300+ And Ready To Try Again...#371

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  • God Bless America!

    We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
    We share laughter and tears.
    We share what works for us and what doesn't.
    We recently started a Topic of the Day.

    Monday........Motivation Monday
    Tuesday.......Tuesday Tips
    Wednesday.....Wednesday Weigh ins
    Thursday......Thankful Thursday
    Friday........Friday Facials, Fingernails and Fun
    Saturday.......Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
    Sunday.........Soup and Salad Sunday - recipes

    These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We have found them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears...joys and celebrations.

    We chat at 8:30 PM EST, 7:30 PM CST on Wednesday and Saturday.

    Please feel free to jump right in with us.
    And be sure to check if there is a second page. We don't want anyone to miss any posts.
    We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
    We share laughter and tears.
    We share what works for us and what doesn't.
    We recently started a Topic of the Day.

  • Good morning! Quick post and then I'm out of here. And only because I'm well aware of the b!t(h!^g that goes on if I don't write something when I start a new thread!

    My back feels much better this morning. I think part of the problem is sleeping through the night, believe it or not. And I know there's some of you who don't, but..... The last few days or so it has been wonderful sleeping weather, was able to sleep with the windows open and have a cool breeze. But every morning I'm waking up with a horrible back ache. Now PMS is one of the problems, but I think the other is sleeping through the night. So last night I took care of it by drinking two big glasses of water before going to bed. I bet you can guess what I got up twice to do!!!! And this morning I feel so much better.

    2cute: I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression. Curves IS open in the morning. They're open from 8-1 and from 3-8. I just have found that I can work in the morning, get off the road before rush hour and go to Curves when they open back up at 3:00. Also find they're not too busy right then. In the morning I would have to work out, come home, shower and then try to go back out to work, that just doesn't sound too appealling to me. * You're a better woman than me subbing out the beans and rice. Actually, I did sub out the rice last night, but not for veggies, for the corn cake.

    Andria: I'm really not interested in the Curves diet as much as I am in the other stuff that's in the book. I'm going to stick with WW although I suppose no matter what you're eatting you could count points.

    JoeAnne: You do look very young, my dear.

    Pam: We can't live in the past. All we can do is make changes so our future is brighter. If I had all the money back that I spent on......(fill in the blank here) I would be one RICH woman. The point is we're moving on and that's the important thing. Out with the bad habits, in with the good.

    Well girls, #1 son and I are off and running. Hope to catch ya later.

    "Opportunity knocks only once, but temptation bangs on the door for years."
  • Good morning. I am headed out the door too but wanted to wish everyone a wonderful day.
    Pam... while writing about yourself... you always end up writing about ME. LOL I too would live in the land of "denial". Our bathroom needed repairs and I would just block it from my mind ... and I am sure I used eating as a way to do that too.

    Thin... I am glad to hear their hours are longer.
    I sure thought they have poor management. LOL

    Okay... no more replys today..... I have got to run.
    My food is getttng better again. Thank goodness for baby steps.
    I am improving baby step by baby step.
  • Thankful Thursday
    I am thankful for you all here at 3fc.
    I am very thankful for Hair Dye, or I would look like I was 48 and not 38 or younger.
    I am thankful for my Honey who Loves me
    I am thankful for my rugrats
    I am thankful for my sisters, escpecially when they aren't together
    I very thankful for my widowed brother who has found a new woman.
    I am thankful for having my mom and knowing she is keeping a watch on me from Heaven
    I am thankful for sticking to a healthier WOE and for being able to exercise
    Thats all I can think of for now. But I am sure there is much more that I have been blessed with and I am thankful for it all.
    You all have a Blessed Day Friends.
  • Okay, should I be worried?
    I left three messages for Tina on her cell phone. I even called the motel last night to see if they could connect me to her room. I was told that they had cancelled their reservation there. I know she said something in her last post about an oil leak.

    I am a worry wart.

    Please send some : to Tina and her family, I hope all is well with them.

    Needless to say, I'm not driving up there til I hear from her and it's probably too late at this point. I had hoped to leave early this morning.


    Anyway...keep them in your thoughts and prayers. Let's hope that everything is OK.
  • Hi Gals -
    Just popping in quickly during lunch. Actually, I haven't eaten lunch, I went to Wal-mart instead and now I am going run to the cafeteria for something light and quick before getting back to work! I have tomorrow off! YIPPEE! So I am trying to tie up loose ends today!

    Kat - Sorry things aren't working out with Tina --- I hope all is ok with her. Please let us know as soon as you hear! I guess it's probably a good thing I didn't try to drive up there.

    I'll try to catch up with everyone else later!! Thank you all for the good thoughts yesterday when I was feeling so bad about the test results. DH and I had a long, emotional talk last night and I know it will all work out. Everything happens for a reason. I just have to handle this like everything else - one thing at a time!

    For those wondering about the cute little pics and smileys some of us have been finding. You post them just like a picture - using the img button at the top. Find what you want on a website somewhere and then right click to get the properties and copy them into the box that comes up when you use the img button....that is a quickie explaination. Sorry. I'll try to post a better one later. Tina is the one that finally helped me figure it out. I'll try to find her post.

    Here are some strawberries and cream for you. Yummy....

  • Kat... you are the resident worry wart... and I am the resident "positive thinker"
    Look on the bright side. The hotel said they "cancelled" their reservation... so that means they were probably not injured or worst. But it is possible they had car trouble.
    We do all need to send positive vibes their way. : ... and maybe a tow truck.
    Oooppsss... thats not funny.
    Sorry Tina... I could not resist it. LOL
    Sending you prayers as well as good vibes.
  • Hello All,

    Was writing a long post and then got kicked off. Lost it, could be divine intervention, maybe I was getting too long winded!! So you may be safe..for now!

    Great news...I made it all the way through the WATP tape-one mile without stropping!! Today was my 10th day (rested Sunday)!!! yee ha!! yippeeee! Zippidy do da, zippidy my oh my what a wonderful day!!

    Okay...enough already, but I feel good, and proud of myself!! I haven't exercised in a long time, and certainly not anything consistent for over 20 years!! The more I do the more I want to do!! hope all of you are having a healthy day!

    Joe Anne you are beautiful!! You have the most radiant smile!! Don't know when I will post a picture, well, not a close up anyway..I told Amanda I didnt want to subject all of you to my facial hair! I have these annoying little chin hairs, and they make me crazy!! the more I pluck them, the longer and blacker they get!! Electrolysis may be in order!

    barb, thanks for the kind words, I get caught up sometimes, "reflections of the past"! I am trying to change all that though, I appreciate your support! It really is a miracle to me that in such a short time, I feel like a different person. Much more upbeat and positive now!! I draw strength from all of you!!

    Talk to you all later!
  • Pam... we were posting at the same time... I bet that is why you had problems. Sorry.

    I cannot tell you how much you have inspired ME.
    I LOVE your enthusiasm and change within yourself.
    It makes me GLOW reading your posts.
    So many of you here.... just warm my heart.
    Joannes love of life is contagious.
    Her thankful Thursday list makes me more thankful.
    I don't have time to tell each of you how you individually positively affect my life.... but EACH OF YOU DO !!

    I have to go pay a deposit on my new house water bill.
    It has been a longgggggg time since I have had to do that.
    Oh well.. they don't know me from the man on the moon so I won't take it personal. LOL
  • Ay caramba! I go away for a few hours and a new thread starts! Ahh, well, I had reading to catch up on anyway.

    Well, I am definitely thankful for this board and behavioral modification. I am so darn proud of myself today I can't stand it!

    Now, before I tell the whole story, if something like this happened 20 years ago--or even as little as 10 for that matter, I'd either: A) bawled my eyes out for days B) eaten myself into obvilition or C) attempted suicide. Did I think about any of these this time around? NOT THIS CHICK!

    Anyhoo....As my usual summer ritual, after my evening walk, I love sitting outside and BSing with my neighbors, Nellie and Kathy, whom I love to pieces (we're also bingo buddies) and catching up on the neighborhood gossip (beats eating). When I came back in at about 10:00PM (PA time, mind you ), there is this message on my answering machine from some young broad I never heard of in my entire life, bellowing at me to leave Brian the alone, how'd I get his number, etc., stop being a stalker, he's not dating anyone but her, yada yada yada.

    And I'm listening to this, thinking, WHAT?! IS THERE SOMETHING THIS LITTLE DIDN'T TELL ME?!

    Well, my first instinct was to pick up the phone and call California and chew a certain man a second one.... AFTER I star *69'ed this bimbo and gave her a piece of my mind....then it came to me:


    I figure since there are two sides to every story, it is better for me to calm down and be rational before calling California

    I ended up doing 30 minutes of exercises, and then calling my friend Shayna instead. By the time we were done talking, my ribs were sore from laughing so hard!

    I'm feeling much better now
  • Ooppsss one more thing....
    This was sent to me... and i am sending it on to anyone else who is not "perfect"

    "I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games.
    26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've
    failed over and over and over again in my life.
    And that is why I succeed. "
    -- Michael Jordan
  • hello, hello, hello [img]http://www.emotipad.com/emoticons/Bigsmile.gif[/img]
    Good morning ladies,

    Last few days its been very hard to get here, between kids and weather and running around, I have peeked in tho and read some of your posts, I think its great how fast you need a new thread, this is a very active thread, so for me that means you are all a very loving and caring group. I hope to get good as you guys with the individual posts . Joanne, congrats on your anniv. This year is 20 for me too I think that musta been a popular year.. also contrats to Katrina, yours will be here soon too.

    My goal is to be as good as you girls with your posting, I think you guys are great.. and weather u no it or not your keeping me good. I just hafta get better and posting, and I will

    I do love these new smily's that have been added... thinker you asked about my smily's and i cant keep a secret lol.. on one of these threads someone asked a similar question and the response was a progrm called emotipad, well i did some searching in google search and this was befor the new smiles were added here, anyways i found a few different downloads, right now im on a 14 day trial period for emotpad ll if you want the address i have i can get it for you .. it has lots of smiles and you can add all kinds of stuff, very easy to use too just click and drag

    You do hafta pay for it after the 14 days if u want it.. i think its around 10. but im not sure.. im still in trial to see if i want to keep it. Well, i think im gonna go and make some lunch.. dont really want healty, but im gonna make a salad. my weight in day is tomorrow, so i want to try and stay good.

    have a great day ladies
  • Need help finding a dress!
    Hi Ladies!

    Okay, so here I sit freaking out about my brother's wedding AGAIN! Got another invitation to a bridal shower. Reception is formal (white glove) - pretty high browed. I just don't know what the heck I'm going to wear. Been looking but seems that I can only find MuMu's. What the heck? Anyone know of a good plus size sight? Kills me when some of them consider size 20 a plus size....I'd be doing my lucky me dance in a 20!

    ANY help would be greatly appreciated!

  • Hi again comrades in arms!! armed against the compulsive overeating our ammunition against is: EACH OTHER!!

    2 CUTE: Thanks for the kudos, I appreciate that so much! I am enjoying this so much, bet y'all cant tell can you?? Forgive the "YA'LL"..THAT ONE SLIPPED IT IS MY VERY S-O-U-T-H-E-R-N UPBRINGING! CANNOT HELP MYSELF SOMETIMES, IT JUST REARS IT'S UGLY HEAD!Seriously though, I love living her and am proud to call Alabama my home. Even though we may "appear" last in everything, depending of course on what Mississippi is doing! ..at least I did not say "that thar jest comes rite outta my m-o-u-t-h, an' I aint got narn' way a stoppin' it"..laying in on thick I know, just wanted to bring a little to your

    Scribbles, glad to see you made it back!

    Lori, your posts are so animated, I love them! your personality comes shining through!

    I'll holler at the rest a un's later.....translation: I will be back!
  • Hey Pam
    I LIKE the drawl! Don't hide it! I could write in a Noo Joizey accent, but seeing as I don't have one...heh heh...well...not that I know of anyway. Except when I say dawg or caw-fee....or so I'm told. I do pronounce my "r"s...don't say Noo Yawk...or muth-ah and fath-uh!

    I love Lucky's accent...she sounds like Marge Gundersen in "Fargo."

    I think we need a big ol' party line, so we can hear what everyone sounds like.
    Better yet, that big reunion at 2cute's new house, next summer!

    we ARE still invited, aren't we? Will the house be ready by then?

    uh...Lori? So THEN what happened??? Don't keep us hangin'!

    Still no word from Tina...I'm sure she's basking in "Tony-ville!"