are acceptable."

    So I will need to be sure to get more info from them. Hopefully I will find something with some sort of flavor that I can drink, and like. The funny part is, the food part doesn't bother me as much as not having something tasty to drink

    Thanks for the feedback! I will need to look into other options for drinks it looks like.

    It's not the soda stream that would be the problem, it is what you put in it.
    " not contraindicated" means might be okay.
    A bunch of folks use soda stream but they're very careful what they mix it with (and how much). Plain water is the best choice, hands-down.
    I flavor sometimes with herbal tea, cucumber, ginger, or lemon.
    I think you'll find VERY quickly that you don't miss things nearly as much as you think you will. When our head is playing head games, it gets in our way.
  • Quote: I was hoping for something that I could mix myself (trying to save a bit of money, as mentioned the diet is already a big investment)

    But I'm a drinker and regular water has always put me off....look like I might need to suck it up and put my big boy pants much as it pains me to say that!

    Good luck on your journey, and welcome!

    I, too, was a Diet Pepsi/ Pepsi Max fiend up until early 2013 (way before I started IP). I knew I had a very unhealthy habit, drinking upwards of 48 oz of diet soda per day. In about Feb. 2013, I quit cold turkey. My drinks of choice became decaf iced tea and water. I honestly do not miss it at all! And, soda is expensive, so I have saved tons! Consider making some tasty iced tea and use an allowed sweetener. My hubby also has a need for bubbles occasionally, so he has Perrier.

    Quote: Thanks again for the feedback!!

    I'm sure they are going to be sick of me by the end of the orientation, I have a page of questions.....course for the cost of the diet I don't really feel THAT bad about it!

    Love this! Get your $$$ worth!

    Quote: It's not the soda stream that would be the problem, it is what you put in it.
    " not contraindicated" means might be okay.
    A bunch of folks use soda stream but they're very careful what they mix it with (and how much). Plain water is the best choice, hands-down.
    I flavor sometimes with herbal tea, cucumber, ginger, or lemon.
    I think you'll find VERY quickly that you don't miss things nearly as much as you think you will. When our head is playing head games, it gets in our way.
    Lisa, I totally agree. I was so worried (mentally) about missing things; I find that I have not missed much, at all. Now there a things I used to LOVE that I cannot even imagine eating/drinking now.