Time to start over!

  • My intent was to stay on plan at least partway through vacation, but I failed a week before vacation, got myself out of ketosis and didn't go back on plan because I didn't want to be trying to get into ketosis during vacation...if I was already in that was one thing but I was careful, watched what I ate, and continued to exercise up until last week, when it all kind of went to ****. I had houseguests so it was hard for me to make it to the gym, we ate out a lot and I enjoyed more then a few treats. I did make a few healthy choices lol, but now I'm back to work and starting over on Medifast. I gained 9 pounds but my guess is a lot of that isn't 'real' weight, but the kind that comes off in a few days once your back on plan. I have a few hard days coming up...germanfest, family party, church potluck but I cannot afford any more off days, this is it for me until I reach goal!

    Before vacation I had lost 32 pounds, which is well more then halfway to my goal, so I treated myself to a halfway mark on my birthday and got myself a tattoo, which I'm super excited about!
  • You seem to have a good attitude. Just dust yourself off and get back on plan. The worst thing we can do when trying to eat better/exercise, is beat ourselves up. I do it a lot still, even though I know it's not effective. Since you mention ketosis, I assume you're doing low carb? What's your daily carb limit?

    Don't you love how once we're on diets, it seems food events are endless? lol But you sound strong-willed to have stuck to it up to this point. At Germanfest, assuming "typical" German food will be served, obviously stick to things like meat and cabbage and skip the potatoes, alcohol and chocolate cake. At the church potluck, do the same thing (though I assume no alcohol will be there!) Good luck and congratulations on losing 32 pounds!
  • Thanks Dani! I'm on the medifast program, so I get 5 of their prepackaged meals/day, and one of my own. 85-100g/carbs per day. I was debating between eating my lean and green meal during the day on the day i'm going to Germanfest, but...maybe I can do it with meat and cabbage. I was going so strong before these last few weeks. I got so good at saying no at parties, bringing my own food that I can eat to potlucks, and staying social without falling off the wagon but once I fell off, I did not get back on. Now I need to, so i'm starting fresh, not kicking myself for getting off, just going to pretend it didn't happen and start fresh. The worst part is the tank tops that i was so excited to buy and fit so nicely before now have fat bulging and don't look nearly as cute...so I want to wear those again and SOON! I bought them for something to look good in this summer!