iP is the worst diet in te world...huh

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  • Yesterday I was reading posts on Facebook and one of my friends made a post staying ip was the worst way to loose weight and whoever created it should be sued for creating so many health problems.

    I responded what health problems...give me details. I did not say I had done it but said from everything I heard it was awesome. She responded with one of her friends has problems with her pancreas and another friend who is anutritionist swears it's the worst diet ever. I said I knew of people who lost weight and kept it off. Then I got the response of I did it and yes lost weight but had brutal headaches and I have never known anyone to keep it off except a co-worker...um that's someone thank you.

    Really ticked me off when people bash it because it was not right for them and dismiss it as bogus.

  • She probably had trouble committing to the diet and following protocol, so rather than admit it was about her, there surely has to be something wrong with the diet. Probably just her way of justifying another failed diet?
  • Now that my weight loss is so dramatic I have had many people ask me what I am doing since I look so healthy and fabulous. I don't mind saying it now since it is hardly something they can criticize at this point. Of course you can always gain it back, no matter what you do, but I have not gotten those comments.
  • I actually can create serious health problems. It did for me. IP does not warn you at all and I would therefore not be surprised if there were a law suit in the future
  • Nutritionists and dietitians will bash it b/c it is unbalanced. Yup. It is. It BURNS FAT!

    Haters gonna hate. Let em.

    A few people have health problems. I've developed thyroid problems I didn't have before. But I was OBESE and had other issues due to obesity (including goiters, which could have been precursors to the hypo). I don't blame IP for anything except my weight loss.

    I think IP may intensify underlying preexisting unknown issues in some people and bring them to the forefront.
  • I have a lot of health issues. IP did not create any of them. What it did was get a lot of weight off so a Dr could finally see a health problem and not immediately jump to the cause being i need to lose weight. I could see the possibility of individual clinics being negligent and not recognizing a health risk -so many of them are just in it for the money - but that is hardly due to Dr. Tran's protocol
  • I think IP should know and warn about possible problems with the thyroid on this diet. And Dr. Tran's protocol was developed for healthy athletes. Some dieters do have pre-existing health issues and any commercial protocol should take them into account and warn about them. IP specifically sells this diet as scientifically based making people believe there is absolutely no risk. Again the "clinics" are made to look like they would indeed monitor health. Some certainly do, others do not. The diet works great for weight loss, but it needs to be done with caution. All symptoms that develop on this diet are always wished away by saying your body is detoxifying and everything will be ok. It is important to note that some symptoms should be taken seriously.
  • Quote: I think IP should know and warn about possible problems with the thyroid on this diet. And Dr. Tran's protocol was developed for healthy athletes. Some dieters do have pre-existing health issues and any commercial protocol should take them into account and warn about them. IP specifically sells this diet as scientifically based making people believe there is absolutely no risk. Again the "clinics" are made to look like they would indeed monitor health. Some certainly do, others do not. The diet works great for weight loss, but it needs to be done with caution. All symptoms that develop on this diet are always wished away by saying your body is detoxifying and everything will be ok. It is important to note that some symptoms should be taken seriously.
    Re-reading Dr Tran's book, he never meant this for long-term use.
    He doesn't say what "long term" is but in his first book he's looking at women needing to drop about 10. This is VERY different than needing to lose 115 (crap... I STILL need to lose a little more than 10!!!).

    I agree that there should be more emphasis on medical monitoring.

    I still say my thyroid was already stressed (multi nodule goiter), although I wasn't hypo (yet). IP just placed added stress on an already stressed system. This is definitely when problems can develop, whether it is thyroid or kidney, or whatever.
  • My hypothyroidism was found before I started IP. I really don't think IP is what causes the problem. Mine was underlying for years, but never showed up on blood work. My genetic make-up is to blame; my mom, aunts, sister, etc. all have issues with their thyroid & none have ever used IP. My coach provided me with a paper that she gives all clients to let us know that we need to stay in touch with our general practitioner & continue to have regular blood work while on IP - especially if you are on IP for a long time & not just those of us with pre-existing conditions. As with all diet plans, your GP should always be in the loop.
  • I just found an old thread that has great discussion about the thyroid, soy products, & IP. The last time it was up & running was in 2011.
  • lisa32989 and kkids:

    Yes, I agree with both of you. IP does not initially cause thyroid problems, but when you already are hypothyroid, even slightly, a very low carb diet will enhance you problems over time. I still have 20 lbs to loose, but I will not go back to IP for those reasons. I just can't tell how far the damage is going and whether it would be fully reversible. But the weight loss was great.
  • Quote: I just found an old thread that has great discussion about the thyroid, soy products, & IP. The last time it was up & running was in 2011.
    Lolo is the resident thyroid expert, thru her research!
  • Quote: Lolo is the resident thyroid expert, thru her research!
    What actually is funny is that thanks to IP I now know why I got sick and gained all that weight a couple of years ago because the IP diet let me to reproduce many of my old symptoms. I actually also did start a research project two years ago that has gone nowhere due to lack of funding. But the research was based on my symptoms with my favorite protein thrown in. The crazy thing is that my ideas at the time were based mostly on fiction (or I call it intuition). But I just realized that the project, which focuses on one of the main control switches that regulates fat storage versus fat usage is intersecting the liver T3 thyroid business I experienced thanks to IP. In fact, it is regulating the conversion of T4 to T3 and I already know that the activity of this control switch is regulated by insulin. Anyways, I just had to blabber it out here, since in essence I can study myself now. If NIH would give me some money that is.
  • Lolo is just giving her opinion and shouldn't be ridiculed for it.
    I would never think that the IP diet is HEALTHY. Whoever thinks that is really naive, it helps you to lose weight fast, plain and simple.....not having the energy to do everyday activity such as housework etc cannot possibly be healthy.

    It's a means to an end so please don't fool yourselves into thinking that eating packets full of soy and fake sugar is good for you vs eating wholesome nutritious food.

    That being said - I do the diet because it helps me to lose the last few lbs that I've never been able to lose - I would never advocate the diet as being "healthy" because I certainly don't feel healthy on it.
  • Did I miss the ridicule part?