Losing it in 2014 Challenge!

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  • Hi everyone! I'm a regainer who is looking to lose the weight for good. Instead of rushing it, I've decided to give myself a year to lose the 64 lbs I would like to lose.

    Would anyone else like to join me? Perhaps we can check in and give eachother support.

    Starting weight: 178
    Goal weight: 115
  • I'm a regainer too. I was at goal (128) this time last year, and I've put on 30 lbs. I've discovered that I'm a great loser, but an even better gainer. Hoping to learn how to lose and maintain this year.
  • I am also a regainer. I am going on a Caribbean cruise in either April or May with my husband's whole family. I would love to be down to my goal weight of 128by then and maintaining.

    Current: 142
    Goal: 128
  • ive been gaining and losing and regaining most of my life but heho , fresh new start for 2014 , less food , less laziness , less excuses , resulting in a slimmer , fitter , happier me
  • I'm a another regainer.

    2013 was a stressful year for me. I've regained 7kg from a 15kg loss due to stress eating, injury and an overseas holiday. Christmas was just another layer of icing on a very delicious cake :-)

    Hoping to lose 5kg before I start full time work in Feb (eek!) and a min 10kg before my university graduation in May. Ambitious, I know. But I need a kick up the butt, because I'm having trouble getting my head in the game.
  • I regained a bit too last year. I'd love to finally get to my goal in 2014. It's long overdue if I'm honest with myself.

    I'm starting at around 210 and want to get to 155 next year, which will be 100 lbs from my highest weight ever.
  • I regained a bit this last semester (it was a stressful semester), and I'm hoping to lose as much as I can before Spring Break this year, and I would REALLY like to finally get to goal this year. I'm totally on board

    Starting: 180 lbs Goal: 145 lbs
  • I have gained 15 pounds that must come off! My son is getting married in June! I want to get back to where I was for the wedding and also for myself!
  • My weight has continued to go downwards in the last four years. However, it has been, it seems, forever slow. I want to finally reach goal weight by the end of 2014.

    Starting Weight: 185
    Goal Weight end of 2014: 130.

    Challenge 1: Valentines Day -10 lbs --remained the same at 185
    Challenge 2: July 4th - 20 lbs
    Challenge 3: September Labor Day -10 lbs
    Challenge 4: Halloween -10 lbs
    Challenge 5: New year's Even total weight loss of -40
  • Quote: I've discovered that I'm a great loser, but an even better gainer.
    hi! I've found that compared to how easy it is for me to gain, I'm a terrible loser!

    Quote: I am going on a Caribbean cruise in either April or May with my husband's whole family.
    Hi! I think you can totally make your goal. My birthday is in may so I'd love to have made some progress by then too!

    Quote: ive been gaining and losing and regaining most of my life but heho , fresh new start for 2014
    right! time to start fresh. I'm trying to get down about where I am but instead focus on healthy habits.

    Quote: Ambitious, I know. But I need a kick up the butt, because I'm having trouble getting my head in the game.
    I'm totally with you on that, I'm trying to get my motivation back instead of feeling like a failure

    Quote: I regained a bit too last year. I'd love to finally get to my goal in 2014. It's long overdue if I'm honest with myself.
    the 100 goal is totally on my list too. we can do it!

    Quote: I regained a bit this last semester (it was a stressful semester), and I'm hoping to lose as much as I can before Spring Break this year, and I would REALLY like to finally get to goal this year. I'm totally on board
    nice to have you! i think it's way more motivating to be able to support each other

    Quote: I have gained 15 pounds that must come off! My son is getting married in June! I want to get back to where I was for the wedding and also for myself!
    wow, congrats to your son! We are all in this with you-- definitely doable!

    Quote: My weight has continued to go downwards in the last four years. However, it has been, it seems, forever slow. I want to finally reach goal weight by the end of 2014.
    yeah! let's do this! Let's get to goal!
  • Start Weight: 195
    Current Weight: 173
    Goal Weight: 150

    I would like to lose the last 23 (or more) pounds this year. That is exactly the same amount I lost this year. I need to get back on the wagon, track my calories, and start going to the gym more.

    Challenge #1: 165 by March 12th (my birthday)
  • the start of 2013 was great! I lost lots of weight. But in June I fell off my wagon and got ran right over. in these last 6 months I've gained just over 20 pounds. So I would love to start off the new year by dropping those 20 pounds and then keep going. My man and I got tickets for christmas to visit family in Atlanta at the end of May. I've never been so far East and my man has never been on a plane, so we're super excited.
    Starting at 245
    Atlanta trip in May: 225
    2014 goal: 200
    Goal weight :180
  • Hi there
    I would love to join your guys challenge.

    In 2012 I lost my job due to panic disorder and had a year of depression eating which spiked my weight up to 194.

    In 2013 I managed to get down to 165.

    In 2014 my goal is to get down to 125 (Mostly muscle) so that I can regain my life and my confidence.

    I tried dieting with friends but they all dropped off the wagon, and I really do better with friends.

    Feel free to email me/message me and if we get to know each other I would love to text so that we can keep an eye on each other! Man that sounded creepy...I meant more of a motivational set lol
  • Hello all! I would love to join in!

    I'm currently in my early 20s and in college, which does not make dieting easy, considering I have to figure out dorm friendly diet food or eat from a meal plan!
    In June 2013, I officially started my weight loss. Six months later I am 50lbs down, although with the holidays I've been jumping between 2-3 lbs on the scale. My dream ultimate goal weight is 130-135 or just having flat abs, whichever comes first. But I know that to reach that I would have to probably maintain a very strict workout schedule, which I know is not in the cards for me right now considering school. So for 2014, I would really hope to reach my more realistic/attainable goal weight which is 160.

    SW: 230 / GW: 160
  • 2014 Weight Loss Support anyone in LA?
    So here I am again….this has ben a life long thing loss weight, gain weight, lose weight…..I will be 40 next November and my goal is to be in the best shape of my life. I workout but I over eat and even binge at times. I'm ready to be in control of this aspect of my life for good. The last few weeks I have totally been stress eating. I was doing so good but my self sabotage runs so deeps as soon as I see progress, I do something to throw it off, namely emotional eating.

    I was thinking about joining weight watchers but honestly, I can do what weight watchers does….using my fitness pal..right? What I really want to join it for is the support groups. So needless to say, it is not off the table. But I'm hoping to just find a group of cool chicks, who we can work together to keep each other fabulous!!

    I generally, do low carb….but recently it's been lots of holiday sweets. I leave for Hawaii in four days so, Its too late to use that as an excuse to get it together…..anyways…out with the old and in with the new!! I hope you will join me!!

    Current weight: 185
    Goal: 160 for good!!!!