Down Thirty Pounds and Out of Class 2 Obese

  • So today I got on the scale and found that I have finally hit the big 30 pound loss ... which also means I am out of class 2 obese! This is 25% of my weight loss goal.

    Feeling good and looking forward to getting to ONEderland by the end of the month!
  • Congrats to you!!! That is wonderful! Good luck on your weight loss journey and keep up the awesome work!
  • Congrats!!!!!
  • Way to go!!! THIRTY POUNDS GONE! How awesome is that?!

  • That's awesome congratulations
  • Congratulations! Good job!
  • Great job, Tefrey!
  • Thanks everyone! So far everything has been going smoothly!
  • That's epic!! I know everyone says the BMI scale is bologna, but moving down on it is one of the most gratifying experiences of this journey in my opinion! Keep it up