Does anyone keep "goal clothes" around?

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  • The last time I was thin, it was 2002. I have gotten rid of all my "skinny clothes" because I figure they'll be hopelessly out of style by the time I get back into them, but I have a pair of blue jeans in my drawer. Size 13 Juniors. Not exactly skinny-mini at my height, but not fat either. They were my favorite pair of pants at a weight that I was happy with and could still eat without feeling deprived. They are from a time when 13s were smaller than they are now, and before stretch denim was popular. I keep them because no matter what the scale says, my real weight goal is to fit back into them.

    Does anybody else keep any of their old skinny clothes around for motivation, or am I weird?
  • I just went to a yard sale and bought a pile of jeans. They are all the same brand/style in different sizes. I thought it would be fun as I reach each size. Are you weird? I don't know about you but I think it is fun being weird.
  • re:
    You're not weird. The brand of jeans I wear was on some sort of super sale so I bought 2 pairs of each size down to my goal size.
  • I have a fair bit of my old "skinny" clothing in my spare closet, mostly business jackets and suits that are classics and will likely never go out of style. They're in a size 4 or 6. I can't wait to wear them again!
  • I have several items from the last time I was below 200 a couple of years ago that I think of as goal clothes. They represent a major goal but not the final goal.

    I also have a size medium shirt that I won as a door prize at a work event. We will have workshop events with door prizes and 9 out of 10 times, they are shirts that the bookstore could not sell. Usually I just hand them over to a small coworker or someone that has children but I got one that I liked so decided to keep it as a goal shirt.

    I would not spend much money on a goal item of clothing but I think they can help us.
  • I still have all my high-end business suits around in sizes 2, 4, , 6, and 8. My lowest weight was 115 lbs. I will probably not make it all the way back to my oldest suits, but size 8 is in sight and size 6 sould be possible. Before I discovered Ebay, I purchased everything full prize, so did not want to get rid of them. Now, I am quite glad. They serve to keep me motivated.
  • Not weird at all. Having been overweight from a very young age, I don't have any old skinny clothes...but when I started this journey my fiance bought me a super gorgeous dress in a size 12 (my request), I hung it on the wall next to my treadmill! LOL! So if you are weird, I must be really wacky! Sounds like a great goal to me! I like that you are focusing on that as opposed to a #!
  • I have one plastic tub full of clothing in smaller sizes from before my pregnancy. I had a lot more but got rid of most of it recently because my "style" interest has changed a lot since then. I used to have a lot of nice pants for work but I have always favored flowey skirts and simple cotton dresses with leggings and now that I'm a stay at home mom I can wear whatever I want... haha... Can't wait to fit into some of my older stuff again.

    I shopped at Goodwill today and found a couple beautiful sweaters in size L which is kind of my "winter mini goal" to fit into by then. So I'm going to keep those sweaters in sight. I also bought a pattern at JoAnn fabric for a 1910 style men and womens driving coats ... pattern size for the women's only goes up to 18 though! I am going to make those coats for my January anniversary I think (Hubby loves old fashioned clothing)! I might wait until 2015 because I'm hoping to be to goal by then... for all the effort of making a coat I want something that is going to fit me for awhile!
  • I got rid of all my old "skinny" clothes during a crazy point in my pregnancy. But I have re bought new skinny "goal" clothes that I keep around.
  • Well I haven't been at a thin weight since kindergarten, so I don't have any old skinny clothes.

    I did almost buy a lovely dress I found in a thrift store. It was a Cheongsam style (with the crossover mandarin neckline) in an aqua shantung with brightly colored fish embroidered all over it. It looked like something out of a movie.

    Even as an art piece, it would have been a good buy, but I was trying to be practical. I would have had to become skeletal to wear it and so I passed it by. I've regretted it ever since (when I went back for it a few days later, it was gone).

    I kicked myself because I could have had the dress copied, if I had even just taken a picture.

    Now I do have a couple of "just around the corner" pieces, but they were bought mail-order that fit well enough to keep, but not enough to wear, but I wish I could say I found them motivating rather than frustrating.
  • I have almost all of the clothes from my 'happy and healthy range' which are size 12s and a couple of 14s. I cannot wait to wear them again, because I know I will be that size again for sure!
  • Everlasting, that is a beautiful goal to have in mind. And since you're making it yourself, you're going to want to work not to outgrow that coat since you put so much work into making it.
  • I don't have goal clothes around, but see nothing wrong with it.
  • Not "skinny clothes"...GOAL clothes
    I HAVE A TON!! Mainly my old scrubs that were the first SMALLS in anything I had ever purchased. It took me so long to get to the point to fit into a small scrub pant! In nursing school it was XL this and XL large that. After almost 2 years of dealing with a Hypothyroid my levels are finally normal but I am 35 lbs heavier and my small scrubs are all folded in a cute LITTLE pile in the closet. I never threw them out b.c I WILL get back into them again. Hopefully sooner than later. I also bought a dress in April when I went overseas to England to visit family. It was ADORABLE but of course they didn't have my big girl size. I had already decided that when I got back to America that drastic changes were about to made so that I could wear that dress! Then a few weeks later my doctor told me about IP when I went to have my thyroid labs checked (and they were finally normal, woo hoo)!! we are...2 weeks later and I am soooooo ready to pull out all of my GOAL CLOTHES (outdated or not!)
  • Goal Clothes?
    Girl please.
    Let me tell you what I did.
    I threw away half of my whole closet, leaving only some basic slacks/shirts, and my workout cloths, because I'm determined to be fitter than I've ever been. I figured I need new cloths for next year anyway