In the beginning, everyone was vegan, even the animals

  • Just thought it would be interesting to know that God confirms that it is correct to eat healthy. Raw veganism was the original diet of humankind for Adam and Eve in the garden.
    Genesis 1:29 Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.

    The animals were also all plant-eaters before sin entered the world and they will be plant-eaters again after the second coming of Christ ends the current world.
    Genesis 1:30 And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so.
    Isaiah 65:25 "The wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox, but dust will be the serpent's food. They will neither hunt nor destroy on all my holy mountain," says the LORD.

    God did give man permission to eat meat after the flood, but he made certain restrictions. He certainly didn't give us permission to pump animals full of hormones and treat them cruelly.
    Leviticus 11:1-47 has the list of clean and unclean animals.
    Because humans would now try to eat animals, God made the animals fear us.
    Genesis 9:2 And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand they are delivered.

    I think the best plan is the original Plan A of plants-only diet. But God also outlined a Plan B for those who would struggle to follow Plan A. Either way, God is showing us its very important to consider what we put into our mouths.

    I actually pulled out everything I could find about diet in the Bible here:
    I think I found everything, but if anything else in the Bible mentions diet, let me know.
  • Good one.
    I hear some Christians say " Oh but God said we could use the animals"
    Sure he didn't mean play god and destroy the Earth.
    I think in the scriptures it says to eat meat sparingly, in times of Famine and in Winter. Not three times a day or even weekly.
  • Quote: Good one.
    I hear some Christians say " Oh but God said we could use the animals"
    Sure he didn't mean play god and destroy the Earth.
    I think in the scriptures it says to eat meat sparingly, in times of Famine and in Winter. Not three times a day or even weekly.
    I wouldn't be surprised if the Bible has stories that speak to that standard of eating meat rarely. It's the general impression I get from the entire book. It's also why I think God allowed Noah and company to eat meat after the flood. The Great Flood had just wiped out all of the plant life on earth and it would take some time to recover.
    So if you're in winter, famine, food desert, whatever, you eat what you need to to survive. But the ultimate goal is to avoid animal products as much as possible since it's like eating "3rd grade" quality food compared to "1st grade" quality plant food.
  • Not to mention the food like products that most people are consuming today.
  • I ran across another really awesome Bible quote! It is perfect for all the desserts and fast food crap Americans eat everyday!

    Proverbs 23:1-3
    When you sit to dine with a ruler, note well what is before you, and put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony. Do not crave his delicacies, for that food is deceptive.

    Basically, it's saying when you eat crappy food, it's the same as putting a knife to your throat. Don't be deceived by how good it might taste.
    We all know how processed foods are deliberately engineered to be highly addictive. And look at how many people are deceived by it.
  • Thank you for this! I have been thinking of going mostly vegetarian/vegan lately, and trying to figure out what exactly that will look like for me. I didn't really have any issues with going vegetarian and my faith, but convincing my parents (I'm only 20 and am home from college for the summer) has been a challenge in and of itself.
  • Highly recommend reading Ellen G. White's Ministry of Healing book, especially the nutrition chapters. All of her works are in public domain and therefore free to read online.

    This is her "Flesh as Food" excerpt:

    This is the full book:
    The entire book is fabulous, but chapters 25-29 are the nutrition chapters.

    She wrote all of this 100 years ago based on visions God gave her. We now have modern science confirming everything she wrote. She wasn't a doctor and you'll notice she doesn't speak in medical terms in her books. Such things were very primitive then. Her knowledge was God-given.

    When Ellen G. White in 1864 began to speak and write on proper nutrition and a way of living that took into account nature's laws, average life expectancy in the United States was 32 years; meals, served three, four, or five times a day, were highly spiced, heavy with meats, rich gravies, fried foods, and a vast array of pastries loaded with sugar and fat. Milk was often supplied by cows poorly cared for and sometimes tuberculous. Testing was unknown, and pasteurization was decades away. Except for salting and drying, the science of food preservation was still in the future. It was in this climate that Ellen White, with a pen dipped in the wisdom and knowledge of the Designer of the human form and the Author of nature's laws, called for a dietary program that was simple, healthful, nutritious, and appetizing. To this end she spoke for fifty years, writing her views in articles, books, and personal correspondence. Nutritionists today are aware of people's resistance to changes in their diet. Yet Ellen White succeeded in changing the dietary practices of hundreds of thousands who today profitably follow these counsels, now well supported by scientific research. Counsels on Diet and Foods presents this rich knowledge in topical order for convenient study.

    ^This is why so many Seventh-Day Adventists to this day are vegetarians and never drink or smoke. I grew up in the church and my mother's family are all SDA. I can personally verify SDA lives like this.
    What Seventh-Day Adventists Get Right That Lengthens Their Life Expectancy

    I've actually just started taking an interest in reading some of Ellen's books and I was astounded to see her confirming everything I already believed about veganism because of all the medical research I've read.
  • Found this awesome, awesome sermon on veganism and healthy eating in the Bible! Excellent sermon from a Seventh-Day Adventist preacher who shows via Bible scripture that God cares very much for what we put into our mouths. --just skip past the first 30 minutes of song service and go straight to his sermon.

    I think my favorite point from the entire sermon is he mentions how sin entered the world because "someone ate something they weren't supposed to".

    Quote: Good one.
    I hear some Christians say " Oh but God said we could use the animals"
    Sure he didn't mean play god and destroy the Earth.
    I think in the scriptures it says to eat meat sparingly, in times of Famine and in Winter. Not three times a day or even weekly.
    noshoes, are you mormon?
    I was just watching a vegan video from Dr. McDougall and he was going thru some different quotes from different religions and he came to Mormon Doctrine 89, which said to abstain from meat except in times of Famine and Winter. I'm a seventh-day adventist, so we only believe in the Bible and not any extra books, but its nice to hear the Mormon book confirm meat is not the best diet.
  • God gave us permission to eat meat after the Noachian flood. Of course, I don't know His reason for this but I think it may have had something to do with shortening our life span...900 plus years was just too much time to put up with an un-redeemed global population. Coupled with the vapor canopy surrounding the earth (blocking harmful UV rays) being dissolved during the flood, eating meat helped to knock off about 800 years of a human's lifespan.

    But that's just a personal opinion.

  • Quote: God gave us permission to eat meat after the Noachian flood. Of course, I don't know His reason for this but I think it may have had something to do with shortening our life span...900 plus years was just too much time to put up with an un-redeemed global population. Coupled with the vapor canopy surrounding the earth (blocking harmful UV rays) being dissolved during the flood, eating meat helped to knock off about 800 years of a human's lifespan.

    But that's just a personal opinion.

    I think that definitely played a part in the decrease in lifespan, but you also have to keep in mind that the flood wiped out the entire human gene pool except for Noah's family. That's a massive loss of genetic information, which likely had a massive impact on longevity and other traits.
    Humans and the planet literally "devolve" as we lose more genetic information thru mutations (corruptions of the code), mass extinctions of species, and monoculture farming. Monoculture farming is required to generate enough food to feed the factory farms.
  • Thanks @Arwen17 for posting the link to Ellen G. White's book on the Ministry of Healing - I've now ordered it from the Kindle store and look forward to dipping into it as a general resource for health and healing.

  • I actually pulled out everything I could find about diet in the Bible here:

    I think I found everything, but if anything else in the Bible mentions diet, let me know.
  • Great Thanks for sharing