ITGDiet easy to follow.

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  • Hello all..I am just trying to find other ITG Diet Plan members so we can all compare notes and help each other through. My husband and I have lost 70 lbs already and are now back to lose the last 25 or so. It is so much harder to restart after being off for a while. But we love the structure of this plan..its sort of a relief to know what we can and cant do. But we know it worked for us before and will again if we commit. Thank goodness for the FREE coaching we get. Hope to talk to some new 3FC friends soon!
  • I just started not too long ago but it seems like a good gig to me.
  • Hey there yoyo..guess its just you and I right now..hopefully other ITG diet pla members will join in our conversation much weight have you lost so far? Have you tried the new premade Strawberry Smoothie? We just got good!
  • Quote: Hey there yoyo..guess its just you and I right now..hopefully other ITG diet pla members will join in our conversation much weight have you lost so far? Have you tried the new premade Strawberry Smoothie? We just got good!
    Hey girl! I have lost 10 pounds in the past two weeks. I have been on a lot of programs before and lost a good amount of weight but ended up putting it right back on. I have not tried the new smoothie but I seen something about it has more protein in it? I'm glad you like it! I am a chocoholic so I stick with the chocolate shakes and bars.
  • Hi guys, I started the ITG Plan in March or so because I couldn't afford IP and my coach was never available when I needed her so I wanted a similar plan with the same results for cheaper and with a coach that was actually there for me I have lost 52 lbs on ITG Diet and 6.7% Bodyfat and my BMI went down 7.5 points. I never saw either really go down that much! The food tastes awesome and I am about to transition into step two (YAY) I get to introduce foods back like dairy and fruit!
  • Welcome glad to hear from you! Congrats on your loss!! I agree that its a great alternative to IP. The customer service is incredible..they go above the call that's for sure. Once when my computer was acting up they even took my order over the phone. Keep up the great work..check out the recipes page..there are many ideas for the holidays!
  • Quote: Hi guys, I started the ITG Plan in March or so because I couldn't afford IP and my coach was never available when I needed her so I wanted a similar plan with the same results for cheaper and with a coach that was actually there for me I have lost 52 lbs on ITG Diet and 6.7% Bodyfat and my BMI went down 7.5 points. I never saw either really go down that much! The food tastes awesome and I am about to transition into step two (YAY) I get to introduce foods back like dairy and fruit!
    That is so awesome! It's is so nice to see others that are doing the same plan and having success! I can't wait till I get to step two so I as well can start the transition. I have a ways to go so it is something to look forward to.
  • Having major cravings I decided to write a note here. I WANT PIZZA!!
  • Is ITG kind of like Ideal Protein, Wonderslim or Medifast where you have 3 or 4 shakes or bars a day and a lean and green meal?
  • Quote: Is ITG kind of like Ideal Protein, Wonderslim or Medifast where you have 3 or 4 shakes or bars a day and a lean and green meal?
    Hey there BetsyAnn...yes in fact it used to be an IP plan..they wanted to offer a different variety of foods so went their own way a while back. It's been great for us..we love the new foods. They have like 60 foods to choose from..and yes like many other plans it is based on the same science of resting the pancreas and eating the right amount of protein for your own body. So I have 3 ITG foods and my own veggies and dinner protein. Are you on a similar plan or doing it solo? Oh yeah..they even have a chocolate fudge cake..OMG!! GO TIGERS!! GO CHIEFS!! GO CARDS!! lol!! Are you a fan?
  • Thanks, nray! I thought it used to be part of IP but wasn't sure and when I looked it up online, I couldn't find a complete layout of the ITG plan on their website. I lost right at 30# in Aug/Sept doing IP with alternatives. I had tons of stuff going on in October and wasn't home much, so I laid off IP and just followed a lean lowcarb plan for the most part. Today is Nov 1, wrapped up a couple of business-y type dealings this week and now will be able to concentrate and commit wholeheartedly to IP again, so starting today I am back on track!
    I'm not a huge sports enthusiast, but I do love having winning teams in our state It brings more tourist dollars to the state and MO can always use the $$ haha
    Thanks for the info !
  • I always experience some anxiety on Fridays..the weekends can be hard when dieting due to lack of structure. I will summon will power as always and soldier through! Luck to all!
  • If you get a chance you should look at the ITG shop and try some of the Chocolate Fudge Cake if that sounds good to is awesome as are the non-limited Honey Nut O's! Have a great day and best of luck with your restart!
  • hello Keep doing what you are was just a Pizza didn't really eat it!!
  • I recently started ITG diet. So far so good. I haven't experienced any of the potential symptoms like dizziness or headaches. My main problem is eating 2 cups of veggies @ lunch and dinner. ITG has a great recipe, “Mock”Cinnamon Baked Apples, its made w/Zucchini. Can anyone say Yum! That helps me get in my veggies for dinner. There are lots more recipes on ITG online I want to try. I would love if anyone wanted to share veggie recipes that follow ITG Diet plan.