How do you stay away from fast food?

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  • That is my main problem. Driving by Taco Bell on my way home from work. I have started going a differant way home! How sad is that? Because I will literally get enough food for 2 people and binge when I get home. Then feel horrible. I never did this before. I don't know WHAT has happened to me. The last 5 years of my life have been full of stress and depression. And I have turned to food to fill me up.

    Any tips on what to do when you feel like you are going to crawl out of your skin if you don't binge? It makes me really feel out of control. I hate it.

    And is it just me or does every other commercial on tv seem to be about FOOD?
  • I'm a huge fast food binger. Instead of trying to eliminate it fully from your diet, you need to focus on picking healthy things when you do allow yourself to go there and not just say screw it and get enough for two people. There are a lot of things that can be made calorie-conscious on the taco bell menu. Check out the Fresco menu. You just can't allow yourself to get whatever you want. It's the hardest thing in the world when you're stressed, but you can do whatever you set your mind to.

    Usually I find working out helps me sort through my emotional stuff enough to not binge badly, but sometimes the eating disorder takes over and I can't help it. Challenge yourself to 10 days without binging, and take it one day at a time.
  • Hey,

    I have that problem too but I remember what motivated me to keep on driving by...its not worth it! Fast food is evil and is what is making us FAT and UGLY!!! Just think how hard you have to work to burn off all that greasy food. And, its also causing your body to age faster. Don't give in to what is your worst enemy...its what got us all here in the first place.

  • Your job must be a little trying or stressful.
    I say that, cause the only time I ever felt like I had to stop and get something to eat after work every day was when I was working in an extremely stressful environment.

    I used to no lie, get a fully loaded Chicago style Gyro every day after work.
    When I stopped working that job the cravings stopped.

    Obviously you can't quit your job.
    However subconsciously you seem like you feel you have to reward yourself after a days work.

    So what kinds of junk food do you like?
    I'm being serious here.

    I'm not going to give you some advice like, "carry veggies and ranch dip with you" cause most of the time when you want something you want something that tastes good, and is flavorful.

    So why not substitute for now.
    Instead of going to Taco Bell go to the gas station on your way home.

    Think about your average Taco Bell order.

    Soda, burrito with sauce, and a side maybe.
    Well the Soda and the burrito is 1000 to 1500 calories right there and the sodium is off the charts crazy.

    Now substitute that with a small bag of plain lays chips

    and a bottle of powerade.

    Your looking at 500 calories at the most vs 1500 to 2000 Taco Bell calories(do not want)!
  • Subway is full of chemicals, equally as bad as Taco Bell. Don't eat chips if you want a burrito, you're just going to eat the entire bag of chips and still want the burrito.

    I've been in eating disorder recovery for a year now. Just find a meal you'll be satisfied with that doesn't put you into a catatonic binge state afterwards. Make easy switches. Beef for Chicken, get rid of the cheese and sour cream (*you can make anything on the menu fresco, it replaces the cheese and sour cream with pico de gallo), and instead of getting cheesy potatoes or that extra taco, grab a side order of beans and rice to fill you up.

    Also, I'm not sure if you're using the term "binge" facetiously, but as someone with bulimia, I can tell you now that my binges are enough for eight people, not two people. Are you using the term just to explain that you're overeating?
  • I used to do the same thing as you. Heck, I would go to the drive-thru of multiple fast food places to get food in addition to buying enough food for two people.

    The only answer I have is that I was finally ready to give up the junk fast food. Once I was ready to do it, I've been able to stay away. I must say that it was harder at first and then got easier.

    I do still eat fast food, but its not from places like Taco Bell or McDonalds. I will go to places like Boston Market (for the turkey and chicken) and Pollo Tropical for the grilled chicken.

    I was hesitant to mention Pollo Tropical because they are mostly in Florida. But I checked and found that there is one in Laurenceville, GA. I probably go to Pollo Tropical 3 or 4 times a week to get their boneless grilled chicken. It is SO much better than the so-called "grilled" chicken you get at other fast food restaurants. Unfortunately they don't serve veggies, so I usually get a double order of salad with it and get the dressing on the side. Sometimes, if I am too lazy too cook dinner, I will buy some of their chicken and serve it with some microwaved steamed veggies that I make when I get home.
  • VERY stressful job
    Yes - my job is SUPER stressful. In fact - since I started working here I have put on about 50 pounds. I work in medical property management and it's always "Something". Every day. And I work for a huge corporate company so that is very stressful as well. Plus I sit on my rear end at a desk in front of a computer all day.

    Combo burrito - add sour cream and nachoes bellgrande. That's my go to meal. One time I got 3 combo burritos and ate them in the car on the way home. It was the first time in my life I felt ashamed of myself for food. I felt like "wow - that was messed up". And I eat it like I'm starving to death and won't have food for a month.

    It's like I can't get full. I do not drink sodas at all. I only drink water or diet tea (Lipton green diet citrus tea - love it!). So atleast that is not a problem. I used to drink lots of cokes. I have stopped that. But I just feel like my body is screaming for food! It's been about a month since I have started this and I lost 5 pounds immediately then it's like my body has hung on for dear life and I'm starving all the time.
  • Try setting aside a night at home as burrito night and make your own so you have a legit excuse not to eat it on the other days. Even if you make a replica calorie-wise at home, you're saving yourself the chemicals.
  • Thank you! I did buy some fat free refried beans at the grocery store and low fat cheese to eat. But I also put sour cream in there and some doritoes. I'm trying to find some "substitues" for my fast food cravings.

    I don't know if what I'm doing is truly "binging" or not. I have never been bulimic. I think I was anorexic in my past and def have depression/anxiety issues.

    It's more like I have this impulsive urge to stuff my face. Sometimes I am shaking when I'm eating - it's not good. It upsets me when I do it. I have become very self conscious eating around people too. Like at work. My boss is super fit, runs, barely eats all day, etc. I will only eat if he's not around!

    Quote: Try setting aside a night at home as burrito night and make your own so you have a legit excuse not to eat it on the other days. Even if you make a replica calorie-wise at home, you're saving yourself the chemicals.
  • Never be ashamed to eat. It sounds like some emotional overeating - have you considered a therapist? or even counting ten to one backwards slowly until the need to binge goes away. Sometimes I have to count to one from ten fifty or so times before it goes away; but it always, always, goes away.
  • Quote: Yes - my job is SUPER stressful. In fact - since I started working here I have put on about 50 pounds. I work in medical property management and it's always "Something". Every day. And I work for a huge corporate company so that is very stressful as well. Plus I sit on my rear end at a desk in front of a computer all day.

    Combo burrito - add sour cream and nachoes bellgrande.

    Oh god. I haven't been to Taco Bell in ages!
    I remember Nacho Bell Grandes used to be my favorite, especially with sour cream! I'm getting cravings!!! LOL.

    The only thing stopping me from breaking a 2 year Taco Bell boycott is the fact that I KNOW they no longer put green onions(scallions) in it!

    Girl I'm such a picky eater that I can't believe I've gotten so big.

    Anyway try something, cause YOU and I both know that Grande ain't right.
    Sure it might give you that warm itus feeling, but its not worth it.

    I say substitute for the next 7 days with any non fast food meal, then tell us how that worked for ya.
  • I have to say, Taco Bell is VERY conducive to over eating. What you described as being "ashamed" of was pretty much my typical meal at taco bell. I would usually have a couple of the smaller chicken burritos and a larger grilled stuffed burrito. Sometimes I'd be too full to eat all of it, but I would always have enough food to make me completely full. Most of the time I would eat past the point of being full.

    Speaking of low fat substitutes, have you ever tried using Fage 0% (no fat) Greek yogurt as a sub for sour cream? I do that all the time.
  • I eat lots of protein, no simple carbs, and lots of veggies. I'm always full and satisfied.
  • I've never binged on fast food. I don't enjoy the artificial taste, and all the cost-cutting fillers they add dilute the flavour and coarsen the texture. When I used to binge, it was always on the highest-quality, most interesting, most "foodie" type of foods. Needless to say it became an expensive habit. The "benefit" was that gourmet foods are harder to get than fast foods.

    Can you develop a bit of a "food snob" mentality? If you become discriminating about quality and refuse to overeat unless you get high-quality taste for your buck, it may help with the binging. Just an idea to consider.

  • I absolutely agree with freelancemomma. I've had episodic binges in the past, but they were never on fast food -- for the same reasons as she states.

    It sounds elitist to say this, but developing a more discriminating sense of what tastes good and is worth eating could very potentially curb your binges, if only because they'll become prohibitively expensive. When I was younger, I was not concerned with aesthetic appeal in foods. Now I am, and it keeps me away from the general lot of junk food.