Just a small celebration!

  • Two girls from work said that I have gotten thinner I have been counting calories since march and have dropped 16 lbs and people are actually noticing
    yaaayyy. Has anyone else here been called out on their slimmer figures? Do tell
  • Yup! Today! I lost my first 10lbs... And my closes are actually a lil loose. What a great feeling! Congrats on your loss!
  • Yeah I totally know what you mean! It's like the most exciting thing! Other than me just discovering spaghetti squash tonight. I literally was on here reading through forums, read one where a lady was talking about the squash... Googled it, got in my car, retrieved one and prepared and ate it ... entire squash only 165 calories..I had to share half with my husband because he loved the taste too. I can't believe it's not butter+olive oil,chives&basil=amazing!!