March WATP Leslie Sansone

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  • Hoping to do a few miles after I wash the floor and vacuum.
  • Washing the floor and vacuuming sound like good exercise to me! Have you considered wearing a pedometer to see which daily activities are putting in some mileage?

    If you like WATP, by all means go for it too! And good luck with your exercise goals!
  • Thanks yoyoma.
  • Three Mile Party this morning! Besides that errands and floors as well. My Fitbit has me at 9873 steps so far!
  • 3mi remix.
  • Day off.
  • First four miles of 5 Mega Miles.
    Lent starts this week. Nothing to really give up because I have already have! Oh, it just hit me, Facebook! Although I don't really spend much time on there anyway, but the little bit I do is a waste of time. I do follow this little boy's cancer treatments on there. He is the little brother of a student at my high school but I can just ask people at school about him. Sorry, rambling...! Cannonballing Cancer is the site, FYI.
  • I've been going to ask you calcounter if the moves where you jog and turn make you dizzy. I would rather jog up and back.
  • I know what you mean about Facebook but I have ten kids and that's how I sometimes see what they are doing. They live from Seattle to Boston and in between......18 grandkids, too.
  • Quote: I've been going to ask you calcounter if the moves where you jog and turn make you dizzy. I would rather jog up and back.
    No those don't make me dizzy. Only the ones where she completely turn around do.
  • Quote: I know what you mean about Facebook but I have ten kids and that's how I sometimes see what they are doing. They live from Seattle to Boston and in between......18 grandkids, too.
    That's so amazing! Yes I don't blame you for keeping up with them, my problem is people who post every little thing they do and then I stupidly read it!
  • I did the blue, red and purple miles from the Ultimate Five Day DVD. Just discovered that you can program it do show the miles you want. Works great! I guess I must have picked the shorter miles because it only took about 40 minutes for three miles. Also did the arm workout. Probably need to double that it's very short.
  • Quote:
    Also did the arm workout. Probably need to double that it's very short.
    Sounds interesting.
  • Catching up on the weekend: No Leslie for me, but Saturday was errand/chore day and I had over 12K steps, so I'm happy with that. Sunday was a rest day. This morning I did Firm 30.
  • 3mi party songs.