Day By Day Monday

  • Well, ladies it's Monday, I'm starting over and I'm setting me some goals.

    Here are mine:
    1) Eat what I plan for the day.
    2) Exercise at lunch (treadmill) and after work (Contours).
    3) Drink my water.

    I've decided to do something called POPTP, which stands for Perfectly On Program Til Portland. I'm going on vacation June 18 to Portland, OR, and I'm going to try to stay POP until then. Once there, I'm going to eat what I want.

    OK, ladies, I gotta get a little work done. Come out and post your goals for the day!!
  • I really need to start participating in this on a regular basis.

    Goals for Monday:

    Drink 96oz of water.
    1 Hour of Yoga.
    Eat 5 Fruits & Veggies.

    Simple. I should be able to do this.

  • Laura--

    There's no "should" about it when you're talking about achieving your goals!! You should say "I WILL be able to do this".

    Why am I sitting behind a desk when I could be a motivational speaker?????
  • Thanks Stuart Smalley......