anyone into sport?

  • I know lots of people here are into running. Is there anyone that is into playing a sport? When I get thinner I want to start playing tennis. I'd love to play badminton but I live in a small town and there isn't any badminton courts.
  • Tennis is a goal of mine too.

    As a teenager, I loved to play handball. And I've always loved and been really good at table tennis. For me, the problem with tennis was that I had no upper body strength. Really, holding the racket itself was enough of a workout; I couldn't be swinging it all around on top of that.

    Now that I'm stronger on top, I think I'll give it a try soon. I don't know anyone who plays though. Maybe I'll be able to talk some ppl into giving it a try...
  • I used to play a lot of racquetball years ago. It's a great workout and fun at the same time. Unfortunately--they closed down the health club that had the courts.
  • Quote: Tennis is a goal of mine too.

    As a teenager, I loved to play handball. And I've always loved and been really good at table tennis. For me, the problem with tennis was that I had no upper body strength. Really, holding the racket itself was enough of a workout; I couldn't be swinging it all around on top of that.

    Now that I'm stronger on top, I think I'll give it a try soon. I don't know anyone who plays though. Maybe I'll be able to talk some ppl into giving it a try...
    I had tennis coaching when I was a kid and I agree about the lack of upper body strength. However I kept on trying and eventually got stronger. Having a lighter racket can help as well. I've also played handball and table tennis. My dad has a table tennis table so I've played it a lot over the years.
  • Soccer is always fun I play on two indoor teams right now
  • I'd like to play football or baseball but there arent any teams that I know of here