Day 9 of the rest of my life

  • I am Sam, I have been overweight my entire life. I've gone through some of the most ridiculous situations, and nothing has made me stop overeating unhealthy food.

    8 days ago I started the 10 day detox outlined by Dr. Hyman. It is through it that I realized that I am actually addicted to food.

    The withdrawal symptoms were torturous, and now that I have more than a simple overeating problem I realize I need help to fix it. So here I am!
  • Sam,
    Good luck to you. It's not always easy but weight loss is very rewarding. You'll find a lot of wonderful support here.
  • Thank you! That is exactly what I am looking for.
  • Hi Sam
    Welcome, and good luck to you. In my humble experience, this is the right place to come for success!
  • Realizing that it's an addiction is a huge step in defeating it!!! Good for you and Keep up the good work!
  • with your efforts!!