Fastest to Lose 5lbs Challenge #18: IanG won last time

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  • Let's rock this challenge! Fastest to lose 5lbs rules.

    SW: 174.4lbs
    GW: 169.4lbs
  • Quote: Let's rock this challenge! Fastest to lose 5lbs rules.

    SW: 174.4lbs
    GW: 169.4lbs
    Ok , scale not pretty this morning! I'm in

    CW 204.2
    GW 199.2
  • IAN Look at you.... At the end of this challenge you will be in the 160's!!!! WOW and Simply.. you will be in ONDERLAND HORAY!!! Want to see that for both of you!!

    SW 248 (up again.. ate some Iodized salt and whomp went the water)

    GW 243 again... same challenge for 2 times now...
  • Great Job IanG!!!

    SW 172.5
    GW 167.5
  • Ian: Sue has a good point about you soon being in the 160's. I remember when you made it to ONEderland, and that seems like only yesterday!

    I'm in again:

    SW: 151.25
    GW: 146.25
  • Way to go Ian! Congrats!

    SW: 255.0
    CW: 255.0
    GW: 250.0
  • Congratulations Ian!! You are wasting away!!!

    Sue - I'm sorry you are holding on to that pesky water. You are going to rock this challenge!

    I am feeling a whole lot better. Pain is gone and I'm slowly stretching the muscles to get full movement back. I have one more surgery in December and I'll be done!!!

    My numbers:

    SW: 192
    CW: 192
    GW: 187
  • Dang. Up 1.4lbs today. Happens every Tuesday.

    SW: 174.4lbs
    8/20: 175.8lbs
    GW: 169.4lbs
  • IAN.. you are STILL in the 170's tho... Just think where you will be on Sunday!!! WOO HOO!

    I am back down today.. Up 2 lbs yesterday down 1.5 today.. Love my scale.. NOT!

    SW 248
    CW 246.5

    GW 243.5

    Until I get below 246... I am not declaring losing any weight!
  • Sw 172.5
    Gw 167.5

  • Glad you are feeling better prettymom!

    SW: 255.0
    CW: 254.8
    GW: 250.0
  • Way to go Sue, Smith and Mara! Ian, sorry about the gain. As for me, I'm still the same:

    SW: 151.25
    A20: 151.25
    GW: 146.25
  • Hello friends!

    My scale is stuck on the same number as yesterday. I guess that's better than gaining, but I have been working very hard to get the scale to move down, so I'd really like to see more progress. I got up extra early this am to do my walk before work. I hope I'm not too tired the rest of the day.

    My kids go back to school on Monday, my goal is to be in the 180's by then. I need to drink more water!!!

    Keep up the good work, and have an awesome Tuesday everyone!

    My numbers:

    SW: 192
    CW: 192
    GW: 187
  • Good job Sue on putting a dent in that gain.

    I'm doing the same. Down 0.8lbs today.

    SW: 174.4lbs
    8/20: 175.8lbs
    8/21: 175.0lbs
    GW: 169.4lbs
  • LOL Back up.... No rhyme no reason

    SW 248
    CW 247.5 so up 2 down 1.5 up 1 all in the last 3 days ?!

    GW 243.5