New from Delaware!

  • Hi! Just joined today, but I have been on my weight loss journey for about a year. Really looking for a place to get support, celebrate successes, and maybe even build a few friendships.

    Last January, I joined the YMCA and started counting calories. That didn't go so well. In August, I started 5:2 (intermittent fasting, the "Fast Diet") and I love it. The weight loss is going slowly though. I've lost just barely two dress sizes and about 22 pounds since last February.

    My biggest motivator has been FITNESS. I LOVE hiking and I got so frustrated last year seeing my boyfriend hike up countless mountains while I started, stopped, started, stopped, catching my breath, feeling like I was going to die. I feel so much more fit now, and will continue with that, but the more weight I lose, the easier it will be!

    So that's that in a nutshell. Looking forward to finding a place here...
  • Great job on your 22 Lbs loss so far!! Awesome!! Keep up the good work!!
  • Welcome!! You have probably "lost" more than the 22lbs with fat loss but gained in muscle....the fact you lost 2 dress sizes alone leads me to think this. Two dress sizes is AMAZING! You must feel incredible - congrats!
  • Thank you both! I actually lost another 2.5 pounds this week (way more than usual for me) so I am stoked!

    Thanks for the welcoming and best of luck to you two as well Liliann, congrats on your 31 pounds lost!!!