Ready For The Heat!

  • Normally summer was the worst season for me because I sweat profusely. I can be sitting in one spot doing absolutly nothing and I look like I just came back from the gym. Last summer everything changed, don't get me wrong I still sweat but I started embrassing it. I would go out for my daily walk and come back drenched, I weighed in and noticed a 2 pound drop. I know its just water weight, but 2 pound drop in one walk was exciting. From late July to the end of August I dropped around 20 pounds. I will admit, I fell off the horse during the winter and gained it back. Around December I got back on that horse and resumed, I am 20 pounds down again and just in time for the summer time, I cannot wait, this time around I will take full advantage.
  • I love your picture!

    That is funny, because I was just complaining on Fitocracy yesterday about ''NOOOO NOT THE HEAT'' lol.

    I don't mind sweating while I run (I got out this morning and I was drenched when I got back) but it always take about 30 minutes before I stop sweating... Which is annoying when you go in the shower and come out still feeling YUUUUCK.
  • It was already almost 80 degrees here this morning when I went for a walk. I shortened my walk and went back home to my basement for my treadmill. I'm so vain, I don't want to be sweaty and gross in public! It's going to be 90 later today and tomorrow, I better plan to exercise early! I think Sunday might be the same so maybe I should exercise outside before my weigh-in Monday morning!
  • Elvis, if you have time would you please send me about 10 of those degrees. We're finally going to get some sun this weekend after a two week long deluge of rain and day time temps in the 50s, but some temps in the 70s would seem like heaven right now!

    Love your going back home so no one sees you sweaty -- wear it as a badge of honor. Walking at a fast enough pace to work up a sweat is still a goal for me!
  • Quote: It was already almost 80 degrees here this morning when I went for a walk. I shortened my walk and went back home to my basement for my treadmill. I'm so vain, I don't want to be sweaty and gross in public! It's going to be 90 later today and tomorrow, I better plan to exercise early! I think Sunday might be the same so maybe I should exercise outside before my weigh-in Monday morning!
    There's nothing wrong with sweating, I do it all the time in front of everyone in my Jazzercise class. No one who works out is going to think anything about it. If I don't come home dripping wet with sweat from class my husband doesn't think I worked out--ha.ha. If I see someone who is not sweating--I don't believe they're working out hard enough.

    Consider sweat your "badge of honor" in your exercise routine-and show it off. Plus sweating gets rid of all the toxins in your body--and you have to feel sorry for those that actually can't sweat.

    I used to play racquetball with a woman--and we had each other running all over the court. I was dripping wet--and the only thing her body would do is turn a bright red--and she complained about not being able to sweat. Sweating is your own little body air-conditioner turning on. Because I could sweat I was able to cool my body down and she was just getting hotter and hotter.

    If you're hot while walking or running outside--just get a baseball hat wet and wear it. It works great to keep you a little cooler for a little longer. But whatever you do--don't worry about how you look when you're exercising. It's the end result of how you will look--that will keep you moving and sweating.
  • Haha resourceful!