My dessert food of choice: a bag of dark chocolate chips

  • I discovered some time ago that a bag of chocolate chips was an awesome value. Tasted just as good as bars and so much cheaper per ounce.

    I usually get Hershey special dark but might look for an even higher cocoa content. I have heard dark chocolate isn't exactly health food but it isn't bad of a lot of other choice.

    The other awesome thing is it is super easy for portion control. You aren't set at a whole candy bar. You can, in the extreme, portion it chip by chip. I usually eat a small/medium handfull slowly. One bag, can't remember if it is 8 or 16 ounce lasts me 2 to 3 weeks.

    If you never thought of getting a chip bag for snacking instead of baking why not? Same chocolate at a much better price than bars.
  • I think good dark chocolate bars taste better than chocolate chips but that is just me. I like between 70% and 80% dark chocolate.
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  • That is a genius idea! I love the taste of dark chocolate chips and Ghiradelli has a really high quality bag of them. That would really help with portion control. Thank you.
  • Quote: That is a genius idea! I love the taste of dark chocolate chips and Ghiradelli has a really high quality bag of them. That would really help with portion control. Thank you.

    LOL i would down the entire bag
  • I HAVE downed the entire bag! Too much temptation for me!
  • Quote: 80% is my sweet spot. I've eaten 99%, but 80% is my favorite.

    I also find that it's really hard to overdo it when you eat 80%+ dark chocolate. I can only handle a piece at a time.
    You know, I love the 99% bars, and these days - I just buy unsweetened chocolate (much cheaper!). Never thought I'd see the day, but a small piece of it, and I'm happy. And I've found that even though I think I want M&Ms and the like - they just do nothing for me, anymore (OK, maybe a little - but not worth it).

    People think i'm odd...but let them think!