Goodbye to the 140's

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  • Who's ready to kiss the 140's goodbye?
  • 142.4 this morning; hoping for a nice bloat whoosh and get below 140 by Friday.
  • Sum, thanks for starting the new thread. I tried, but I never did that before and I didn't know about closing the old one. Hoping you get your whoosh!

    Shrinking, good luck with your new supplement. Congrats on your loss. You are so close to the 130's now!

    Zumbachica, slow is good. The trend is all that really matters.

    Vix, you probably lost more but it's hiding because of the function last night. Hope it shows up at your next weigh-in!

    I have to report that I mistyped my weigh-in yesterday. I reported it as 148.0, but it was actually 144.8 (so I was up less than a pound from eating out). Anyway, today the scale is down to 144.2.

    When I used to CC and I wanted to eat out, I had to choose between figuring out a way to eat on-plan or going off plan for a meal. Trying to eat out on-plan was challenging and often went awry. If I opted for the off-plan exception meal, I would often have difficulty the next day because it was such a change to be able to eat a fully satisfying meal that it was hard to go back to the grind. But now that my (one) meal is so satisfying, I don't have a problem the next day with staying on plan.
  • No weigh-in today, but good news! The new liquid iron supplement did the trick, in spite of the fact that it tastes like honey-dipped rusty nails and has six carbs per dose.

    I brought my hematocrit up from 37 to 41 in one day! I was able to donate plasma again this morning. It is important to stay on schedule, because they give you bonuses for donating twice a week consistently.

    I expect to be out of the 140's by early next week.

  • Cool beans, Shrinking, glad you found a good suplement for you. Hope you get to the 130's soon, but sorry to see you go!

    I had a mini-whoosh today and am down to 143.6.
  • No weight loss this week still holding at 149, hopefully a whoosh is coming!
  • Down (nearly) another pound 141.8
  • Hang in there, lulubellebc!

    Congrats, Sum! Looks like your visit to this board might not last long!

    I bumped up today to 144.4. Oh, well, bumps happen.
  • yoyoma I am so ready to kick the 140's to the curb!!

    No change for me 141.8; I had a salty lunch; smoked salmon and I have I am retaining water like mad. I was trying to drink a lot yesterday, but what was going in was not coming out I am hoping for a nice whoosh!! I hope to be out of the 140's by the end of this month. That is 8 days to drop 1.8 pounds, that should be doable.

    This time, I have taken slow what comes to my weight loss, it has taken me a year to lose 25 pounds. -- The last 4/6 weeks I have been maintaining. A lot of stuff happened incl. vacation and a nasty ear infection and I was not in a right mind set to lose weight. Luckily I think I have reconditioned myself what comes to food.... I did not gain, I maintained. I had a few horrid days what came to food, but somehow I was always able to pull myself together. It is nice to know that when maint. hits I may be able to succeed!

    I am nowhere near maint. yet. I refuse to stop my weight loss at 140 pounds. But I am measly 15 pounds away.

    Now that I am back at exercising, I hope to be there by May/June
  • Sum, Being able to maintain when stuff hits the fan is a huge victory!

    I'm at 144.4 again today. I think I might also end up in practice maintenance for a while. Things have just gotten much busier for me and my steps on the treadmill are way down now due to lack of time. That's likely to remain a problem for a while. I'd like to be thinner, but I will be happy if I can manage to maintain when I have to spend my time and energy on other things.
  • Sometimes our bodies make me so mad; I am ovulating and after a fast day I am up a pound. UGH!

    I usually don't mind my fast days. I fast on days when I do my volunteer job and I am usually so busy that I don't even have time to think about food. Well I was busy, but I was miserably hungry (thanks to ovulation). I could not wait to get home to my salad!

    I had a big salad to cut the hunger edge off and then porkloin for dinner with veggies. For a snack I had apple w/ nothing drastic, definitely not weight gain worthy stuff

    Sad to write this down 142.8
  • Sometimes it is good to take a little diet break, yoyoma. If you maintain, you will come back stronger! I hope things settle down for you a bit.
  • I am experiencing a mini-stall. I am certain 140 is another set-point for me. I have hung up here in previous weight-loss attempts, too.

    UGH! I am officially out of ketosis. Blood ketones measured .6 today (goal range is 1.3-3.0). But at least my blood sugar is good (85).

    Donating plasma is ruining me! I had been adding a few additional carbs on donation days because supposedly the plasma donation uses a huge amount of blood sugar. I mean the plasma is supposed to take 64g of glucose and 44g protein out of my bloodstream, so I have been adding back in an additional 15-20g carbs on donation days, plus 30g or so of extra protein so I don't lose muscle mass. But apparently this is throwing me out of ketosis so I am going to change my approach. Probably the amount of glucose the plasma donation is supposedly taking from my bloodstream is very different for me. More likely they are getting a small mount of glucose and a whole lot of my ketones instead. So apparently, in my case, adding in extra dietary carbs is actually doubly counter-productive; it adds in carbs which aren't actually necessary, it throws me out of ketosis, AND it fails to add back the ketones the plasma donation took away.

    From now on, I am going to add in only the non-negottiable additional carbs from the liquid iron supplement (it's sweetened with honey and has 8g carbs). I have found a source of liquid iron online which has no added sweetener; it should arrive soon (crosses fingers). I will continue to add a protein shake (add'l 20g protein) the day of the donation. And I think I need to add some coconut oil for its natural ketone content, and maybe some raspberry ketones, immediately after my donation.

    3/6: 145.6
    3/8: 145.2
    3/9: 144.2
    3/11: 143.8
    3/12: 143.0
    3/14: 141.8
    3/19: 143.2
    3/20: 142.0
    3/21: 140.8
    3/25: 140.8 ugh

    Fat fast today to get back into ketosis. Will weigh in again tomorrow and re-test blood ketones.
  • Sum, sorry you got a bump up on the scale, but your food sounds both delicious and very diet-friendly and you know you didn't gain a pound of real weight.

    Shrinking, sorry you are dealing with a stall. It must be doubly frustrating with you so close to the 130's! It may well have to do with adjustments for the plasma donations, but it sounds like you're on top of it and you'll get it straightened out!

    No weigh-in for me today. I had a terrible night of (lack of) sleep and drank a big mug of coffee before I thought of weighing in. So, I'm just going to skip it today rather than try to adjust for the coffee weight. I haven't even gotten on the treadmill today, just taking the time to post this update then back to the grind.

    The great news is that I had no trouble staying on my eating plan yesterday despite a looming deadline! If I can stay on it today with sleep deprivation added to the mix, I'm golden. It would be a huge silver lining in this temporary cloud.
  • I was OP for another day and got some exercise in; my scale did not reward me for my good behavior

    142.8 (still)