Back on WW With a Newborn

  • Hey all! Before I became pregnant I lost about 80 pounds with weight watchers. I gained back 30 during pregnancy and now have just over 50 pounds to lose to reach my goal. I waited a month and my Dr gave me the go ahead to rejoin while breastfeeding my new son. I was really bad while pregnant and ate fast food and candy and whatever I wanted and am paying for it now. I don't seem to have the will power I had the first time. Definitely need some to make me stronger. Does anyone have any advice for getting back into the swing of things while caring for an infant?
  • Hi tehshort1,
    I'm not on WW but I am nursing a 4 week old and watching what I eat with the LAWL program. It's Similar to WW but a bit more structured. It seems to be a bit easier for me in regards to planning what and how much to eat.
    Figure regardless of the program at least we have the huge common denominator of breastfeeding right now and it's nice to find someone else in the same boat.
    This is baby number 4 for me. I thought baby 3 was going to be my absolute last one (he was a boy and my first two are girls). I got pregnant with baby 3 as soon as I ceased bf'ing baby 2 at 7 months. It was quite unexpected as it had taken 3 years to conceive baby 2. So I still had baby weight on from #2 and added a little for baby 3 and lost 60 pounds by the time baby 3 was a year. 20 of those pounds came off when I was bf'ing. The other 40 came off between 7-11 months post partum using the IP program. I kept it all off for a year and put on 20 over the course of the next year and a bit but stabilized there. Then found out about my surprise #4. I gained 25. It could have been so much less but I derailed a bit in the third trimester and started indulging my sweet tooth. This bad habit spilt over into my initial two weeks after baby before I finally made the switch. Initially I just cleaned up what I was eating so avoided refined sugars and simple carbs but let myself go town on nuts and dried fruit. Then last week decided the time had come to get a bit more serious and started being more conscientious of my choices.
    Things I find really help stay on track is having a cup of tea with a tsp of honey in the evenings. It satisfies my need for a sweet snack. Eating my veggies. They are not the first thing that comes to mind when I'm hungry but they are the best. In terms of eliminating not only my current hunger but also later in the day. They tend to keep me satiated longer. And they're so good for baby.
    80 pounds is no small feat!
    I'm sure as soon as you get into the swing of being more mindful again you'll be right back on track.
    Are you doing the simple start or the points?