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  • Hi there,
    My name is Mike, and I'm a fat gay vegan.
    I am not really sure what all to write here, but I wanted to introduce myself.
    I'm a lapsed Weight Watchers lifetime member, and have recently reconnected with that group. The weight is painfully slow in dropping, which is frustrating for me, I'm now 36 years old and I suspect that has something to do with it.
    I decided to try to lose weight because I wanted to be more mobile, social and come off some medications.
    After becoming sober (3 years), going vegan and dropping 110 pounds, I've recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Funny, eh?
    So, my medication has actually increased by two pills a day. I know that damage done in the past to my body is just catching up to me, but it's still a bummer.
    My highest weight was something around 420... I say something around because my scales wouldn't weigh me until I hit 420... So who knows? I'm now a svelte 311, but I'm still afraid of exercise, because it was pretty much an impossibility at 420. For me anyway. I can move with a lot more freedom now, but the fear of dropping is still there. If that makes sense.
    I still have far to go, but one moment and choice at a time.
    Thanks for reading.
  • Hi Mike! That was a great intro! I'm so sorry you've been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, but I am so impressed that you've lost over 100 lbs! And I'm even prouder of you for your sobriety for 3 years! You're an inspiration! You'll get lots of support here and I know you'll be able to share some great insight too. Keep up the great progress and determination!
  • Thanks for the welcome Jacqui!
  • Hi there Mike, welcome!
  • Hi GuruMike! Sorry about your diagnosis. I wish you luck in your weight loss. You've made a good start already.
  • Thanks everyone.
    Weigh in day tomorrow. Eeep.
    Actually, I'm trying to be gentle on myself.
    The last time I was at my goal weight, I was very hard on and unforgiving with myself. My exterior changed, but I still had the same dysfunctional thought processes. I was miserable. And hungry.
    I've learned to be more compassionate with myself... it's hard not to be discouraged with myself when the scale doesn't move, but I'm trying.
  • Welcome and good luck on your journey!!
  • Hi Mike, welcome!
  • Hi Mike, 100 pounds down is great!!! Congrats. You will find all sorts of support and helpful advice here.
  • Hi fat gay vegan Mike. I'm fat gay-friendly carnivore Amy. Welcome to 3FC!

    I was also afraid of exercise. I started five weeks ago with walking around my neighborhood every other day. Each time I widened my route. Last week I joined Curves. I started with going around the circuit twice during a session. I go every week day. Tomorrow I'm going to start doing the circuit three times. I asked the trainer if that would be OK. She approved it because she said I am doing a great job.

    I am STUNNED that I am having a good time. Now I'm thinking that after I break 200, I will add more fun types of workouts. Kickboxing! Pole dancing classes!

    Don't be afraid. Start slowly and build up to more activities. Do things that you will enjoy. Good luck!
  • Welcome Mike! How did your weigh in go? I've always wanted to be Vegan but I fear I cheese has quite the grip on me. I'm so sorry about the T2D diagnosis, after all the weight loss that would be so difficult to accept. Best of luck.
  • Welcome!!! Im so glad that you decided to get healthier for you. I have an uncle about your age and he weighed in at 500+ pounds at his heaviest. He almost died Once he got out of the hospital he started Metabolic Research and lost 275#!! If he can do it so can you!! My hubby is also a type 2 diabetic so I have some idea of the struggles that come with that! I know that you can do this since you have already done BIG things with your health already! Best of luck in your journey. I'll see you along the way!
  • You all are so kind!
    I'm actually allergic to beef, pork and some fish, and I'm not that big on cheese, so it wasn't too traumatic a shift in diet. I'm also allergic to rice though, which is a bummer, because it's the one innocuous thing that they give people with a lot of allergies to eat!
    I lost this week, but only 0.1 pounds. I'm not sure if I like this getting older business
    I'm eating under my points allowance by around 8 - 10. When I lost all of the weight the first time, I was doing 123 Success. For those of you who remember there was a daily minimum - maximum points scale. But you weren't supposed to survive on the minimum for very long. I only ate that amount for over a year. The weight fell off, but I was driving myself insane.
    I'd like to maintain sanity and a sense of balance this time, even if it means the weight comes off more slowly (although I wouldn't mind if the rate picked up)
    275 pounds? That is amazing!
    I really have to start moving more. It's just to get over the initial wall!
  • Mike,

    Have you thought about going low carb?

    I have a family history of diabetes (type 2 kind) and obesity. I am not yet well versed enough to explain all the science behind it, but ketogenic nutrition (if you google it + weight loss you'll learn more. Also check out Jimmy Moore and lw carb) has been a real liberation for me.

    I have done weight watchers several times in my life and now am of the view that I would never go back.

    Just offering my experience for thought.

  • I haven't heard of him, I'll check out his stuff, thanks.
    Since finding out about the diabetes I've been avoiding higher GI foods. The dietitian at the diabetes clinic suggested that we read The New Glucose Revolution