Slow Carb diet newbie! Any success stories or support?

  • Hi!

    Just joined this forum when I ran into some information posted here while googling slow carb diets. Starting the diet officially tomorrow. I'm happy to share my results, and would be really happy to hear the stories of others who have done the slow carb diet. I'm going to follow the four-hour body diet as I really love beans, and I have found from past experience I do need some carbs.

    First step, prepping some bean dishes and chicken tonight to have on hand when I don't have time to make a meal.
  • Hi Missy! I am doing a modified version of the Slow Carb Diet and you are so welcome to join this thread: I'm afraid I have not read The Four-Hour Body by Tim Ferriss. I first got started on my version of his Slow Carb Diet after reading a blog he wrote, but I have lost 37 lbs since July 19th, so I'm pretty happy with that! And the best part is that it's been easy for me. I always struggled with calorie-counting. Many people have great success with it, but it was always a battle for me. This diet isn't and it's made all the difference! I hope the Slow Carb Diet works for you, and I wish you the best of luck!
  • Wow Jacqui_D, that is great!!!! Now I'm super excited to do this diet given your success. I'll bop over now to join your thread so I can learn more about your version. Well done you!!