Here once again.

  • Hi. I actually joined this website in 2010. Well I failed to lose any weight at all. It's just hard to get motivated. I have to do lose weight this time. I will be 38 yrs old in July and I don't want to go into my 40s being overweight. I have back problems and if I continue at the weight I am in now, I am just going to get worst and worst. I hope I get the motivation I need here. Thanks for reading.
  • Hi vanessa761, I'm new here too and I find so much good information. . like a lot of people, I am not new to dieting, but for the first time in many years I am having some success and am encouraged to keep going.. I also have back problems and my Dr has been pushing me to lose weight, he gave me a script for phentermine, and I have taken it in the past, but do not want to take it again because when I stopped , before, I gained everything back. . what did happen to me, over the course of a few months, is that my appetite has diminished, cravings are way down, and that keeps me going. I think, for me, as long as I keep the cravings down and continue doing an alternate day fast, I can really get to where I want to be. . I had a very hard time trying to stay at 500 cals on fast days and almost threw in the towel, but.. I discovered if I would eat very low carb on my fast days.. I could do it..I know we are all different , but sometimes if you keep trying to find things that work for you, you have success.. I wish you much success..keep trying..
  • Thanks. I just weighed myself for the first time in a long time and I weigh much much more than I thought. My heaviest ever. This time, I can't quit. I have to do this. No and, ifs or buts. I am starting to develop health problems because of being obese.
  • I am glad you came back. I came back too. This is my third time. Not losing weight, but being on 3fc. I am a student in a cardiovascular technology program. It is amazing what happens to us from our diet and exercise. It is preventable! You can change! And you are worth it. I am convinced that this time I am going to succeed because I am seeing firsthand the effects of what I am doing to myself. Me. Not anyone else. Just me. And if I am responsible for my downfall, I can change it and be responsible for my long and healthy life. I never ever want to end up clutching my chest and falling over dead from something I could have prevented. My body deserves better. You just have to find a way that will keep you going long after the weight is gone. Being overweight is just collateral damage from bad eating. If you fix the eating(and the reasons why you eat this way), the weight goes away and stays away. I just have to remember that every time someone puts something sugar covered and breaded in my bread. I am unfortunately unable to control myself with flour and sugar. Find out what things stop you and what works for you and you will succeed! The most important thing is to just start and not stop. It is a lifelong change. It starts whenever you are ready. Are you ready? Yes you are!
  • You make excellent points, Brandis, I'm sure that I'm a lot older than you are, but I think you have the essence of the problem figured out. . my problem with food goes way back, and even when I knew the stuff I was eating was so bad for me, I couldn't seem to stop. . also, I had the idea that after I lost weight, I could go back to eating my old ways. . I don't blame anyone but myself, however , I do want to say that I was not getting the true picture of what I was doing., if that makes any sense., so at 55, and after a few months of careful observation, I think I am finally getting it..for me, it all boiled down to appetite.. I accidentally found things that calmed my huge appetite and cravings. . I tried to do the every other day fasting, then I could eat what I wanted the next day.. only problem was, I couldn't get thru the fasting day.. I started using protein powder on fasting days, and in a while, I could do the days, as time went on, I found I needed to calm down my eating on the up again I used the powder and also
    protein foods .. I had some carbs, but good ones, and not ones that would ignite my appetite.. so, anyway, I've lost twenty pounds, with no pills , and I am more hopeful to lose another 50 lbs than I have ever been.. you're right. we can do this.. I just had to do whatever it takes , and I'm not even unhappy with the way I eat now.. good luck to all.
  • Hi Vanessa!

    I have been on and off this site for YEARS. I too just logged in to after a long time because I am tired of being overweight and unhealthy. I remember reading some really inspirational stories last time. GOOD LUCK!!
  • RockieRoad55- you aren't that much older than I am. I am just really experienced with gaining weight! I have a lot of issues with food. I use protein drinks, too, mostly for post workout recovery, but they do tend to help me to stay full for a lot longer as well. I have lots of issues with food. I never have gone toward anorexic or bulimic tendencies, but I definitely do have problems with binge eating. I also have issues understanding when I am hungry, when I am full, how to not eat for amusement, when I am sad, to celebrate, the list goes on and on... I am making better choices lately. I am trying to see past just what the food will taste like, or how overly full I can feel. I am trying to make decisions based on which foods will help me reach my nutrition goals, as well as taste good. I am convinced that I can succeed, but, like you, I have to give up on thinking that I can go back to eating "normally" when the weight comes off. I never ate "normally", so going back to those habits will only end me up at the start line again. I have to change my outlook and my relationship with food forever.