Gaining weight and inches

  • This is my first post, and I'm looking for some help!

    it's been six months since having my baby and have managed to lose 15kg so far through walking and breastfeeding. I have about 7kg to go until my pre baby weight.
    I joined a gym two weeks ago and have been doing pump 4 times a week, boxfit one night and only managing one cardio session, but I still take the dog for daily 40 min walks with my 10kg baby strapped on.
    I've also been following the 'lose baby weight' diet which is meant to be safe for breast feeding mums.
    I feel great so decided to to take measurments again today, two weeks after my first measurments. Well, i have gained an inch around each thigh and my waist, and gained 2kg!!

    How on earth am I gaining?? Do I just have no hope while I am still breast feeding?
  • Congratulations on your baby.

    How does your food intake look? Do you measure out your portions on this plan? Its possible to out eat any losses you have if your diet is not balanced. Your body is also still changing too still. Especially if you are BFing. Give it time but I would take a look at your food intake.
  • Quote: I don't mean to be disrespectful, but are you sure it is not muscle under those inches? And I am pretty sure muscle mass weighs more than fat.

    "and have been doing pump 4 times a week, boxfit one night and only managing one cardio session"
    If you're putting on muscle, it's more likely one would gain weight and *lose* inches. Just youtube 5 pounds of muscle vs 5 pounds of fat. Muscle is heavier but the volume is much smaller.
    I gained 2 pounds and lost an inch on my waist and a half inch on my thighs as well, that's generally how an increase in muscle manifests.

    I'd suggest being more mindful of actual calories in, vs output for your activity level and body mass. Using a tool like myfitnesspal or loseit should remove some of the guesswork and confusion. Also, it's my understanding breastfeeding burns considerable calories and aids in dropping baby weight. So, if you're exercising, breastfeeding and *still* gaining, you may need to check the calorie intake.
  • How do your clothes feel? If they fit looser, perhaps your measurement tools are off. If your clothes feel tighter, then you probably do need to look at your intake.