So over the 180s *New*

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  • So I saw someone had made a new Get Me Out of the 190s thread and I thought I'd make a new 180s thread as well!

    So welcome everyone who is working to get through the 180s!

    Introduce yourself, maybe tell your story, or tell us how your journey is going right now...

    My name is Stephanie, I'm a newly admitted lawyer, and last year was a tough year-- between finishing law school, studying for the bar, waiting for results, and now trying and failing at finding a job. I've been on this site on and off for a couple years. I've never been skinny or fit and every time I've tried to get healthy I have failed, until now (I hope)!

    I've always been afraid of doing this on my own. I've tried to make my fiancé change with me and it hasn't worked. Finally, I've realized that I need to do this for me. So, I've been using MyFitnessPal and sticking to calories, going to Bikram Yoga 2-4 times a week, and this week I started going to the gym and trying out strength training.

    Hopefully from now on I can stay motivated!
  • I'm sad, I must be all by my lonesome in the 180s :-(

    182.8 this morning so hopefully I'll be joining some others in the 170s soon.
  • I'm almost to the 180s! So close, but I thought I'd say hey, and cheer you on!

    It's really great to hear you have decided to make the change for you!
  • Hey ..... U are not alone here... I have been in the 180s for a while now (more than 3 months which means I havent done anything about it but I am determined to this time around) and want to move out of it at the earliest possible... I am joining u too

    Looks like we are pretty much around similar stage in the 180s hope we get out of it soon
  • Was 189.4 this morning! Woot! Can't wait to see the 170s (I have no memories of ever being under 180)
  • 185.7 this morning. Ready to be in 170s
  • Yeah, making my way there. I'm going on spring break next week and ill be home. I'm very nervous because I always gain weight when I go home. But it'll be good practice for this summer when I'm home for 3 months.
  • I was so happy to find this thread!

    I am late-20s with a remote, stressful job, which means that I work a lot of hours from home. This has been detrimental to my health - I hardly leave the house (or my desk), and my health/weight have paid the price. I am also in Chicago, and this weather has made it really difficult to get outside to get any exercise.

    I am at the higher end of the 180s, but I am inspired by you all and can envision breaking out of the 180s in no time.

    Cheers to a strong week!
  • Still 185.x Ready for a drop.
  • After stepping off the scale this morning, I am 187.8! I've lost 12.2 pounds in the last two weeks! Hooray Keep it up girls!

    grinchygirl -- I am on my spring break, too. I know what you mean about going home. There are lots of temptations here. But you just gotta stick to the healthy choice. Yeah, those chips may taste good now, but are they really worth it, etc. I'm with ya in spirit!
  • The next 3 pounds are taunting me, I want to be able to say I'm not obese and ill never be obese again. I'm so close. I know the number is probably arbitrary, I'm fit and muscular and eating clean. But I'm so done with obesity, I'm over it.

    I know in two weeks ill lose those 3 pounds and it won't sink in for awhile. I still can't believe I'm under 200, I'm afraid I'm going to break my weightloss, whatever that means. Its been a struggle for me to accept that I can and will lose the weight despite having a pretty successful start.

    sailor_em thanks for the kind words! There are just too many yummy things at home. I think ill be okay.
  • 184.7
  • I've been in the low 190s the past few days and I'm impatiently waiting to find myself in the 180s. Was 190.8 this morning. Hoping to see anything below 190 tomorrow..
  • Down to 188.4 this morning. Hope my stay in the 180s is short and sweet!
  • Congrats MrsDeenz!

    I was able to maintain over spring break so that's something. It would have been nice to lose but I didn't gain, so yay!

    I'm ready to see the 170s, I have a few weeks to go, but I'm ready to do it!